Читать книгу A Kiss on Crimson Ranch - Michelle Major, Michelle Major - Страница 2
Her attitude got under his skin and he couldn’t help baiting her. “Are you looking for a marriage proposal, Sara?”
Оглавление“Not from you, cowboy,” she answered with a scoff, but her shoulders tensed even more.
Josh wanted to grab her, kiss her until she was once again soft and pliant in his arms. The horn honked for a third time, and he heard a loud knocking at the front door.
Sara smoothed her fingers over her shirtfront. “Go greet your buddies. I’ll get everyone moving.”
“This conversation isn’t finished,” he told her as he headed for the stairs.
“My end of it is,” he heard her say under her breath.
He smiled despite his frustration, wondering how the fact that she always had to get in the last word could be so endearing to him. He shook his head, making a mental note to start thinking with his brain rather than other parts of his anatomy.