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MARRIAGE, whenever Lara had given thought to the possibility of her own, would have involved the usual lead up to the event itself, with the choosing of a gown, the inevitable hen party, and Suzanne sharing in the celebrations.

Tradition, however, played no part in this day.

There was no breakfast served in bed. A caring message from an anxious groom-to-be didn’t happen, nor the appearance of a bridesmaid or three, make-up artist and hairdresser.

Instead, Lara rose early, bade Wolfe a perfunctory ‘Good morning,’ as he pulled on sweats, and offered, ‘Coffee?’

She needed to do something, anything, to keep her mind occupied.

‘Half a cup, black, no sugar.’

A few days of occupying a hotel suite should have accustomed her to Wolfe’s presence. Instead, it merely accelerated her nervous tension, and she felt the familiar curling sensation in the pit of her stomach as he crossed to her side.

Would it be easier tomorrow, the day after, when she’d shared her body with his?

Sure, and piglets should sprout wings and fly!

A hollow laugh choked in her throat, and she swallowed compulsively.

He stood close … too close … and there was nothing she could do to prevent the fine body hairs rising up in sensual recognition.

Oh, for heaven’s sake … get a grip.

Wolfe drained his coffee and replaced the cup onto the servery. ‘I’ll head down to the gym.’


Her eyes flew wide as he caught hold of her chin and tilted it so she had no option but to meet his gaze. ‘Don’t think of bailing out.’

His voice held a tinge of silk, and for a fleeting second he caught a glimpse of shock … and something else.

‘Why would I do that?’ she managed reasonably.

Why, indeed? Yet there was something evident beneath the surface he couldn’t quite tap into, he reflected thoughtfully as he rode the lift down to the gym.

She kissed like an angel, and he’d be fooling himself if he said he didn’t want more. To taste and savour, gift her pleasure … and take his own.

During his absence Lara showered and washed her hair, shared a leisurely breakfast with Wolfe on his return, then she began preparing for the marriage ceremony.

Make-up was minimal, with a soft pink blush adding colour to her cheeks, gloss accenting her lips, and she highlighted her eyes with a light stroke of blue to match them.

Simplicity was her chosen style, and she swept the length of her hair into a smooth twist at her nape and fixed it with a pearl-studded hinged clip.

The ivory dress with its fitted lace overlay was perfect for the marriage ceremony. Scalloped lace edged the wide scooped-neckline, the short sleeves and hemline providing a delicate fragility to her slender, petite frame. Stilettos added height, and she fixed a slender gold chain at her neck, gifted to her by Suzanne.

The final touch was a delicate spray of seed pearls fixed in her hair … and she was done.


She turned to see Wolfe leaning one shoulder against the en suite aperture, looking incredible, she had to admit, in a superbly tailored black suit, white shirt and grey silk tie.

‘Yes.’ She sounded calm, when inside she was a mass of nerves.

There wasn’t much she could discern from his expression, and she collected a small spray of white orchids and followed him from the suite.

The brief ceremony was due to be conducted in the hotel’s private lounge in the presence of Darius’ lawyer, Sally and Shontelle.

Last-minute nerves were acceptable in a bride, Lara conceded as she stood at Wolfe’s side while they waited for a lift to ascend to their floor.

She was fully aware of the reasons why she’d committed herself to this marriage. So why now did she suddenly yearn for it to be a love match instead of a convenient merger?

How many times over the past few days had she questioned if she was doing the right thing?

Too many, she admitted, aware she’d swung like a pendulum between hesitancy and reassurance.

The lift arrived, the electronic doors slid open and she preceded Wolfe inside the empty carriage to stand in silence as they were swiftly transported down to the second level.

She didn’t need prompting to smile when Wolfe took hold of her hand as they reached the private lounge.

It was show time, and she intended to give the performance of her life.

The celebrant, lawyer, Sally and Shontelle were already gathered in the elegantly furnished room. Greetings were exchanged, together with formal introductions, then without further delay the celebrant suggested the bride and groom stand together adjacent to a white-linen covered table containing a votive candle, and a crystal vase containing a delicate spray of orchids.

Wolfe threaded his fingers through her own as Lara focused on the celebrant and the deep sincerity evident in the spoken words, the deep timbre of Wolfe’s voice as he made his vows … and the quiet, faintly trembling sound of her own.

Her hand shook as Wolfe slid the wide diamond-studded band onto her finger, and she almost dropped the gold band as she prepared to slide it in place on his left hand.

‘I now pronounce you husband and wife.’

