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Your Brain – Where it All Begins
ОглавлениеYou are already in possession of the only tool that you need to make the law of attraction work for you, your brain.
Your brain is an amazing tool and contains power that you can actually harness to work for you, helping you achieve your goals, better yourself, and enrich your life.
With just a few simple adjustments to how you think, you can actually start achieving your goals instead of just dreaming about them.
Your brain is the gateway to your success or failure and we are here to help you succeed.
As a whole, humans tend to always find a reason as to why the things that they want do not happen.
Something or somebody is always to blame, but certainly not them, oh no! Granted, external factors are big influences in how our lives turn out, but not because of the factors themselves but rather, how we react to them.
That is probably a new way of thinking for you. The law of attraction is based on that, your reactions, your thoughts, you attracting what you are thinking of.
Our lives are so uncertain, that uncertainty causes stress, a lot of it. You might work very hard only to see somebody else get the reward, which can be frustrating and make you want to give up.
The minute you think you might give up, you have given up, because it is a thought that has manifested.
Part of the law of attraction will be that you will start taking responsibility for your actions and your mistakes; not because we want you to feel bad, but because it is your life, and ultimately what happens is up to you; good, bad or indifferent.
Part of improving yourself is to recognize that you are not perfect and to take responsibility for your own actions, by doing that you will be putting yourself in a healthy frame of mind, in a positive frame of mind to begin to use the law of attraction to your benefit.
The world is not to blame for your troubles or your lack of success, your way of thinking is.
Oh sure, sometimes things happen that are simply beyond our control, setbacks are a part of life.
It is how we deal with them that makes the difference.
That is why some people seem to naturally get the things that they want out of life while others seem to struggle and get nowhere.
Thinking is complex; much of how we think is not even done by our conscious brain, but by the subconscious.
Our thinking patterns are influenced by how we were conditioned to think, starting way back when we were babies.
The good news is that those ingrained thinking patterns can be changed.
By picking up this book, you already know that you are willing to make changes in order to start attracting what you want out of life.
All action begins with thought, so when we want to see certain actions happen we must start to think about them happening.
You already know the basic premise of this. Have you ever been in a good mood only to watch a movie that had a sad scene, and it makes you sad for a while after you see the movie, but if you have a good laugh, the sadness goes away?
A sad movie will make you cry, a funny scene will make you laugh.
How you are thinking directly effects your actions and what you do.
By thinking about being happy, you end up being happy.
By thinking about being sad, you can make yourself sad.
Happy thoughts attract happy reactions and bring more happiness into your life.
Now, when you are angry, and you react with anger, you get angry responses back from people, which in turn, only makes you angrier.
Anger attracts anger. Happiness attracts happiness.
Now, think of it as more than just thinking about happy things to be happy. Think of how that works on a broader scale and that is the law of attraction.
When you begin to think of the things that you want, as if you already have them, you react as if you already do have them, therefore attracting those very things to you.
If you want money, think of yourself already having it instead of just wishing for it, and see yourself having it already and you will attract money to you.
It all starts with your brain, the magic center to unlocking your desires.
See yourself in that perfect relationship instead of wishing you were; start acting as if the relationship you have is perfect and the law of attraction will make it so.
The law of attraction works and it will work for you but you have to believe in it.
You must have faith and patience to give it time to work. There is no guaranteed timeframe for the law of attraction, things do not happen overnight, nor will we say that in a year that you will have all that you want.
We will say that the law of attraction works for those that put forth the effort and those who have faith that it will work.
If you are looking for a quick fix or a shortcut to getting what you want without working for it, the law of attraction will not work for you.
You must want to believe, and you must want to make the necessary changes in order for the law of attraction to work.
What works for one person quickly, may not work as quickly for another person. This section is to get you to understand that the basis of the law of attraction all begins with your brain.
Your thinking is what got you to wherever you are in life right now, and it can take you so much further once you know how to unlock its potential.
Trust us when we say that all people have the potential to make the law of attraction work, how much effort you put into it determines what benefits you receive.
This is not a shortcut to success it is a change in your entire way of thinking, to make life-long changes to benefit you.
It is that change that you must make in your thinking that takes the most work because you will have to overcome a lifetime of conditioning to think the way that you already think.
The law of attraction will require you to focus, and to focus on the right things, not the wrong ones.
Consider the law of attraction to be a magnifying glass and your focus is the lens, which expands what you are focusing on so that it manifests into your life.
For the majority of the people who try using the law of attraction to their advantage and fail it is not because of a lack of focus, although that is a reason, but they focus on the wrong things.
Remember the example about getting bills in the mail?
When a wealthy person gets a bill, they just pay it and do not really give it a second thought.
When a person who does not have much money gets a bill, they worry and stress about finding money to pay it, and then they start thinking about how will they pay for another bill if they get another bill and they focus on that lack of money and the probability that more bills will come.
That is an example of focusing on the negative, and it will only bring more negativity, such as more bills into your life.
By learning how to pinpoint your focus onto the things that you want, that focus will seep into your thinking, into your subconscious thinking, which will in turn affect your conscious thinking.
By learning how to re-direct your focus, you can re-train your brain on how to think in new and better ways with a focus on the positive.
By doing this, you are opening yourself up to vastly improving yourself and your life.
By re-directing your thinking towards the positive, you will begin to eliminate the negative from your life instead of inviting it in.
By refusing to give in to the negative, you will react better to situations and problems than you have in the past, allowing you to turn them into opportunities instead of problems.
People who seem to have things just come to them easier than most have learned that trick, which is what this book is about.
We often create our own roadblocks in life even though we may not realize it, but we do and it all is due to our way of thinking.
That thinking is what you can change and with our help, it is what you will change in order to change your life.
Stop wondering why you are not getting what you want and start attracting it; it all starts in your brain.