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RYAN turned to Kate with a request. ‘Perhaps you could show Judy the food we have in the fridge? I’m sure she’ll find something suitable for Robin. While you’re doing that I’ll bring her suitcase up from the Range Rover.’

Kate sniffed and led the way to the kitchen. ‘Rather you than me with that boy,’ she muttered, with a hint of sympathy.

Judy rose to the child’s defence. ‘He’s a dear little boy and I’m very fond of him.’ Then she smiled disarmingly. ‘After all, most children become cross when they’re tired and hungry.’

Kate sniffed again as she opened the large fridge. ‘Then you’d better let him have some of this meat and vegetable casserole. You can heat it up in the microwave. Or perhaps you’d prefer to give him a plain boiled egg with fingers of toast. I’ll leave you to make up your own mind about it. Goodnighl’

Judy watched her open a door in the kitchen, then make her way down a back stairway. Miss Coster, she realised, was feeling disgruntled with the world in general, but there was little that she herself could do about it A sigh escaped her as she searched for a small saucepan in which to boil an egg. Robin, she knew, was in no state to be confronted by vegetables, whereas he enjoyed poking toast soldiers into a softly boiled egg.

An hour later, with a very drowsy small boy fed and put to bed, Judy was feeling more relaxed. She had renewed her make-up, and had changed into a damson-colored dress which made her eyes seem a shade purple. She was also feeling more confident, and as she sat opposite Ryan in the living room, while sipping a delicious Spanish sherry, it was hard to believe that this was the same man who’d been so annoyed when he’d learnt she was not Mrs Fulton.

To her relief, he now appeared to be resigned to her presence, and was treating her as a normal guest instead of something untouchable that had found its way into his hermit’s cave. The fact that he had no wish to entertain a young woman such as herself appeared to have been forgotten. Or had it been temporarily put on hold until he’d learnt all she could tell him?

However, he didn’t rush matters, and her crystal glass had been refilled before the questions began. It was enough to make her realise that the sherry was intended to loosen her tongue, although she knew there was little she could tell him.

Ryan leaned back in his chair, his long legs stretched before him, his olive-green eyes hooded as they examined the liquid in his glass. ‘OK... so tell me about the workings of the dragon’s mind,’ he requested lazily.

Judy laughed. ‘I’m afraid it’s beyond my powers to do that.’

Frowning, he said, ‘As I remarked earlier, she does nothing without a reason—and as she’s never gone to this extent before, I can’t help wondering what it is.’

Judy shook her head vaguely. ‘Apart from bronchial trouble, I can’t imagine what it can be—although I can hardly believe she’d send Robin to Napier without giving you a reason.’

He shrugged. ‘Only the one about his need for a warmer climate. Is he really bronchial?’

‘To be honest, I’ve never noticed it,’ she admitted.

Ryan continued to frown as he said, ‘If it was so imperative for him to come to Napier, why didn’t Verna bring him? After all, she’s his mother. Or Mrs Simmons herself?’

Judy had no wish to discuss Hilda Simmons or Verna. She wanted to learn a little more about this man, whose masculinity stirred something deep within her. But she knew he expected an answer, therefore she said, ‘It seems that Verna had already left for a skiing holiday a few days before Mrs Simmons decided upon this move. The snow is supposed to be really good further south, near Queenstown.’

His mouth tightened. ‘I’ll bet it is. It’s also mighty thick on Mount Ruapehu, where rm supposed to be skiing at present However, this business of young Robin was thrust upon me.’

She felt perturbed. ‘Are you saying you’ve had to forgo your own holiday?’

‘That’s it exactly.’

‘Why didn’t you refuse by explaining it was inconvenient?’

‘Because I was reminded that I owed her, and that I owed Verna. It had a strong smell of blackmail about it, but I decided that if the dragon imagined I was in their debt I would prefer to be free of it.’ He sipped his sherry, his eyes slightly narrowed as he went on, ‘Do you ever get the feeling there’s more to a situation than meets the eye? That’s how I feel about this. There’s something I just can’t put my finger on. Are you sure she didn’t say anything else?’

His last words jerked Judy’s memory. ‘Well...she did say she thought Robin would be safe with you.’

‘Safe?’ He sat up straight and stared at her. ‘What did she mean by that? Safe from what, may I ask?’

Judy shook her head. ‘I haven’t a clue. I asked, but she brushed the question aside.’

