Читать книгу Unexpected Occasions of Grace - Mike Carotta - Страница 7



Be prepared to meet your grace in the daily circumstances of life.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

From Where grace comes. Life is enriched, the soul nourished, gratitude increases, and spiritual awareness is sharpened every time we are able to recognize From Where grace comes.

These stories are stand-alone encounters of grace in the form of an insight, a soulful question, an everyday truth, a virtue. Some of them shed light on quiet lives of commitment. Some of these stories shed light on irony, paradox, and things known but not often discussed. They do not point to one unified theme. But they illustrate From Where grace comes.

And whether unexpected occasions of grace present themselves inside or outside our churches, through people, events, place, prayer, beauty, love, or the whisper of the Spirit in our souls, they are all blessings. They are all blessings.

I have deliberately refrained from giving any of these encounters a title. After you read and sit with one, I invite you to give it a title that best captures what you hear and see in it.

And if you ever share one of these stories with someone else, invite them do the same.

There are reflective questions at the end of the book for those who find it helpful.

Above all, it is hoped that some of these encounters will help you recall, capture, and live with your own unexpected occasions of grace.

That is all that matters

The mystics of old tried to tell us that the ordinary is holy and the present is sacred. And the One called us to have ears to hear and eyes to see.

From Where grace comes.

Unexpected Occasions of Grace

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