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Since the publication in 2004 of my previous book, Turned Chessmen, I have continued to have about eight woodturning magazine articles published each year. Most have have been published in The Australian Woodworker published by Skills Publishing, and in GMC’s Woodturning. I thank Art, Greg and Steven Burrows at Skills, and Mark Baker at GMC for their support and friendship over many years.

Content from The Australian Woodworker is included in chapters 5, 6, 7. 11 and 16. Content from Woodturning is included in chapters 1 (Whither Woodturning article, 5, 6 and 13. I apologize for any omissions or inaccuracies in these two statements.

I thank Emily Darlow for posing for the figure 3.3 photograph. Also my wife, Aliki, for her tolerance and editing.



The Practice of Woodturning

The Fundamentals of Woodturning

Bassiswisen Drechseln

Woodturning Methods

Woodturning Techniques

Woodturning Design


The Practice of Woodturning

Sharpening Woodturning Tools

The Taming of the Skew

Mike Darlow's Woodturning Series: Useful Woodturning Projects

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