Lara experienced a sense of unreality as the celebrant proclaimed the words, and she barely hid her surprise as Wolfe lifted her left hand to his lips, then followed the gesture by lightly brushing his mouth to her own.

His eyes, so dark and slumbrous, rendered her boneless as she signed the marriage certificate, and it took all her effort to remain standing, to smile, even laugh on occasion, as congratulations were offered by Darius’ lawyer, Sally and Shontelle.

Champagne was produced, and afterwards Lara barely held back the tears as she hugged Sally, then Shontelle, when it came time to say goodbye.

‘Look after her,’ both girls bade Wolfe fiercely as they paused at the hotel entrance.

‘You have my word.’

It didn’t take long to return to their suite and change, and Lara chose dress jeans, a knit top and jacket, then slid her feet into flat shoes … aware Wolfe had exchanged a suit for tailored trousers, a collarless shirt and soft leather jacket.

Downstairs a limousine stood waiting with their bags stowed in the boot, and the chauffeur opened the rear door as Wolfe and Lara approached.

Mascot airport lay south of the city, and as soon as the obligatory customs inspection was completed they boarded a private jet stationed at the edge of the tarmac.

Luxury fittings, Lara noticed, with the interior resembling a private lounge, with wide deep-cushioned leather recliner chairs, a work station and a personal attendant whose greeting held familiar warmth.

Did her duties include joining the mile-high club with the boss?

‘No,’ Wolfe drawled close to her ear as he ushered her into a seat. ‘Although I’m not averse to testing the theory with my wife.’

Colour drained from her cheeks, to be rapidly replaced by twin tinges of pink. ‘I don’t think so.’

Musing humour gleamed in those dark eyes, and his mouth curved into a teasing smile. ‘It’s a long flight.’ He brushed his lips to her temple. ‘Buckle up. We’re about to move out towards the runway.’

Show time?

If Wolfe was intent on playing a part, then so would she, and she offered him a stunning smile. ‘Perhaps you should do the same … darling.’

A tad overkilled, but what did she have to lose?

No sooner had the Gulfstream jet reached the desired altitude, than Wolfe extracted his laptop and became immersed in work.

Given differing time zones, the wheels of world business never ceased, and Lara extracted a thick trade paperback Sally had gifted her, read the prologue and settled into chapter one.

The flight attendant served lunch, a delicious caesar salad followed by fresh fruit, and Lara declined coffee in favour of chilled water.

At some stage they’d need to touch down and refuel; Hawaii or LAX seemed a logical choice. Would they disembark for a stopover, or simply continue on to New York?

Lara attempted to focus on the book, the story, the characters, without much success. She felt strangely restless, with the need to stretch her legs. It was difficult to remember when she’d had so much time on her hands, unconstructive time, where she wasn’t juggling several things at once with not a minute to spare.

Work and sleep had been so much the pattern of her life for endless months, it was difficult to sit and watch the world go by. Correction—the sky, and the sparse blanket of cloud beneath the jet.

The leather recliner chair was comfortable, too comfortable, and she closed the book, then leant back against the headrest.

She must have slept, for she came awake at the light touch of a hand on her shoulder, and for a moment she felt disoriented by her surroundings.

‘The attendant is about to serve dinner,’ Wolfe relayed quietly. ‘Would you like something to drink first?’

‘Chilled water,’ Lara managed as she straightened in the chair.

‘We’re due to land on Oahu in an hour for an overnight stopover before flying on to New York tomorrow.’

The main Hawaiian island. A relaxed, laid-back lifestyle, Waikiki’s sandy beach, pina coladas at sunset and the buzz of tourists, she mused when they disembarked, cleared customs, then rode a cab to downtown Waikiki.

A modern luxury hotel fronting the beach, and a magnificent suite on a high floor overlooking the wide, sweeping bay with a view towards Diamond Head.

Sparkling lights against a velvet indigo sky.

Heaven, Lara perceived, as she removed the jacket she’d worn onboard … aware Wolfe had dispensed with his own.

Had he slept during the flight? Perhaps not. He bore the invincible air of a man well used to spending long hours in the air on a regular basis.

The trick to minimizing the effects of jet lag meant adopting the current time-zone, and given it was close to midnight slipping into bed seemed a sensible option.

‘You want to take the shower first, or share mine?’

Get naked with him? He had to be kidding!

Oh, get real. Tonight they’d share more than the bed. Why not view a shared shower as a tantalizing preliminary?

A fleeting thought, and one she didn’t quite have the courage to implement.

Lara extracted nightwear and toiletries from her bag and crossed to the en suite. ‘I won’t be long.’

