Читать книгу Assemblage of African History - Micqel Le Roux - Страница 3

PREFACE Variis temporis momentum dilatationis et differentias.


Incorporated; societal humanism carries with it a dualistic double-edged sword. This notion is promotive, yet evident in the complicated abstract monogamous cultural relationship encompassed throughout the cultural geomorphic integration within a South African context. The Zulu, Boers & the British have an intricate cultural relationship. One can ask the question: Can a societal history conform a tradition within a culture to condition the unconscious mind within the primitive nature of man to create a societal bias. Indirectly promulgating or rather in contras disseminate an unconscious relativism than in return can create a defence mechanism that has been genetically incorporated into different cultures over vast periods of time to entertain the instinctive characteristic of survival of a societal species through?

It is in these historical replications and investigation that an abstract thought can act as a memoir. Therefore, if this premise were to be entertained, can one indulge a theoretical analogy that there is a psychological or even empirical (conditioned genetic[1]) subliminal contributor to the human; a condition which can substantiate the idea that segregation, racism and division within today's societal constructs are compelled and conditioned throughout different cultures in conjunction with human nature that promulgated over time to act on an innate nature with the direct affiliation of the immediate nurtured environment? What we once considered a complicated relationship between the cultural relationships; can executively be described as a conditioned response to the difference of social context that has been promoted throughout history into our genetic aspect that has been promoted by environmental manipulation.

This interpretation can arguably question, did we lose the battle of humanity when we came out of the Neanderthal cave, fighting to survive our environment? Ironically, the only way for humanity to survive was to create togetherness/ society, working together to come out of the cave and promote humanity.

Yet, it is the same fight or flight in a combination of unity that created an opposing societal structure. It is paramount to understand the innate fight that has driven humanity out of the cave in a societal structure and promoted the survival of a specie even though this could be speculative. According to a Darwinist approach, the missing link between humans and animals is somewhat open to interpretation (following an evolutionary way of reason)

It is therefore intrinsically paramount to understand the exponential growth of a possible conditioned societal relationship, yet not use it as an excuse or the justifiability of positivistic reason.

Assemblage of African History

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