Читать книгу You Bet Your Garden Guide to Growing Great Tomatoes, Second Edition - Mike McGrath - Страница 15

Big Boy

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 78 days to maturity


Thick-walled, meaty one-pounders (450g).

Big Rainbow

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 100 days to maturity


Huge, beautiful, tasty heirloom; red streaks through gold fruit; takes heat well. Proven to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.

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Black Krim

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 85 days to maturity


Delicious, productive, dependable, cold-tolerant, dark purple, Russian heirloom.


Indeterminate Open-pollinated 80 days to maturity


Huge heirloom; quite possibly the best-tasting tomato. The original Brandywine is pink; there are also red and yellow types. Brandy Boy is a hybrid that produces larger numbers of similar fruit.


Determinate Hybrid 70 days to maturity


Medium-large fruit; often flawless appearance; very disease resistant; dependable and tasty. Observed to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.

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Cherokee Purple

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 80 days to maturity


Purple-pink, delicious, super-productive heirloom; a farmer’s market favorite.

Early Girl

Indeterminate Hybrid 52 days to maturity


Super-dependable, early, productive, tasty, medium-size slicer; a classic! Observed to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.

Georgia Streak

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 90 days to maturity


The prettiest tomato I ever grew; huge yellow fruit with red streaks throughout and the perfect balance of sugar and acidity; very flavorful!

German Johnson

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 76 days to maturity


A classic pinkish-red heirloom; more productive and faster to produce than most. Proven to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.

Lemon Boy

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 75 days to maturity


Light yellow color; tasty, meaty fruit; a heavy producer.

Mortgage Lifter

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 79 days to maturity


Biggest fruit of any tomato I’ve grown; delicious, pinkish-red two- to three-pounders (1kg). Radiator Charlie’s Mortgage Lifter is the classic of this type.

Oregon Spring

Determinate Open-pollinated 60 days to maturity


Very productive and extremely cold-tolerant; a must-have for short-season growers! Observed to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.

Park’s Whopper Improved

Indeterminate Hybrid 65 days to maturity


An improved “crack-free” version of the classic Whopper (released in 1992 as OG 50); big tasty tomatoes that ripen very early for their size. Observed to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.


Determinate Open-pollinated 75 days to maturity


A true classic all-around tomato; pretty, productive, and very juicy. (And Rutgers just might be the “Jersey Tomato” of legend.) Observed to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.

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Indeterminate Open-pollinated 60 days to maturity


Remarkable heirloom; very flavorful and extremely cold tolerant; productive too. Essential for short-season growing. Observed to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.

Tigerella (a.k.a. Mr. Stripey)

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 60 days to maturity


An adorable little red tomato with yellow-orange stripes; tangy, productive, and early.


Amish Paste

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 82 days to maturity


Huge semi-oxheart-shaped fruits; tasty, productive, flavorful heirloom; great all-purpose tomato.

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Indeterminate Open-pollinated 75 days to maturity


Large, sweet, banana-shaped fruit; very meaty Polish heirloom.


Determinate Open-pollinated 75 days to maturity


Great taste; extraordinarily productive and dependable; the classic paste tomato. Observed to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.

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San Marzano

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 80 days to maturity


Drop-dead gorgeous fruit; very tasty; super-reliable; great fresh and for sauce.


Green Grape

Determinate Open-pollinated 75 days to maturity


Stays green when ripe, but tastes like a red tomato; a fun grow! Amaze your friends!


Indeterminate Open-pollinated 76 days to maturity


Translation: “Giant bunch of grapes;” flavorful heirloom; grows in clusters.

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Sun Gold

Indeterminate Hybrid 57 days to maturity


Early yellow-orange sweetie; unique mild tropical citrusy flavor.

Supersweet 100

Indeterminate Hybrid 63 days to maturity


Just as flavorful as the original Sweet 100, with improved disease resistance; early.

Sweet Million

Indeterminate Hybrid 65 days to maturity


Inflationary improvement on the classic Sweet 100; early and hugely productive with larger fruit. Observed to be resistant to specific diseases and/or pests.

Sweet 100

Indeterminate Hybrid 65 days to maturity


The original “never-ending vine” extra-sweet cherry; the standard; warning: garden space hog!

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Yellow Pear

Indeterminate Open-pollinated 80 days to maturity


Golden-colored, pear-shaped, super sweet–flavored heirloom; hugely productive.

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I’d like to offer my thanks to my friends at Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Company (Gurneys.com), TomatoFest® Heirloom Tomato Seeds (www.tomatofest.com), and David Cavagnaro for providing the photos for the chart.

You Bet Your Garden Guide to Growing Great Tomatoes, Second Edition

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