Читать книгу Reunited...with Child / One Month with the Magnate: Reunited...with Child - Katherine Garbera, Michelle Celmer - Страница 14



Becca might need some breathing room, but all Cam needed tonight was Becca. He’d heard her leave her room. He’d put her in the room next to his so he could come and visit her at night once she became his lover again. And he’d had no doubt that she would become his lover. He was determined to have it all this time.

Becca’s lie about their son had given him a nice safe place from which to approach this entire relationship. He didn’t trust her, and that meant he was safe from falling in love with her. And love was something the Stern men weren’t particularly good at. But making love to a beautiful woman—well, that was something else entirely.

And Becca was the only lover he’d never been able to forget. He skimmed his hands down her back and around her hips. He flexed his fingers and squeezed her before moving his mouth from hers.

He nibbled his way to her ear and traced the shell of it with his tongue. “Did you want me on the plane?”

“Yes,” she said, her voice light and breathy. “Very much.”

“Good,” he said, rewarding her with a nibbling kiss at the base of her neck that sent shivers through her body. She shifted on his lap, arousing him even further.

“Have you thought about finishing what we started?” he asked.

She nodded. “But I have to ask you about your reputation as a playboy, Cam. Are you clean?”

That surprised a laugh out of him. “Yes, I am. I give blood regularly. Do you want to see my blood-donor card?”

She flushed. “No. I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable.”

“You had every right to ask,” he said. “But tell me, Becca. I want to hear from your lips how much you want me,” he said. He brought one hand down low between her legs, stroking her buttocks, and then he lifted her up so she straddled him on the bench.

The fabric of her nightdress fell away from her chest and he had a quick glance of her cleavage. He reached up, cupping her right breast. He rubbed his palm over the globe until he felt her pert nipple blossoming against his hand.

He leaned down and licked her shirt where her nipple was pressed, and she shivered again, her hips moving against his erection.

“Tell me,” he said.

“I thought of nothing but that moment and wished you’d taken the kiss so much further,” she said. “I want your mouth on my breasts and your hands all over me as I move against you.”

Her words enflamed him, and he felt his erection strain against the fabric of his pajama pants. He pulled her night dress up and off her body and stared down at her breasts.

She put her hands on his chest and leaned toward him to kiss him. Her nipples rubbed against his chest, and he felt her rotate her shoulders so that they brushed through his chest hair. He put his hands on her butt and lifted his hips. His erection brushed between her thighs. She moaned and rode him a little harder, her hips moving back and forth without the motion of his hands.

She reached down between them and tried to free him from his pants. He lifted his hips off the bench and reached down to do it himself. Immediately he felt her wet hot core rubbing over his length. He groaned and closed his eyes, hoping to give himself a little breathing room, but he was ready to come. He wanted to be inside the velvet glove of her body. He wanted to hear her breath catch and then make her call his name again and again while he filled her.

“Are you on the pill?” he asked, barely able to get the words out. His voice sounded guttural and deep to his own ears.

“Yes. I am not trusting condoms anymore.”

“Thank goodness,” he said. He shifted her on his lap and maneuvered his hips so the tip of his erection was poised at the entrance of her body.

She quivered, and he felt her melt as she started to push down on him. To try to take him. But he wanted to be the one to take her. He held her still with his hands on her hips and pushed up into her one slow inch at a time. She bit her lip and moaned deep in her throat. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and he felt her tightening around him, but he kept his entrance slow and steady. He wanted it to last forever because he knew once he was buried hilt deep, he was going to give in to the tingling in his spine that called for him to thrust into her until he came.


“Yes,” he said between clenched teeth.

“I need you,” she said.

“I’m giving you what you need,” he said.

“It’s not enough,” she said, her words like an electric spark in his nerve endings. “I need all of you filling me up.”

He groaned her name and stopped torturing them both with his slow entry. Using his hands on her hips, he moved her up and down with a speed that drove them both toward orgasm with no chance to breathe or think. There was only the feel of her nipples rubbing over his chest. The taste of her tongue buried deep in his mouth and the feel of him wrapped so tightly in her sweet center that he thought he’d never want to leave her.

“Cam … I’m coming,” she said.

