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A Short History of My Life and the First Lesson of Reaperhood

So, I already wrote about the history of reapers. And I figured maybe I should write about the history of me. Well, not in a Lifetime movie kind of way. The first sixteen years of my life aren’t exactly riveting. Here are the highlights:

* * *

I was born.

Then Ally was born.

Having a sister two years younger than me is annoying...except when it’s not.

Uncle Vinnie died when I was three.

Mom left us when I was ten.

Nonna moved in and taught us about cooking and fear. (Hello, rolling pin.)

I started zombie-making training.

I survived my freshman year of high school.

I am currently enduring my sophomore year of high school.

I got my driver’s permit.

I turned sixteen.

I had an Anubis dream.

* * *

Like I said, riiiiiiiiiiveting. I hope that my future holds more exciting adventures, even beyond driving and dating. I did just accept Anubis’s offer of extra gifts, but I had brain fail in the dream.

So here’s the first lesson of being a reaper in training.

Ask questions.

I haven’t known Anubis long, but I don’t think he’d mind if you posed a query or two about what to expect when you agree to serve him. Here are few questions, you might want to ask:

What does serving you mean exactly?

How do I know when it’s time to serve you?

What’s the timeframe for serving you? It is...um, forever?

Do I get vacation days?

What gifts did you give me? And what am I supposed to do with them?

Are there perks involved with service to an immortal god? Such as free chocolate, a day pass away from my sister or getting out of school early?

Will there be homework?

* * *

Feel free to personalize these questions as they suit your birthday dream conversation with Anubis. Meeting Anubis is usually a time-sensitive matter, so keep your questions precise and be prepared for answers that will totally bum you out. If you don’t have time to ask him about homework...the answer is yes.

There is always homework.

One more FYI...

You will be afraid. That fear will sit like a cold, dark lump in your stomach, and it will grow tentacles and clutch at your heart and your brain, and choke your thoughts and emotions until all that exists is pain and exhaustion and terror.

My advice?

Embrace it.


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