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This volume arises out of a number of research initiatives associated with the Centre for Indian Studies in Africa (CISA) at the University of the Witwatersrand (www.cisa-wits.org). Started in 2006 as a network of researchers under the title ‘South Africa – India Research Thrust’, CISA hosted seminars, conferences, public events, cultural performances and literary festivals as well as producing a range of publications. This volume represents a selection of work undertaken at CISA over the last five years.
The articles are drawn from academic publications and are collected together here to provide more ready access to a wider readership. The introduction, chapters 2, 4, 7, 9, 10 and 11 appeared as a special issue of the Journal of Asian and African Studies 44 (1) 2009 and are reproduced with the permission of Sage. Chapter 3 arose from a colloquium on ‘South Africa-India: Re-imagining the Disciplines’ held at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2006. The papers from this event appeared in a special issue of the South African Historical Journal 57 2007 and chapter 3 is reproduced with the permission of Taylor and Francis. Chapters 5 and 6 are taken from a special issue of Historia 54 (1) 2009 which emerged from a colloquium ‘The Bonfire of 1908: Passive Resistance Then and Now’ held at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2008 with support from the Consulate General of India in Johannesburg. These two pieces are reproduced with the permission of the journal Historia. Chapter 1 first appeared in a collection of essays Cosmopolitan Thought Zones: South Asia and the Global Circulation of Ideas edited by Kris Manjapra and Sugata Bose (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and is reproduced with the permission of Palgrave MacMillan.
The publications described above as well as this volume were enabled by funding from the University of the Witwatersrand and the National Research Foundation.
We thank all our colleagues who assisted with the organization of these events and those who took part in them. Our thanks as well to the staff at Wits University Press for their smooth handling of this volume.