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“What a difference twenty-four hours can make.”

He faced the woman who was now beside him.

“Last night at this time,” Carly explained, “I was slamming the door on you.”

“Oh, that. Well, this hasn’t been what I’d call an average day.”

“Me either. But I appreciate everything you did for us today, Andrew.”

He dared to meet her gaze. “I didn’t do much.”

“You were there for me when I needed you.” She went to him, rose up on her toes and hugged him. “Thank you.” Her words were a whisper on his ear, soft and warm. And he felt his world shift.

Then she turned for the door. “Good night.”

Stunned, he managed to eke out, “Night,” before she disappeaered into the house.

He stood there, waiting to breathe. Carly stirred something in him that he hadn’t felt...well, since they were a couple.

That was not good. Because despite today’s events, there was still the issue of his grandmother’s house. And that was a battle he intended to win.

Their Ranch Reunion

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