Читать книгу The Spanish Tycoon's Takeover - Мишель Дуглас, Michelle Douglas - Страница 3


“What kind of comfort are you offering me, Wynne?”

She glanced up into his eyes. The cold, calculated hardness in them—so at odds with his touch and his words—made her shrink back inside of herself. She took a step away from him, tugging her hand free. “Not that kind of comfort.”

Her voice sounded like it belonged to somebody else.

“Are you sure?”

How could he make his voice so warm when his eyes were so hard?


“Because I do not fraternize with my staff.”

She prickled at the threat latent in his words—that if she attempted to fraternize with him, he’d see it as grounds for instant dismissal. She couldn’t be dismissed. Not yet.

She drew herself up to her full height. “If by fraternize you mean sleep with, then let me assure you that you’re safe from me.” She whirled around and made for the conference room. “You’re not my type,” she hurled over her shoulder.

The Spanish Tycoon's Takeover

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