Читать книгу Corporate Finance For Dummies - Michael Taillard - Страница 26

Health insurance companies


Corporations deal a lot with health insurance companies because their employees often demand health insurance — not to mention healthy employees tend to be more productive. Health insurance is a very popular benefit for employees because being insured as a part of a large group is generally less expensive than trying to find individual insurance:

 Group insurance is cheaper than individual insurance because the probability of large groups of people being rewarded more than they pay in premiums is lower than that of individuals.

 Group insurance was frequently the only option that allowed for coverage on preexisting conditions (conditions people developed before receiving insurance); however, under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, insurance companies can no longer deny coverage to people.

Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) are a popular, and often cheaper, insurance option for both corporations and individuals because they require everyone insured to go through a general physician, who acts as a kind of gatekeeper by determining whether a referral to a specialist is required.

Corporate Finance For Dummies

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