‘Well. that settles it,’ he rasped irritably. ‘The dragon has definitely got some plot simmering.’

The statement confirmed Judy’s own thoughts, but all she said was, ‘Vema will probably be able to explain...when she arrives.’

His face became a mask. ‘Verna is coming here?’

‘Of course. Didn’t her mother tell you? She’ll come to fetch Robin at the end of the school holidays. It’ll probably please you to learn that I was ordered to return to Christchurch almost at once.’

‘So I’m likely to have Verna here instead of yourself?’

She nodded. ‘Perhaps sooner than you expect.’ How did he feel about that? she wondered, covertly watching his face and hoping for a reaction to the thought of Verna’s arrival. But his expression remained unfathomable, and she then tried to tell herself that the question had no real interest for her. Or did it?

After that a silence hung between them, until she glanced at her watch and was amazed to see how the minutes had slipped by. A hunger pang told her it was time she ate, and hesitantly she said, ‘I’ve no wish to appear to be taking over your kitchen, but—would you like me to do something about the food Miss Coster has left in the fridge?’

Ryan took a hasty glance at his own watch. ‘Yes, it’s time we had supper. Let’s do things together. I’ll find cutlery and tablemats while you put whatever you wish into the microwave.’

She stood up and moved towards the kitchen. ‘Let’s do things together’, he’d said. It sounded pleasant, but of course she knew that he meant nothing of a familiar nature, and the sooner she controlled her wayward thoughts the better. Remember Alan Draper, she reminded herself. All men are the same.

As he took plates from kitchen cupboards he said, ‘While you’re here you’ll be attending to meals, so as far as the kitchen is concerned—it’s all yours.’

‘Thank you—I’ll take care of it’ She smiled while studying which elements to switch on beneath the previously prepared carrots, Brussels sprouts and potatoes—the latter to be mashed.

He came to her aid, standing close enough for his arm to brush her own as he pointed out the various heating areas on the shiny black ceramic stove-top. It caused her to catch her breath, but she gave no sign of her racing pulses as she murmured a faint, ‘Thank you.’

If he noticed that her colour had risen slightly he ignored it by saying casually, ‘I must say you’re very good with Robin. A real little mother, in fact.’

Praise from Ryan was unexpected. It caused her colour to deepen.

He went on, ‘I was impressed by your care in making sure his teeth were cleaned before bedtime.’

A shaky laugh escaped her. ‘That’s because I was a dental nurse. You could say I’m very tooth-conscious.’ She paused, then went on ruefully, ‘You’ll notice I said was a dental nurse.’

‘You were made redundant?’ he asked, while eyeing her sharply.

‘Not exactly.’ She spoke with quiet dignity. ‘Until recently I worked for a dentist who had a one-man practice. The poor man died from a brain haemorrhage. His death put me out of a job, and so far I haven’t found another.’

Judy sighed while recalling the morning she’d been phoned by a tearful newly widowed woman and given the sad news. She’d been told to cancel all appointments, then shut the door and go home. Later she’d assisted by settling accounts and making an inventory of all surgery equipment.

‘I don’t suppose dental nurse jobs are very thick on the ground,’ Ryan said, while watching the shadows of sadness linger on her face.

‘They’re not...that’s why I was free to bring Robin to you. But that’s enough about me. You can’t possibly be interested.’ Then, feeling a change of subject was indicated, she said with sincerity, ‘I’m sorry your holiday has been disrupted—although there’s nothing to stop you from keeping to your plans. Robin and I would be all right staying here, so long as you don’t object to us occupying your house while you’re away.’

He said nothing while opening red wine and placing it in a bottle-holder. Then his mouth tightened as he remarked in a mocking tone, ‘You sound as if my absence would be preferable to my presence.’

‘It wouldn’t matter to me one way or the other,’ she responded coolly, while knowing this to be a lie.

He met her blue-eyed gaze steadily. ‘Aren’t you forgetting the small matter of the boy being safe with me? While you’re both in Napier I intend to remain close.’

Judy’s smooth brow wrinkled as she put portions of the casserole into the microwave. ‘I’m still unable to understand what Mrs Simmons meant by that,’ she admitted.

‘Me too—but you can bet that the dragon had something in mind. She’s very astute.’

