Читать книгу Road Trip with the Eligible Bachelor - Мишель Дуглас, Michelle Douglas - Страница 2

Darn it. Darn it. Darn it.


He moved back to the bench. She stowed her handbag, made sure the kids had their seatbelts fastened and then moved to the driver’s seat. She glanced at Mr Fairhall and bit her lip.

Blowing out a breath, she wound down the passenger side window. ‘Mr Fairhall?’

He glanced up.

‘We’ve just had a family conference.’

He stood. He wasn’t terribly tall—he might be six feet—but he had a lean, athletic body that moved with effortless grace. She watched him approach—stared as he approached—and her mouth started to dry and her heart started to pound. She tried to shake herself out from under the spell, only she found she’d frozen in position. She wished now she hadn’t called him over.

With a superhuman effort she cleared her throat. ‘As we’re … uh … all headed in the same direction we thought if you would like a lift all or part of the way …’

He blinked. Hope lit his face, making it truly beautiful, firing his brown eyes with a light that made her swallow.

Road Trip with the Eligible Bachelor

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