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Testimonials and Comments from Mike's students about his ideas and classes.


“When I first attended Mike's class, I was at the lowest point of my life: Depressed, emotionally and spiritually drained, and very seriously ill. I was spending 9 hours every night on a dialysis machine to keep me alive, and I felt completely hopeless. Mike's teaching is simple but powerful. Through his method I began to understand the immense power and love that exists within each of us and how it can transform every part of our lives. Just over one year later, I am completely healthy and overwhelmed by the joy of being alive. I feel complete and totally loved just as I am, and I know that everything that I could ever need is already within me. This method will connect you with the same power.” M.C.

"Mike’s teachings are a revelation to me. The letter writing process he teaches has helped me with depression, confidence and self compassion. The letters are a wonderful way to connect to higher self at any time. I have found his teachings to be very healing and I recommend them highly." R. Z. (Teacher)

“I first came to Mike's group over six years ago. At that time I was suffering under a great deal of stress. As a direct result I was ill both physically and mentally. I had been told by physicians that I had probably a terminal disease. Through practicing his methods I was totally freed from those problems. I have continued in his class. Beyond health concerns Ihave resolved relationship problems. Good things have continued to happen. I continue to experience blessings and miracles. For all of these reasons I am truly grateful. Thank you Mike.” S. L. (MedicalDoctor)

I have learned creative, innovative ways to problem solve. I have clarified my goals and recognize what is truly important to me. I have learned how to "turn off" negative self-talk, and to love and support myself with positivity. B.

“I highly endorse Mike W., his PowerPath Academy, and this book that is the result of it. I have been waiting for this book to be written since the first class of Mike’s that I went to probably 6 years ago at Unity in New Orleans while visiting my daughter. Every time I returned to New Orleans, I was sure to take part in the class again and to follow Mike’s guidance.The process and exercises that he shares on how to manifest our dreams, free ourselves from limiting beliefs, and live a happy, peaceful, abundant life is powerful, healing, impactful, and IT WORKS!!! Mike has found a way to bring together ancient wisdom, divine guidance, and meaningful tools andexercises – most especially the love letter process – that will transform your life in positive and lasting ways. I highly recommend that you read Mike’s book – and do the work he suggests. It will bring you to your highest good and greatest joy! My great gratitude to you, Mike, for all your years of searching, finding, practicing and sharing your wisdom with all of us!” - G. H. (Counselor)

“Thank you, Michael! You helped me find the courage to stand up to my spouse after 37 years.” C.D.

“Mike is a dedicated spiritual teacher and illuminator. In his book series ‘Life’s Greatest Secrets,’ he provides powerful self-help for the spiritual seeker, supported by findings and Truths of teachers throughout the ages. “Wherever you are on this journey, Mike’s book will be a support and reminder of things you may have thought about, and now see in written documentation, as well as steps you can practically apply in your own life. I have learned an ease and confidence about turning within, and trusting this spiritual power, finding this Presence on numerous occasions. Through some difficult personal challenges, Mike’s help has been most beneficial to me. You can find the answers you are looking for in his book, ‘Life's Greatest Secrets’.” G. W. (Consultant and Artist)

“This class is really incredible! It invites powerful, positive, personal growth and change. The product of Michael Wittenbrink's 35-year search into this one concise experience. Big Fun, Y'all! Various people in the class approached me with "Great class, huh?" Also, big thanks to Michael for taking the time to supply these vital class materials. Anyone can jump in anytime without the earlier classes. This class is REALLY good y'all!” Charlie.

“Michael, there are a lot of programs trying to instill a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. But none of those have instituted a unified and comprehensive narrative like yours. Your program embraces unique pragmatism, not exhibited in other programs. Thank you for building this wonderful program.” L.S.