Judy did not pursue the subject. She knew Hilda Simmons well enough to realise that her neighbour was inclined to dramatise and exaggerate most situations. Nor did she wish to mentally dwell upon the older woman, and in an effort to clear her thoughts she found herself wishing that the present amicability between herself and this man could be a little deeper than the mere surface.

A short time later, while serving him with food at his own table, she began to enjoy herself. It was like being his hostess, and she became aware of a small, happy glow of excitement within her. Despite his initial antagonism there was something about him that appealed to her. The shaded lights gave an aura of inscrutability to his clean-cut features, and she wondered about the direction of his thoughts. Was it possible they’d ever rest upon herself with any degree of friendship? Or was he even now happily contemplating the thought of Verna’s arrival?

As if to confound her, he raised his wine glass and said, ‘Here’s to our better acquaintance.’

Automatically she raised her own glass while repeating his words. Did he mean them? she wondered. In an effort to clear the confusion from her mind she stared through the alcove window to where the full moon hung like a silver dollar over this tranquil corner of the South Pacific Ocean. Darkness had now fallen, and the curve of the bay was brilliantly outlined by house and streetlights situated round the shore. Close at hand, and below the window, cars sped along the seafront road, the muted swish of their passing making the room seem like a haven of peace.

He said, ‘You’ve become very quiet and thoughtful. What’s put you in this mood?’

She raked in her mind for a logical reply, but could only come up with, ‘You spoke of our better acquaintance—but you’re ahead of me. You know much more about me than I know about you. It’s hardly fair.’

His dark brows rose. ‘Didn’t the dragon give you a nmning commentary on my entire life?’

‘Why would she do that?’ Judy said carefully, knowing it would be unthinkable to tell him what Hilda Simmons had said concerning his land activities—or that she considered he should have married Verna years ago.

He helped himself to more mashed potatoes. ‘Well—if you’re really interested—I grow food for export.’

‘What sort of food? Unless you think I’m prying...?’

He paused, as though wondering where to begin, then, staring into his wine glass he said, ‘I grow apples for export to the UK. Buttercup squash to go to Japan. There are acres of sweetcorn, where the cobs will end up frozen or in cans, also green peas that’ll receive a similar fate. There’s a large area of grapes, which will go to this country’s wine-makers, and in a couple of months’ time the asparagus cutters will arrive at dawn each morning to harvest the spears coming through the ground.’

Judy’s mind boggled as Hilda’s words flashed into her memory. ‘You must be a...a positive land baron,’ she exclaimed, the words just slipping out.

He regarded her through narrowed lids. ‘Land baron? That’s what Hilda Simmons always says... Are you sure she didn’t discuss me?’

Judy brushed the veiled accusation aside by asking, ‘How do you manage all these areas?’

‘Each section has its own manager, who is an expert in that particular line. He employs whatever staff he needs. We hold manager meetings to discuss procedure, like rotation of crops and the fertilisation of the soil. The ground has to be fed, you understand.’

She watched his lips as he spoke, noticing the sensuous lines of his mouth. He’d know how to kiss a girl, she found herself thinking, then dragged her thoughts back to a more even keel by saying, ‘I must say you seem very young to have become a land ba—I mean to have acquired so much land.’

Ryan shrugged. ‘I’m a mature thirty-two,’ he informed her. ‘Nor does the credit for land ownership rest with me. About a hundred years ago one of my paternal ancestors bought arable land when it was much less costly than it is today. It’s been passed down from father to son, some of whom added to it After the death of my parents it came to me. I feel it’s my duty to take care of it.’ A look of pain crossed his face.

‘You’re an only child?’ she asked gently.

‘That’s right’

‘What happened to your parents?’ She hardly knew how she dared ask the question, but something stronger than herself seemed to be at work. It was like a force that made her want to know more and more about this man.

Ryan spent several moments in silence before he said, ‘They were killed in a car accident. An idiot speeding to pass a car caused a head-on collision. It happened soon after I’d left school, so to keep myself sane I threw myself into farming, so that I could carry on where Dad had left off. I felt I owed it to him.’

‘I’m sorry,’ she said in a hushed voice, the thought of such an accident filling her with horror. At the same time sympathy made her long to reach out and touch him, and it was only with an effort that she kept her hands to herself.

Restlessly, he left the table and began to pace about the room. ‘Normally I don’t talk about it...and now I’m wondering why I’m telling you,’ he said, in a tone that betrayed irritation with himself.

