Читать книгу Unquenchable thirst of love… - Михаил Годов - Страница 39

Unquenchable thirst of love…
sonnet book
(Part one)
The name of rose
Sonnet 148


I crave to know all people as the dearest ones

To realize the events inner wheels

To see effect and reason, evident and clear:

I want to be, more sapient and wise.

Absurd's the monster, scariest of all!

…And due to it men draw their swords —

Because of it all funeral and grief,

And people are more fierce the beasts!

And cry of woe is now in vain,

No word can ever reach their ears:

Cause now's deafness for our souls to tear!

Misunderstanding is the endless chain…

And I grew week before the locked front door…

But love had found the key so long ago!

Unquenchable thirst of love…

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