Читать книгу The One That I Want - Michelle Monkou - Страница 3


“You’re the perfect superhero type,” she mused.

“Now you’re being cruel.”

“Nope. It’s always the quiet types who have the deepest strength. The others are brute force and brawn. Boring. The intellectuals have a delightful way of taking their time, stroking their way, biding their time to the happy ending.”

He puffed up his chest. “Yeah. Do I need an S on my chest?”

“No, you need something original. Mysterious, dark, brooding.”

“I don’t brood.”

“You think hard.” She smiled. “Better.”

“Every superhero needs a leading lady.”

“Are you holding auditions?”

“Only have one person in mind.”

“I wonder who that will be.”

“She’ll know. They always know that they are the one.”

“But then they let the superhero go because he’s got a destiny bigger than hers.”

“Or she takes a step back out of fear.”

Laxmi stopped eating and pointed her chopsticks at him. “What woman has been afraid to step up to be with her superhero?”

The One That I Want

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