‘Sometimes it’s good to talk,’ she pointed out gently. ‘Please come back to the table and finish your meal.’ Then, considering him thoughtfully, she went on, ‘You must have spent time in Christchurch to be so well acquainted with Mrs Simmons—and Verna.’

Her reference to Verna was ignored as he returned to the table, where he said, ‘My mother and Hilda Simmons were schoolfriends who always kept in touch with each other. In fact Mother was Hilda’s bridesmaid when she married Hugh Simmons. He died a few years ago. During my own schooldays Mother used to take me to stay with the Simmonses. Then Hilda rang me recently and demanded that I return the compliment by giving young Robin a period beside the sea in a warmer climate. I thought I could manage, with Kate Coster’s help, but you saw what happened with the boy.’

‘You agreed to do it for Verna’s sake?’ Judy asked with insight.

‘Yes—I suppose you could put it that way,’ he admitted gruffly, then his lip twisted as he added almost accusingly, ‘I can’t believe the dragon omitted to tell you there was a time when Verna and I were fairly close.’

‘But obviously it ended,’ Judy observed, while avoiding a direct answer.

‘By mutual consent,’ he muttered in a low growL

She looked at him reflectively. ‘I think it’s possible you still have feelings for Venla...otherwise Robin wouldn’t be here.’

‘One doesn’t forget old friends,’ he retorted tersely. ‘Now then—do you mind if we get off this subject?’

‘Gladly,’ she responded with a smile, while realising that he hadn’t told her what she really wanted to know. Not that his feelings for Verna were her concern, she admitted to herself. In an effort to break the awkward silence that had fallen between them, she said, ‘Would you like to finish the last bit of casserole?’

‘Might as well,’ he said, but before she could serve it on to his plate they were startled by cries of distress that floated along the passage from Robin’s bedroom.


She dropped the spoon and sprang to her feet, then raced along the passage to find the little boy sitting up in bed with tears streaming down his face. His body was shaking with sobs, and as she clasped him to her she pressed his head against her shoulder. ‘It’s all right, darling—I’m here,’ she assured him, with motherly love and tenderness. ‘Did you think I’d gone away? You must’ve been dreaming.’

‘I...I thought Uncle Ryan had sent you away,’ he gasped, while clinging to her as fresh tears fell.

‘In that case you were definitely dreaming,’ Ryan said from the doorway, where he stood watching Judy’s efforts to console the distressed boy.

‘Have you forgotten I promised I wouldn’t leave you?’ Judy asked soothingly as she reached for tissues from the bedside table. ‘Now settle down and go to sleep.’ Gently she mopped his face, then gave him an affectionate hug before pressing him back against the pillow.

Robin turned appealing eyes to Ryan. ‘Please, Uncle Ryan...promise you won’t send Judy away?’

Ryan came further into the room to stand beside Judy. ‘I wouldn’t even think of it, old chap,’ he assured Robin, in a voice that was slightly husky, then, unexpectedly, he placed his arm about Judy’s waist and drew her against his side. ‘Judy and I are the best of friends now. Isn’t that so?’ He grinned down at her while uttering the last words.

Judy felt herself go scarlet as, for the sake of the boy, she stammered, ‘Y-yes...I...I suppose so...’

Robin sat up abruptly, his hazel eyes sparkling with interest as they stared at Ryan. ‘Are you Judy’s boyfriend now...’stead of Uncle Alan?’

Judy gave a small gasp. ‘I did ask you not to mention him!’

‘Sorry, Judy...’ Robin looked contrite.

Ryan chuckled as he looked down into her face again. ‘So he was Alan—was he?’ Then he turned to the boy again and said with what sounded like sincerity, ‘Don’t worry, yon and I both know we can’t do without Judy.’

But Judy knew better than to take any notice of his words, although she was more than conscious of the disturbing influence his touch was having upon her. Apart from sending tingles through her body, it had made her blood race, and as the pressure of his arm about her waist increased she began to tremble.

Noticing it, he said, ‘What’s the matter? You’re like a fluttering bird.’

She groped in her mind for a reason, then gave a nervous laugh. ‘You can put it down to not being accustomed to having the responsibility of a small child put upon me.’

He spoke casually. ‘I can help. We’ll take care of him together.’

‘Thank you.’ There was that word again. Together.

