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THE THREE CLERKS: A Novel. By Anthony Trollope, author of Barchester Towers etc. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. 1858. 3 vols. Ex. Cr. 8vo (4¾ × 7¾).

Vol. I. pp. iv + 340.

Vol. II. pp. iv + 322 + (2).

Vol. III. pp. iv + 334 + (2).

No half-titles. Paper boards, half cloth, paper label. White end-papers. Also in dark grey-purple watered cloth, gilt, blocked in blind, with yellow end-papers.

Notes—(i) Although dated 1858, this book was actually published in December, 1857.

(ii) I have seen a copy of this book in a binding of the grey-purple cloth above mentioned, but with paper labels as employed on the half-cloth edition.

Excursions in Victorian Bibliography

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