She took a few seconds to admire the splendid marble tiles lining the floor and walls, the luxurious accoutrements, then she turned on the water, set the temperature dial and quickly stripped off her clothes.

Bliss, she acknowledged as she picked up the scented soap and began smoothing it over her body. The water felt good and she lifted her face, letting the warmth flow onto it.

She didn’t hear the faint sound of the bathroom door closing, only the slight snick as the partitioned glass opened, and she gasped out loud as Wolfe stepped into the large cubicle.

An arm automatically crossed over her breasts while the other defended the curling hair at the apex of her thighs.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’ she managed as he took the soap from her hand and pulled her away from the direct water spray.

‘Bathing you.’

He sounded amused, and her eyes widened as he stepped behind her and began smoothing the scented bar down the length of her spine, sensitizing her skin.

Her body swayed slightly in reaction to his touch, and she had no control over the sudden clenching sensation deep inside.

Oh … The slight groan died in her throat.

She wasn’t ready for this. Not here, in the shower …

Does it matter where? a tiny voice silently taunted.

Gently, with evocative slowness, he covered every inch of her back, the curve of her bottom, then he moved his hands up and began shaping her shoulders.

Lara felt the touch of his mouth against her nape before it trailed to the sensitive hollow at the edge of her neck, lingered there, then nibbled a little using the edge of his teeth before soothing the faintly abraded skin with an open-mouthed kiss.

It would be so easy to lean back against him, to silently indicate her compliance to everything he asked of her. Yet she couldn’t quite bring herself to take that step.

What was wrong with her?

All she had to do was summon the courage and act a part.

Not even act, the tiny voice taunted remorsefully.

This was Wolfe … the one man who possessed the power to render her mindless.

Even now her heart hammered to a quickened beat as sensation swept through her body, and she became consumed by a deep, throbbing ache so intense it felt as if she was on fire.

With infinite care he turned her round to face him and he took hold of her chin, tilting it so she had little choice but to look at him.

His tall, broad frame seemed large in the confines of the glass cubicle, and her eyes became huge dark pools as he lowered his head and captured her mouth with his own. She expected a deliberate assault on her senses, but he kept it light, cupping her head between both hands as he gently explored the soft, moist inner tissues and savoured the contours of her tongue with the edge of his own.

The temptation to lift her arms high, link her hands at his nape and lean in against him was almost impossible to resist, and she uttered an indistinct sound as he brushed her lips with his own before lifting his head.

For an infinitesimal second she felt confused and slightly bereft as he turned slightly … then he picked up the discarded soap and handed it to her.

‘Your turn, hmm?’

He had to be joking, surely?

Her hesitation brought a gleam of amusement, and he simply covered her hand with his own as he began smoothing the soap over his chest.

It was hopelessly erotic as she covered toned musculature that shifted with fluid, masculine grace beneath her touch. The tight abs, hard six-pack, to the curve of his waist.

She paused momentarily when she reached his navel, then stilled, all too aware of the potent force of his arousal.

The blatant sexuality was vaguely intimidating. Each of her previous sexual encounters … the very few of them, she amended silently … had been conducted in a bed, beneath the covers, with the lights turned off. A consensual coupling evolving from a long, affectionate friendship.

Sharing a shower was a first. Hell, total nudity in the full illuminating glare of light was another first!

Could she play the seductive vamp? Touch him, explore his body with confidence? Offer herself freely without any of the hesitant insecurity and shyness playing havoc with her senses?

Wolfe’s gaze narrowed fractionally as he witnessed the fast-beating pulse at the base of her throat, the faint compulsive movement as she swallowed … and he lifted their joined hands to his mouth.

Then he released her.

For a moment she could only look at him blankly, gaining nothing from his expression, and her eyes widened as he cupped her cheek and pressed the pad of his thumb to her lower lip.

‘Go get dry, hmm? I’ll be out in a minute.’

What did he see? Her sense of regret … remorse?

She felt a slight tinge of warmth colour her cheeks, and she turned to escape from the shower cubicle.

Within seconds she caught up a fluffy bath-towel and quickly wound it sarong-fashion round her slim curves.

Damn it, she wouldn’t flee.

Instead, she dried off, completed her nightly routine, then she tended to her hair, aware Wolfe stepped out from the shower, hitched a towel round his hips and used another towel to dry off.

He’d given her some breathing space … but for how long?

Minutes, she realized, as he unceremoniously lifted her into his arms, walked into the bedroom and slid her down to stand on her feet.

She wanted this. Hadn’t she fantasized about being with him? Ached in her teenaged heart, and dreamt how it might be? Even wished to be his wife?