Staring at them wide-eyed, Robin appeared to be satisfied by the sight of them standing so close to each other. He blew his nose on more tissues, then settled down beneath the bedclothes. Judy moved from Ryan to tuck him in. Robin’s lids fluttered and he appeared to be asleep before they had left the room.

When they returned to the dining alcove Ryan said, ‘I’ll make coffee.’

Judy watched through the archway as he became busy in the kitchen, then was unable to resist a reprimand. ‘You shouldn’t have lied to Robin,’ she said in a serious tone. ‘You know perfectly well that I’m not your girlfriend.’

He carried the steaming mugs to the table. ‘I didn’t lie to the boy,’ he said, while placing one before her. ‘At the moment you’re the best girl I know. I couldn’t have handled him without you. I’m now well aware of that fact.’

His words sent a warm glow through her, although she felt the need to repeat her words. ‘But I’m not your girlfriend .’

‘Perhaps not in the sense you mean, but I’m hoping we can start again and at least be friends. That’s if you’re willing to make the effort, of course.’

She stared into her coffee cup, well aware that she was more than willing to meet him halfway, yet she felt reluctant to reveal the fact. This intriguing man—this land baron whose appearance and apparent wealth probably drew women from all sides—needn’t know she was ready to join the queue of ardent admirers who were willing to swoon at his feel

His voice came reflectively. ‘In any case, I dare say Robin is too young to know anything about girlfriends.’

Judy laughed. ‘Don’t you believe it. At the ripe old age of six Robin has his own special girlfriend. Her name is Sally and she lives nearby. She’s in his class at school, and on most days she feeds him cookies at playtime, having taken one for Robin as well as for herself. It proves that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’

Her words lightened the atmosphere between them, but did not remove the thoughtful expression from Ryan’s face. Regarding her intently, he said, ‘Tell me about Uncle Alan—whoever he is. I take it he no longer exists in your world?’

‘Correct.’ The word was snapped out.

He lifted her left hand, then held it nearer for clearer scrutiny. ‘Do I-detect a pale mark on your third finger—as though a ring has been removed?’

She snatched her hand away. ‘Yes. It’s been returned to Alan—’ She broke off, biting back further words and feeling infuriated with herself. Why couldn’t she keep her stupid mouth shut?

His eyes held a spark of interest. ‘Does this mean you’re footloose and fancy-free?’

‘Yes, it does—and I intend to stay that way,’ she declared firmly. ‘As for Alan Draper, I’m trying to forget him—therefore I have no intention of discussing what proved to be a most painful experience.’

He grinned. ‘Excuse me—are you the same person who recently said that sometimes it’s good to talk?’

‘It depends upon the subject,’ she reasoned, and at the same time she warned herself against revealing any more—because to speak of finding her fiancé locked in the arms of another woman would be too embarrassing for words.

Thinking of it now, she wondered if she’d ever get the memory of that night out of her mind. They had been at a birthday party, but had been there for only an hour when Alan had appeared to be missing from the crowded room. Judy had felt concerned for him, because she’d known he’d been drinking. However, she had not made a fuss. Instead, she’d checked through the house, and had just completed the task when the host had handed her a torch and told her to look in the cars parked along the drive.

In the back seat of one of them she’d found Alan with a redhead named Carol Reed. Judy had shone the torch in their startled faces. She had taken one glance at the dishevelled state of their clothes, then, snatching the car door open, she’d slipped the engagement ring from her finger and had thrown it at Alan. After that she’d run home, gasping and sobbing through the dimly lit streets.

Within a short time everyone who had been at the party knew what had happened, and soon the news of it had filtered through to the rest of her friends. But when these people had rung to offer sympathy they’d merely filled her with a desire to get away and hide. And then, out of the blue, had come the request to take Robin to Napier.

Judy had discussed the matter with her parents, who considered it had come as a godsend. It would give her something else to think about, and if she decided to find herself a job in that North Island city they would quite understand. In fact, it might give her a new lease of life.

Dragging her mind back to the present, she became aware that Ryan was observing her face through narrowed lids. She feared he was reading her expression, and this became evident by his next words.

“This painful experience—I have a suspicion you’re living it all over again?’ he suggested, with a hint of unexpected sympathy. ‘I also suspect that whatever happened still hurts.’

She nodded, finding it impossible to speak as the memories continued to jab at her.

‘This man—do you think he’ll follow you to Napier if he happens to learn where you ace?’

‘I hope not. I don’t want to see him again—ever.’ The last word was spat with vehemence.

