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Chapter 2


My stomach is in knots as I mount the stairs leading into the Oakland Induction Center. Hundreds of young men my age climb the steep steps, like lambs to the slaughter.

“Kill some gooks. Kick some ass.”

These macho punks actually want to go to Vietnam.

There are no others like me. Maybe they’re already in Canada.

We are herded into a green-walled classroom to fill out forms. It’s claustrophobic. The men sit at tiny desks like school kids and horse around as they complete their applications. Cigarettes dangle from nearly every lip and fill the room with the exhaust.

These guys have never seen anything like me. I try to ignore their wisecracks.

“Does the queer want to kill some gooks? Kick some ass. I’ll kick his ass.”

Screw them. The more of an outsider I appear, the more the doctors will see that I don’t fit in. My goal is simple. See the psychiatrist. Get out.

I’m told that if you don’t wear underwear, they’ll assume you’re gay and send you straight to the shrink. Watch this. Fifty of us stand in a circle. A red-headed, fat Sergeant commands us to “drop trou.” Here goes…

“Get that faggot outta here and away from my boys,!” screams the Sergeant to an assistant. I’m yanked from the room and hurried down a hallway to the shrink’s office. All right! I’ll be a free man in no time!

I hand my doctor’s letter to the shrink, who looks it over then sets it down. My pitch is real short.

“Listen, the quicker I’m back in the street the better for everyone. These losers can throw their life away. They don’t know any better. Me, I’ve got important things to do.”

The ashen-faced shrink is inscrutable, like the Sphinx.

“Besides I have allergies and mental problems.” There. I said it.

The shrink says nothing. He stares at me for a moment, then resignedly leans forward and stamps my papers: ‘Fit To Serve.’

“Welcome to the Army,” he smiles, self-satisfied.

On the Edge of a Dream

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