Читать книгу Elinor. The Deserted Valley. Book 1 - Mikhail Shelkov - Страница 25



Faolabre, or simply Fao, always thanked Mother Nature for being born in such a beautiful and amazing forest. Yet she could do nothing with her restless character, which resulted in her occasionally quarrels with the elders. For example, when she asked about other lands, they directly caulked her mouth. They said one mustn’t even talk about them!

But why?

It annoyed Fao that there was never answer to that – and so many other questions – and sometimes she didn’t hold back her emotions when they chose not to answer. But being rude to an elder is as unacceptable as doing harm to Nature, so Fao was often punished for her curiosity. While she was happy to live among her people, who were wise, kind, and hardworking, it became necessary to put up with the local way of life and customs.

The elders of the Vedichs have always lived in the roots of the tree. For old people, it is difficult to move from branch to branch, even if they have retained the ability to turn into a lynx or squirrel. Those who are stronger and younger, who have not yet turned six times the six times of six years, live on thick branches at the base of the tree. Living overhead are those who just passed the initiation ceremony and at the highest branches – very young and light, those whose first life cycle has not yet been passed.

Fao’s house was woven on the branches of a huge spruce and belonged to her family of Gray Martens. On this morning, she awakened to tiny rays of dawn, which struck a small carved window covered with a flat, transparent mica stone. When a red ray falls on such a stone, it becomes a small luminary itself and multiplies the sunlight, which covered the entire length of the opposite riverbank.

Fao had turned two times six years, and two more years. There was a third small circle of initiation. Fao already knew how to address small animals, but she hadn’t yet decided who she will become when the first round is completed. Among the wild forest inhabitants, she had many friends, but she did not want to become like them.

With light movements, clinging to the branches, slightly swaying, she jumped lower and lower. Already on the thickest branch she could not resist – her leg slid and Fao went down. The morning coolness deprived the resin of viscosity, making it hard and slippery. She dived downward, falling on the roof of the lower house that was covered with a dense layer of moss.

A squeal came from inside, then an angry grunt, after a few swear words in old Vedichian, and at the end came the moaning and groaning.

“Forgive me, great-great-grandfather!” Fao immediately apologized. Apparently, the great-great-grandfather, forgetting himself, again fell asleep like a wild boar, but when he woke up, immediately turned into a man and felt the pain straightaway.

But great-great-grandfather is tough. And kind. He won’t hold a grudge against me!

The Vedich families retained their names only for the pedigree. For example, in the family of Fao, for a long time no one had turned into martens. However, the name remained. It was the same with others: Coniferous Black Grouse, White Wolves, Red Sabers, Swamp Raccoons, and others.

Fao went to the Pure Grove, and there praised Mother Nature for a quiet night and a beautiful morning. Afterwards, she took the bowler and tugged the water from the lake into the trough while collecting firewood in the forest. Today she happened to be the first in the Pure Grove, so she got the longest and thickest branches.

My parents will be so glad! Maybe they will stop being angry with me for quarrelling with Elder Anolim three days ago.

Then she took the basket again, and headed to Berry Grove.

And again, I am the first!

The blueberries were not yet filled with a dense color, but the wild strawberries had ripened just right! Fao shook the bushes, and pinkish specks began to pour into her bag. Very soon it was filled with fragrant berries. Their smell beat in her nostrils. Fao ate a handful herself – that’s a breakfast! She didn’t shake more. One needed to leave some berries for other families!

No matter how lazy they are, they are still fellow tribesmen.

Fao carried the berries to the foot of her spruce. From the roots, again came the boar’s snoring.

Oh, that great-great -grandfather! He’s become completely scatter-brained!

Now the rest of the morning was free, and Fao could dedicate it to communicating with her friend. She quickly ran past Pure Grove, jumped Ice Creek, galloped through the Ravine Expanse and found herself in the Bear Woodlot. She went to a big snag and began to call:

“Nucko! Nucko, I’ve come! Nucko! Well, where are you?”

