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New tasks


In the distance her uncle's castle came in sight – Aljona's old and new home. When newly wed she had left the familiar, protective and dear hold walls. Never did she anticipate, that she would have the adjourn their shelter again so soon and as a widow. But what else could she do? She was very thankful to get this chance at least. In other families a woman in her position would have been married to the next best man who applied for her. It was the only safety for a woman. Aljona detested this system, in which a woman alone was worth nothing, just an ornament her husband's side, useful for keeping the house, feeding his appetite and bearing children. And a woman like her, who was different, almost wild, had to be tamed and brought to heel by beating or even worse methods.

Matthew had been dissenting. He loved and esteemed her, her opinion and advice were of importance for him. When they were together, she had not to dissemble, because he accepted her in any respects. He knew her sentimental as well as her fierce side and appreciated them in equal measure. But now he was gone and her fate extremely uncertain. Her uncle Richard was a wise, kind and strong man, who would try his best to safe her from all mischief. But it was without fail, that there were several unmarried men in his services, who would contend for her. How long would they be able to bear up the pressure? Many things had changed. She was not that little girl anymore, even though she felt the same as about 19 years ago when she arrived here first, looking for shelter and a place to call home. Slowly the passel drew nearer to its destination. As it was respectable she rode on a side saddle behind her uncle and her cousin, who were in the fore of the procession, not next to them. The etiquette had to be kept up, at least outwards. Or would everything go on like this, being short of her masters in the future? She was curious about the plans her uncle had made for her. Soon she would find out.

The people living in the castle gave her a warm, but also depressing welcome. She knew most of the inhabitants and servants from the past and they all offered their sincere condolences to her. Aljona was tired from the journey. Furthermore she agonized herself the whole day to retain her composure. She would have preferred to avoid dinner and retire to her chamber warming the still cold and stiff limbs by wrapping herself into the blanket, being alone and abandoning herself to her grief. But unfortunately this was refused to her, because the banquet in the hall was held to honour her as well as in memory of her deceased husband. Her stomach cramped already at the sight of the dishes, narrowly she ate a few morsels. Jacob, who sad on the right hand side of his father, while she took the seat at his left, seemed similar. But there was another reason, why she could not leave the party early: Her uncle asked her to see him after dinner. She wondered what might be so important, that they could not talk about the other day?

The wood in the fireplace crackled loudly and the accurately stratified, meanwhile almost charred pieces imploded. As arranged she attended her uncle to his private room, after he ended the meal officially. He offered her to sit opposite to him and poured in a mug of spiced wine. Afterwards he started conversation by asking her how she felt and she answered truthfully. To that moment everything was alright, but after his last words her facial features had frozen. With her eyes and mouth wide open she stared at him, not able to reply anything. A deafening silence filled the room. He knew from the beginning, that this was the wrong time for such a talk. Nevertheless the concern of the matter bore no delay. They had to consult and decide together, what Aljona's future should be like.

“By heavens sake, don't look at me like this”, he said.

She shut her mouth, swallowed whatever she wanted to answer and faced him without even trying to hide her bewilderment.

“I already imagined that this is no option for you”, he continued to speak. “But I wanted you to consider the possibility at least. During the whole journey I racked my brain how to keep you from marrying someone, who does not owe you.”

“And this is your conclusion? Pinch her yourself before somebody else does?!”, she retorted disgustedly and full of bitterness. Her voice was louder than usually, she trembled inwardly, tears came to her eyes. Richard had to calm her, otherwise someone might her them. The content of their discussion was not destined for everybody's ears. He better not tell her that originally he planned to marry her to his son, for it would upset her even more.

“As I have already told you, I just wanted you to consider this eventuality.”

“You are like my own father. How could I ever marry you? Sleep with you? Give you children?”

He accepted this objection, he expected it anyway. Therefore he explained his intentions further: “I understand your attitude very well. I feel the same at heart. Though I am not your fleshly father in the eyes of God there is nothing to argue against such a bond. It would be the easiest way to assure your rank here at the castle. Never mind, I am acquainted with you long enough to know you have a mind of your own and that you are prepared to walk the rocky road. So listen: From now on you are the Lady of this castle and responsible for managing the reserves and so on, in fact without marrying me or my heir, not even getting engaged. That should be no problem, for the local conditions are completely familiar to you. Old Barbara may help you, she managed everything after the death of your aunt and assisted her before. I grant you a mourning period of one year. Of course I will not force you to marry anyone afterwards, but I beg you for not ignoring potential candidates and weighing with your heart as well as with your sense, whether you could image to marry one of them. A marriage for reason may not be a bad one necessarily. Your aunt and I, we had to learn loving each other first and finally had been very happy together. Do you accept this conditions?”

Her features became relaxed again, but she was still pale, her melancholy eyes fixed an empty space of the room. She got a big load to carry on her shoulders, Richard knew the task, he gave to her, was responsible and difficult. Nevertheless he had no doubt, she would make it.

Well aware he was watching her intensely, she eventually answered silently: „Yes, thus it should be.“

He took note of her answer by nodding satisfied. For a spell they kept silent, both sunken into their own thoughts while gazing at the flames gradually going out. The room was getting colder, through the silence they could hear the icy wind outside chivvying around the castle. Aljona shivered and pulled the shawl closer around her shoulders. Her eyes were heavy and her head aching. She wanted to be alone now, she needed time to reflect and time to lament. From tomorrow on she would get this time by day. “By your leave I will go to bed now. I am really tired”, she said as she rose.

“There is another matter”, he hold her back. She looked at him puzzled and took her seat again. “I want to asses your status among the men clearly. Not all of them know you from formerly or got your significance straight. They should know you are no defenceless, scared girl, but someone, who rivals them. If everything works out as I imagined, you may even train the knaves soon.”

Aljona was surprised by this turn. She had already thought, that the times, her uncle treated her like a son, were finally over. Obviously she had been completely mistaken. For the second time on this evening he made her speechless, but this time for elatedness. Tensely she listened to the ingenious plan, he had devised.


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