Читать книгу I Go to Bed. Bedtime Stories for the very young, and not only for them - Michael Turunovsky - Страница 3

A Girl and a Cot


“Well, it looks not bad!” – said a furniture master having completed his work.” I think children should like it.” – continued he looking at the cot in the middle of his studio which he had just made.

I must say that the cot was really wonderful. Freshly painted, it sparkled charmingly in the light. A new soft mattress was ready to embrace a child. It appealed: “Well, come to me, quickly and have a rest!”

Next day the cot was placed in a furniture store. A little girl came there with her parents to buy a new cot for her.

“I want this one, this one!” yelled she at once, pointing exactly at that cot.

The parents liked the cot as well and within a few hours it was in their apartment. And as soon as the girl had entered the room she immediately climbed up the new cot and started jumping on it, swinging her arms in all directions. “Oh, oh, oh! What are you doing? – cried the cot.” It hurts me!”

But, unfortunately, people can’t hear what their beds tell them. And the girl continued to jump on the new not long ago so soft and flat mattress turning it into a mess.

Alas… The girl was not very neat and more than that she turned out slut and slattern.

She went to bed without washing her face and hands, without cleaning her teeth and she didn’t change her clothes for pajamas.

“Shocking! “– exclaimed the cot. But the girl couldn’t hear that either. And when she finally fell asleep she started to strike her hands and legs against the cot tossing and turning constantly in her sleep.

“Oh, I can’t stand it any more! – blurted the cot out and stooping a little bit it threw the negligent mistress down onto the floor.

“It’s bad! It’s a bad cot! – screamed the girl, lying on the floor.” Sell it immediately!” Next day the cot was returned to the store. Just yesterday it was so nice and cheerful! But now it stood lonely in the corner of the trade hall, tarnished and disappointed. And if only beds could cry, it would have surely burst into tears as it had been greatly offended. But suddenly somebody stroked her very tenderly and gently. The cot felt the crumpled mattress slowly smoothed out and soon shone again with its former beauty.

“How nice it is! – heard the cot an unfamiliar but a very pleasant child’s voice.

“Let’s buy it! I like it so much!” – said another little girl applying to her parents who had come together with the girl to choose a cot for her.

The matter was that the girl was afraid to sleep alone in her room. And then her dad had suggested that they should buy a new cot and the girl should make friends with it. They wanted a new cot to become a real friend for the girl. “It’s much easier to solve any life problem together with friends” – said her dad.

“Well, it’s really very nice! – agreed the parents and went to the cashbox to pay. And then the cot was brought into a new room of it’s new owner. The girl covered the cot with a very nice new bed-spread and the cot felt even safer and cozier at it’s new place. Then the girl placed her favorite soft toys on the cot so that it shouldn’t feel lonely in the daytime. The cot breathed freely and calmed down completely.

At last the night came. The girl washed thoroughly before going to bed, then she put on her new clean pajamas and entered her bedroom. She approached the cot quietly and stroked it gently once more.

“What a nice cot! Let’s be friends!” – said the girl getting into the bed and covering herself with a warm duvet.

The cot was delighted with it’s new mistress and it wanted to do something pleasant for her at once. And then it decided to tell her a good kind tale.

I Go to Bed. Bedtime Stories for the very young, and not only for them

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