Her words triggered his orgasm, and he pumped once more before he emptied his seed inside of her. She was breathing heavily, and he was covered in sweat as she collapsed against him. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed his hands up and down her back. He tried to pretend that this was just a little game of getting his own way, but somehow in the midst of seducing Becca, he had been seduced himself.

Cam carried Becca back up to the house and tucked her into her own bed before he left. He wanted to stay and sleep in her arms, but he knew better than to give in to that desire. He walked across the hall to Ty’s bedroom and stood over his sleeping son.

He felt as if he’d taken a punch to the chest when he realized that the little boy sleeping there was his. Not just his son, his and Becca’s. She meant more to him than he’d ever admit out loud, and tonight had proven it. With any other woman he’d have kept his cool and seduced her on his own terms, but she’d made him lose it.

He leaned down and brushed Ty’s hair off his forehead. He needed to make sure that Ty’s future was secure. Cam’s parents had died in a plane accident so their loss had been unexpected. Luckily, he and his brothers had been in their twenties. But if something happened to him or to Becca, where would Ty be?

He didn’t want to take a chance on Ty being left with nothing or no one. His brothers would step in, but they needed to have wills and guardianship issues worked out. He left Ty’s room and walked back to his own, hesitating in front of Becca’s door.

He wished … hell, he wasn’t some wussy guy who wished for things, he made them happen. So why the hell was it so hard to get Becca to do what he needed her to do? Why was he standing out here instead of holding her in his arms?

Because Becca made him weak. He would never have forgiven a business associate who’d lied to him. And he knew whether he said the words out loud or not, he’d forgiven Becca. He didn’t know if it was because of the sex—that would make it easier for him to explain to himself, but he suspected it was because of her tears and the fear she’d expressed so easily tonight. She didn’t have all the answers to this parenting thing, and she was feeling her way the same way he was.

He didn’t go into her room. That would send a message to her that she had him. Instead, he went down the hall to his office and sat behind his big oak desk.

Worn with age, the executive leather chair had been his father’s. Cam had vivid memories of playing under this desk while his father had talked on the phone to his sports manager.

He sent an email to Justin initiating two things. The first was joint custody for Ty. The second was a will that would name his brothers as the guardians for Ty if anything happened to him. He didn’t want to leave Becca on her own with no one again. And he knew that she’d never agree to sharing custody with his brothers, but he wasn’t about to ask. Some things were just too important to leave to chance.

Feeling better about Ty’s future, he got up to go back to bed when he got a text message from Justin.

You have a son?!?!

Cam quickly typed in his response.

It’s after midnight. Why aren’t you sleeping?

Selena and I are working. Now tell me I read that email right you have a son?

Yes. 18 months old. Ty Cameron Tuntenstall. Can you do everything I asked?

First thing tomorrow. What about the mother?

She is living with me. I don’t know where it will lead.

We need to talk.

Tomorrow or Friday night before Nate’s rehearsal dinner party.

Selena’s home so I’m going to let this drop until tomorrow. But I want to know what the hell is going on. We’ll talk later.

Cam walked over to the bar and poured himself two fingers of Johnnie Walker, slinging it back in one gulp. He had made mistakes in business and some of them had been costly, but they’d never made him doubt himself the way this thing with Becca and Ty did.

He didn’t know if it was simply because he’d never intended to have a family of his own. Or because, having been presented with Ty, now he was starting to rethink himself and his entire life.

His brothers had settled down, and he wasn’t sure that he ever would. But now that he had Ty, he sort of wanted to. Becca was an added complication. One he thought he’d have a better handle on if he had her back in his bed.

But sex hadn’t made things any easier to figure out. That ticked him off. He poured another glass of Johnnie Walker and sipped it this time, taking the glass with him back to his bedroom. He walked in and didn’t bother to turn on any lights. He went into the bathroom and washed up from earlier when he’d had sex with Becca and then padded naked back to his bed.

The moonlight streamed in through the one window blind he’d left open, and he stared at it. His dad had always said that with the moon to guide life’s journey, nothing bad could befall them. But Cam knew his dad hadn’t counted on a journey like this one.

He walked back across the room, pulled back the sheets and slid into bed.

Becca rolled over into his arms.

“What are you doing here?” he asked her, pushing himself back a few inches.

“I didn’t want to sleep alone tonight. I’ll do anything as long as you let me stay.”

Reunited...with Child / One Month with the Magnate: Reunited...with Child

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