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Thank You, Jesus, for the grace of complete surrender that came to me over the course of writing this book. Nine books and almost forty short stories into this writing career, You never cease to amaze me. Thank You, thank You, thank You.

To my family: I know, this particular book took me quite a while to write. Thank you for giving me the space to write. Every writer’s, every teacher’s, every minister’s family loses a part of their loved one while he/she is out there loving on other people. Just so happens I am all three. So, thanks to my peeps for “sowing” me.

Several folks lent their expertise and thoughts to this book. I kept track this time! To my writing group, Lynne, Pattie, Kellie, Janice, Jane, Dana—thanks for reading the outline and giving me feedback. And to Lynne again for consulting with me throughout the drafting process. Tia McCollors and April Baker, thanks for being available to talk me through plot points without any notice. Rev. Rodney Carter, pastor of worship at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX, thanks for sitting down with me between services to talk about life as a minister of music. Lisa Lin, THE cat lady, thanks for telling me everything I ever wanted to know about cats. Sharon Jenkins provided information about how “big churches” run—thanks! To my uncle, Fred Williams, and my cousin, Myron Williams, thanks for answering my questions about the gospel music world and offering time in your studio. Mom, thanks for the medical information. Finally, thanks again to Howard for walking me through all the practical police matters.

A shout-out to all the book clubs who continue to support my works. Few of us get to write this many books, and those of us who do owe you great big hugs! Your dedicated readership ministers to me, reminds me of why it’s important to write the words He has given.

Thanks to my agent, Sara Camilli, and Selena James at Kensington for working with me and believing in these characters and stories that keep arriving in my head. You have made these tough literary times a pleasure for me. God bless you.

To all of my fellow writers—read the dedication again. And to all the writers who are sitting on works that are ordained to bless the body of Christ—read the dedication again. I urge you to allow Him to finish the work He has begun in you (Philippians 1:6).

In His Love,

Michelle Stimpson

September, 2011

Falling Into Grace

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