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movit Amphion lapides canendo

[Amphion moved the stones with his singing]

Horace, Odes 3.11.2

La migliore fortezza che sia, è non essere odiato dal populo; perché, ancora che tu abbi le fortezze, et il populo ti abbi in odio, le non ti salvono.

[The best fortress in the world is not to be hated by the people, because even fortresses will not save you if you are hated.]

Machiavelli, Il Principe [The Prince]

Ce miel attique, cest à dire une oraison perfaictement elabouree, ornee de graves et sages sentences, embellie de belles paroles, où la raison et la verité, illustrees par leur propre et plus riche ornement, reluisent en une splendeur admirable.

[Attic honey, that is, a perfectly composed oration, adorned with grave and wise thoughts, embellished with beautiful diction, where reason and truth, illustrated by the proper and richest ornamentation, radiate with a wondrous splendor.]

Du Vair, De l’eloquence françoise

[Of French Eloquence]

ὥσπερ οὖν ὁ πλωτὴρ εἷς τις τῶν κοινωνῶν ἐστιν, οὕτω καὶ τὸν πολίτην φαμέν.

[Just as a sailor is a member of an association, so too is a citizen].

Aristotle, PoliticsAristotlePolitics 3.4 1276b20,

trans. Ernest Barker.

Amphion Orator

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