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“The kiss...?” Jesse wound the towel in his hand. Worry creased his brow.

“I’d say it was a 9.25.”


She explained in a lighthearted tone, “Technique was good—”

“Good?” He shook his head. “You were moaning as soon as our lips touched. That’s more than good.”

“Fine. Excellent. Delivery exceptional. Follow-through...didn’t really maximize.”

“Not my fault. You were the hungry one.”

“And no follow-up. No information on what to do for a repeat performance.” Belinda licked her lips. Even though she teased, she did expect him to play to his bad-boy image. Instead, he was the perfect gentleman.

“Well...I’ll take that under advisement.” He paused as if considering the situation. “I didn’t want to have to hope that you wouldn’t kick me off the job.”

She shook her head. Obviously, their tentative approaches dampened the impulse to go after what they both had felt. Well, she didn’t need a do-over. Simply a continuation would suffice.

One to Love

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