Finally, sniffling was heard from under the driftwood, and the fluffy muzzle of a large bear emerged into the light. Nucko drew his morning air with his nostrils, snorted, and after that all of his body emerged. The bear cub was larger than Fao.

“You grow by leaps and bounds!” the girl was surprised, “And it turns out that you are also a sluggard! I’ve been awake for a long time now! I missed you, Nucko.” Then Fao embraced Nucko’s fluffy neck and began to gently tousle the scruff of his neck. Pleased, the bear cub growled happily.

Fao loved bears. Especially while they remained small. “They are so cute and funny!” she thought. The mature bear had no time for games, but almost half of the adults of the Bear Woodlot recognized Fao and paid her attention by licking her hands or carrying her on their backs.

Despite her love for all the bears, Fao did not want to become one after the initiation, when the features of the beast transfer to the person. Fao wanted to remain slender and mobile, not big and fat like the bears. She might be a deer… but deer are very shy. A squirrel? Squirrels are terrible! Quick, but stupid. What if I become stupid too? Sabers are fast, graceful, beautiful, and smart. But they smell disgusting, and a girl must smell good! Already on the third circle, Fao sighed at the uncertainty of who she will become. But she was certain of one thing – no matter which bestial appearance she took on, she will still be friends with the bears!

“This is for you! I deliberately put some aside, and ate less myself,” Fao said, holding out a palm with a handful of strawberries to Nucko. The joyful bear cub swallowed all the berries at once, and then licked Fao’s hand for a long time, which still exuded the sweet smell of berries.

After this, it was time for the game. Fao tried to saddle Nucko but he wasn’t having it, and constantly dropped her away. Once, he even pawed so that Fao fell and saw red circles before her eyes. When the bear cub realized that he miscalculated his own strength, he ran up and repeatedly licked her cheeks as an apology. Fao was very ticklish, and she laughed.

Suddenly the bushes moved, and Fao jumped to her feet.

Who is there? Clearly a human!

But then Fao saw her friend, Inaonomose (Ina), before her.

“I knew I’d find you here,” she said.

Ina simply shone with happiness, her eyes burning with sparkling lights. It immediately became clear that something important had happened.

“What? What’s happened?” Fao wanted to get in on this secret as soon as possible.

“You will never believe it! The Taurs! The Taurs are back!”

This was the news of all news! The Taurs had not come to Swa-Ioledea for more than three years! Neighbors to the Vedichs, the Taurs conquered the will of the animal and forced them to transport themselves, their cargoes, and cut down the forest. The Vedichs considered the Taurs to be savages who didn’t respect Nature and animals. The Vedichs rarely visit the Taurs, and vice-versa, but when caravans of embassies come to visit each other, both people obeyed local laws.

When I asked the elders why the Taurs had not come for so long, I received silence at best; at worst – a box on the ear. But there was really nothing to guess. It is as clear as a bright day, that the konung of the Taurs had another conflict with the elders of the Vedichs.

But what made the Taurs come back?

“Where are they?” asked Fao.

“Their chief went with the elders to the Quiet Creek.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ve peeked in,” Ina replied, embarrassed.

“So, you are suggesting…” Fao did not finish the question and smiled.

Ina winked, and the girls completely understood each other.

They looked somewhat similar: both had sharp noses, running black eyes, and bulging cheeks. Only Fao’s hair was lighter and she had a constant blush on her face. But the most important thing that united the friends was curiosity. A craving for the new, a craving for discoveries.

Eavesdropping on other people’s conversations was bad! The girls knew that! However, how could they miss the return of the Taurs? How could they not discover the secret of this return?

“I’m sorry, Nucko!” Fao patted the bear cub by the ear. “This is very important!” He hung his head, clearly offended. They had not had time to play enough.

“Squirrels?” Ina asked continuing to smile.

“Squirrels!” Fao gave up.

Oh, how she hated those nasty little animals! For their harmfulness and stupidity. But squirrels were quick and fast and when needed, they were also noiseless.

Within moments two small forest rodents were already galloping at full speed on the ground and over the branches of trees to the Quiet Creek.

Elinor. The Deserted Valley. Book 1

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