Читать книгу Cultures Built to Last - Michael Fullan - Страница 5



About the Authors

Introduction: Systemic PLCs

The Challenge of Cultural Change

Why We Need Systemic PLCs

Why Systemwide Reform Is Best

A Roadmap for Going Big

One: Clarity Precedes Competence

What Is a Professional Learning Community?

What Can Go Wrong?

The Time Is Now

You Are the System

Two: Creating Coherence and Clarity

Barriers to Coherence

Strategies for Coherence Making

The Payoff of Coherence Making

Three: The Loose-Tight Dilemma

The Too-Tight Problem

The Danger of Carrots and Sticks

The Too-Loose Problem

The Right Balance

Clarifying What Is Tight

Examples of Too-Loose and Too-Tight Leadership Using the Common Core State Standards

Four: The Loose-Tight System in Action

Building Shared Knowledge and Deep Understanding

Creating a Guaranteed Implemented Curriculum

Monitoring Progress at the School Site

Supporting Improvement Through Reciprocal Accountability

Building Ongoing Adult Learning Into the System

Celebrating Incremental Progress

Five: Sustaining the Improvement Process

Widespread Commitment to Both Long-Term Goals and Short-Term Action

A Collaborative Culture and Collective Responsibility for Achieving Goals

Lots of Leaders to Sustain Reform

A Relentless Focus on Continuous Improvement

Recognition and Celebration of Short-Term Wins

Engagement in Continuous Improvement and Focused Innovation

Resolute Leadership

Fostering Systemness

Afterword: Thinking (and Doing) Bigger

References and Resources


Cultures Built to Last

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