“Mike, this class has helped me tremendously in numerous ways. To say that my family was dysfunctional would be giving it an extremely high compliment. I came from a nightmare family. It has always affected me, although I knew that I was not like them. I know that I'm okay, but it has just caused me so much pain, in my soul of souls. It has given me a lifelong legacy of anxiety, night terrors, insomnia, and depression. “To ease this pain I have been doing self-help programs since I was a teenager, and I am now over 60. I have done school counseling, Alateen, Al-Anon, private therapy, group therapy, transactional analysis, private counseling, and EST. I've done therapy after therapy; I have done so many different things… yet none worked. “The only thing that pushed the pain aside was constant non- stop work. I guess there are more harmful things to be addicted to than work, but I became a relentless “workaholic” and just could not stop. I never knew a moment’s peace. If I stopped working, the anxiety, sadness, and loneliness came flooding back over me immediately. At night, chronic insomnia robbed me of sleep. When I did fall asleep, usually after daybreak, the horrific nightmares turned into night-terrors. “After Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005, I learned that I had chronic PTSD. I blew out a couple of discs moving heavy pots and outdoor furniture before evacuation. When I got to Fort Walton, after a twenty-something hour trip that usually takes three and a half hours, I could not get out of the car or move my left leg. The severity of the injuries destroyed my only coping mechanism, my ability to work! The severity of the chronic pain was nothing compared to the loss of mobility which exacerbated the old PTSD. “I tried every medical and holistic therapy that was available to me, except pain medication. My intellect was the only thing left to me and I was not about to exchange it for dulling physical pain. Chiropractic, acupuncture, heating pads, Reiki, and massage just took the edge off while my mental pain grew. Anti-depressants were of very little help for that. This led me to the only salvation possible… the spiritual paths of Buddhism, vegetarianism, meditation, and Reiki. “I met Mike Wittenbrink through my search for spiritual power. I have found that Mike's classes have helped me more than anything else. I've gained more benefit from his course “Powerpath” than anything else I tried. I have finally been able to exorcize my demons and to let go of the resentment and anger I felt towards my mother for allowing things to have gone on that should not have. The roots of the psychic pain have been killed and now I feel okay. “I’ve always felt guilty because I had my son when I was very young, and I always felt I had not been a good mother to him. I was working my way through college and trying to support him and myself with no help, and it was really hard. I realize now, after having spent so much time with Mike in his classes, that the job I did with my son is not the parenting that I could've done today. The job that I did with him was the kind of parenting that a person in their early 20’s could do, and I did a pretty good job. He recently let me know that he thought he had a great childhood, that I did agreat job! “I have just let that guilt go. Things we do when we are younger, we can't beat ourselves over the head because they are not as good as what we could do today. Somehow I never realized that. Mike’s classes helped me see I did my best at that time in my life and I don't have to feel guilt anymore. In fact, I don’t have to feel guilt, shame, anger, sadness, or fear any more. I can exchange them for love, peace, satisfaction, and joy.… and now I feel okay.” G.R.

“This class has the potential to greatly change people's lives. I learned that I can change my experience of the past in order to free the potential of my present and future, and thereby create the life I've always wanted. It has supported me to dramatically increase the level of happiness that I experience in my daily life. Thank you.” R. R.

“Mike, I feel gratitude every day for you and this work. I tell many about it. I think others will join with us locally soon. I have one friend in NC, who is writing letters now. I send her some of these letters, with all email addresses removed, so she can get the feel that she is in class with us. She’s happy to be doing this work! Thank you so.” G.S.

“I learned a lot. I had come to the conclusion that my life was over (I will soon be 80), and now I want to change that, and go on to better and bigger things.” Love, Evelyn

“Your class is changing me, and my negative thoughts are dissipating, and are almost nonexistent.” P.N

“Hi ! I just wanted to send an email to tell you how much I'm grateful for your classes. Last night, I got super bad food poisoning, and even in the middle of being sick I felt like I could be grateful... Plus, during this time it seems like anyone would reach out to their parents for support and love to feel better... Instead, I was able to feel completely loved and okay without them... I realized that I really have come to believe both on a subconscious level and on a conscious level that I will be supported by a loving universe and that I am loved. Thank you so much for sharing your letter system with me... It's made such a difference in my life !!! thank you thank you.” M. J.

“I used to be a people pleaser, just to get approval. Your class made me realize that I don't need anyone else's approval. I can approve of myself, and this is empowering. “ C.B.

Michael’s class is the first I have taken with his Academy. I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to Mike and all the other wonderful people there for coming together to create such positive change in the world.” Robert B.

I learned more from Mike about self discovery, self improvement, building relationships, and finding a spiritual path than in any other form, written or oral. This course has changed me. It’s an amazing process.” S.H.

“I liked your lively presentations. You're a visionary and gifted teacher.” A.

See more testimonials at www.Meetup.Com/Powerpath1 and on my web page at www.Powerpath.Org

Life's Greatest Secrets, Vol. 1

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