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My first thanks must go to these eight great guitarists, who were generous with their time and openness, enabling the production of this book with which I am proud to associate my name. They have provided so many of us with countless hours of pleasure over the years, while we nursed our countless pints of beer in public houses in the Bedford area. In my own case, mainly The Ship on St Cuthbert’s Street and The Flowerpot on Tavistock Street. Particular thanks to Paul Bonas for his support of the project, and for the cover concept and design.

My thanks also to my fellow live music fans, who help keep the tradition alive and request All Along the Watchtower from guitarists who would rather plunge their heads into a vat of boiling battery acid than play the number again. But bless them, they do play it again. Well, usually.

My thanks also to the enlightened publicans in all the public houses mentioned in this book. Without them, there would only be a small local live music scene.

Finally, I should like to thank my 80-year-old mother, for proofreading the book and spotting numerous errors. I really must buy her a bottle of Dubonnet for her contribution. Her mental acuity is always a wonder to me, and it doesn’t appear to diminish with age.

Guitar Gods in Beds. (Bedfordshire: A Heavenly County)

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