Foolish childish imaginings she’d thought could never come to fruition.

Yet, due to a quirk of fate, she wore Wolfe’s ring on her finger and bore his name.

So what are you waiting for?

Dreams were fleeting, with the inevitable waking to reality … and normality.

Except now the dream and the reality were one and the same.

‘Switch off the light.’

Wolfe captured her face between his hands. ‘No.’

Her face paled, and her eyes became dark. ‘Please.’ Dear heaven, was that her voice? It sounded husky, begging, and it broke off in a soundless gasp as his mouth covered her own in a kiss that stirred her heart.

He deepened the touch, taking possession in a manner that left no doubt as to how it would end, and she caught hold of his shoulders and held on, aware his hands shifted as one cupped her nape while the other slid down to her bottom and pulled her in against him.

Lara had little recollection of when she lost the towel, or Wolfe his, aware only there was nothing separating them and his erection was a hard, turgid length against her stomach.

A soundless gasp echoed in her throat as he shifted towards the bed, then in one fluid movement he removed the covers and gently eased her down onto the sheets.

For a heart-stopping moment she could only look at him as he caged her body with his own.

His eyes were dark, so dark and slumbrous … watchful, waiting for several seemingly long seconds, then he lowered his head to her breast and brushed his lips to its soft fullness, exploring in a manner that drew sensation spiralling from the depths of her womb.

He used the edge of his teeth to tease and nip a little, before fastening on one hardened peak to suckle shamelessly. Then he moved to render a similar salutation to its twin, feasting in a manner that wrought a strangled groan from her lips.

Not content, he trailed a path to her navel, explored it with the tip of his tongue, before tracing low to the soft curls shadowing her feminine core.

‘Please—’ Oh, dear heaven, please don’t … Except the words remained locked in her throat as he savoured at leisure, and she cried out as he bestowed all his attention to her throbbing clitoris, stroking the highly sensitized bud with relentless dedication until she became totally lost to the exhilarating sensation coiling through her body.

All-consuming, libidinous, pagan.

Like nothing she’d experienced, and she cried out, unable to prevent the raw, primitive sound emerging from her lips.

She moved restlessly, so caught up she didn’t recognize the husky voice as her own as she begged for his possession.

Except he was far from done, and she reached for his head with both hands as he thrust his tongue deep inside … unsure in the height of passion whether she held him there or attempted to pull him free.

Just when she thought she couldn’t stand the sensation another second, he lifted his head, positioned himself … and held her gaze as he effected penetration, easing his length as she stretched to accommodate him.

Her eyes became huge dark pools, and her lips parted as he gradually filled her, then he began to move and he caught the startled surprise evident.

Unbidden, her senses coalesced into one deep ache that intensified with every stroke, until she became totally lost … his … in a way she’d never experienced. She wound her arms round his neck and held on as he lowered his head and took possession of her mouth, absorbing the husky cries as she went to pieces in his arms.

Was it possible for a body to vibrate? To feel so totally possessed there was no room for thought of any kind?

Lara didn’t want to move … wasn’t sure she could.

Wolfe was there, still inside her, and she felt him harden as he settled his mouth into the sensitive curve at the edge of her neck.

He trailed a path across her collarbone, then travelled back to seek the sweet hollow beneath her ear.

It felt good, so good. And she turned her head a little in a quest to have his mouth cover hers. Then she gasped with surprise as he grasped hold of her waist and rolled onto his back, taking her with him, breaking his mouth from her own as he let her assume a position of control.

She instinctively arched upwards and sank back against his bent knees, taking in the magnetic expression in those dark eyes, the disruptive sensuality apparent on his compelling features, and her lips parted as he traced the contours of each breast, then paid delicate attention to each peak.

Pleasure rippled across the surface of her skin, and her upper body shook a little as he shaped her face, her collarbone, then slid down to weigh each breast in his hands.

Evocative tracery that stirred alive her tenuous emotions … causing her to move restlessly as one hand trailed low, seeking the acutely sensitive bud … and her reaction when he found it.

She rose up as sensation shot through her lower body in waves, each more powerful than the last, as he drove her almost to the point of delirium … then he shaped her waist and took her on the ride of her life.

Afterwards he pulled her down against him and settled her head into the curve of his neck as her body trembled in the aftershock of multiple orgasms.

His fingers drifted slowly along the edge of her spine, soothing gently until she gradually quieted and her breathing returned to normal.

She slept, physically and emotionally exhausted, unaware of the man who held her, or that it was a long time before he carefully disengaged and drew her in against the curve of his body.

Australian Bachelors: Masterful Magnates

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