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This book would not have been possible without the experiences gained through cumulative interactions with colleagues, close friends and family. I want to thank Joanna, my beautiful wife of 13 years, for being the chief strategist, psychologist, motivator and project manager of our home. Joanna puts her heart and soul into emotionally supporting, educating and disciplining our three beloved children each and every day. I admire her innate drive to succeed at everything she does. I admire her positive attitude and her uncommon ability to be all things to everyone.

Thank you to the smart, talented colleagues I’ve had the great fortune to work with over the past 15 years. It’s through these interactions that I have shaped my professional worldview. I want to express gratitude to my peers, managers, executives and project teams for all the knowledge they have imparted to me. If this book provides just one single tip, tool, phrase or special insight that will remain in my readers’ professional knowledge toolkit for the foreseeable future, I will have accomplished my mission of giving back to the project management community.

The Effective Project Manager

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