Читать книгу You: Having a Baby: The Owner’s Manual to a Happy and Healthy Pregnancy - Michael Roizen F. - Страница 53
The Sick Sense: Nausea and Nutrition
ОглавлениеFor many women, the big issue about food during pregnancy is what we just talked about: the carte blanche attitude that they’re justified to eat all they want because they’re carrying a baby. But just as many women (and often the very same women) want food about as much as they want a hole in the headboard. They feel sick, get sick, and are sick. And to top it off, they feel guilty about being sick because they worry that they’re not siphoning up enough calories and nutrients for their babies.
The facts about morning sickness* are this: About 80 percent of pregnancies come with a side order of nausea, and 20 percent of women can’t work because the nausea is so bad. Most cases resolve by fourteen weeks, and nausea usually gets better with time (and, typically, with subsequent pregnancies). Plus, it seems that there’s a genetic element to it, since it tends to be passed from mother to daughter.