Ryan regarded her with concern. ‘In that case you’ll have to take care you’re not caught on the rebound,’ he warned. ‘If a handsome stranger comes along and is particularly nice to you—you might fall flat at his feet. Metaphorically speaking, of course,’ he added with a twinkle in his eye.

‘That’s most unlikely,’ she retorted coldly. ‘Just as you appear to be allergic to women, I’m in a similar frame of mind concerning men. At the moment I look upon them as being anything but trustworthy.’

‘Thank you very much,’ he growled. ‘Not even present company excepted, I notice.’

She decided to be frank. ‘I just feared you might be referring to yourself as the handsome stranger,’ she said, while giving a light laugh to soften her words. At the same time she hoped he’d feel assured she had no intention of setting her sights on himself.

His face remained inscrutable as he said, ‘I can see your hurt has gone very deeply indeed. It puts you into the dangerous state of being thoroughly vulnerable—so I’m warning you again to watch your step.’

‘I’ll do that,’ she informed him gravely. ‘Thank you for your concern, even if it is only your imagination that tells you so much about me.’

‘It’s not imagination,’ he told her quietly. ‘I’ve watched you with the boy, not only in the airport lounge, when you were unaware of it, but also since you’ve been here. It’s been revealing. It’s easy to see you’re an affectionate and caring person, but you’re also one who needs to be loved in return. That’s what will make you easy prey, or—as I said—vulnerable.’

She looked at him thoughtfully, then dared to ask, ‘What about you, Ryan? Are you so emotionally under control that you prefer to live entirely without female company?’

He gave a faint snort. ‘Who says I live entirely without female company?’

‘It’s the impression you’ve given me.’

‘Then allow me to correct it. When I need a woman I can always call on Cynthia.’ The statement came out casually.

Her eyes widened. ‘Cynthia...?’ Hearing him mention the name of a woman had given her a shock.

‘Cynthia Birch. She’s a friend who lives at Te Pohue on the road to Lake Taupo. When I go fishing at Taupo, or skiing on Mount Ruapehu, I usually call in and have coffee with her. She’s inclined to rely on me for advice concerning her financial affairs.’

‘She’s fortunate in having someone such as yourself to guide her.’

‘Well—it’s only been since her divorce.’

‘I see.’ She stared down at her empty plate.

‘Are you sure about that? Is there anything else you’d like to know?’ he drawled, while watching her from behind hooded lids.

‘Not particularly,’ she returned in an offhand manner, at the same time knowing this to be a lie. In fact there were several points now jumping about to arouse her curiosity, but they were not questions she felt could be asked—at least not on such short acquaintance. They’d be sure to bring forth a snub strong enough to ruin the delicate amicability that had sprung up between them.

Exactly how deep was his friendship with this woman? she wondered. And then there was the question of Vema. Did he still have any depth of feeling left for her? ‘One doesn’t forget old friends’, he’d said, and Judy wished she knew what had come between them to end their romance.

And then another question that had often simmered in Judy’s mind returned to niggle at her. It concerned the identity of Robin’s father. Did Ryan know of his whereabouts? She had never set eyes on the elusive Mr Bryant, nor was his name ever mentioned. Not that it was any business of hers, of course, although she had often wondered if Verna, as a single parent, was using a fictitious name for the sake of appearances. But now that Robin was going to school he’d soon be asking questions for himself, especially on sports days and at break-up time, when the other boys produced their fathers. Where was his father? he’d soon be wanting to know.

Even as she pondered this question Judy looked at the man sitting at the table. The rays from the nearby standard lamp fell on his thick auburn hair, highlighting the gleam of red in it, and she was reminded of similar glints of red in Robin’s hair. Startled, she was forced to wonder if Ryan could be the boy’s father—was this why Hilda Simmons had sent the boy to Napier? Did she hope that father and son would find a mutual bond, so that when Verna arrived matters could be brought to a successful conclusion?

The thoughts swam about in Judy’s mind until suddenly she told herself she was being stupid. She was jumping to conclusions and assuming a situation which probably didn’t exist. If Ryan was Robin’s father she felt sure he would have acknowledged him years ago—although why she had such faith in his integrity she was unable to say. It was just that he seemed to be an honest person who meant what he said—someone who was totally different from Alan Draper.

She was so lost in her thoughts she almost jumped when Ryan raised his hand to run a long tanned forefinger down her cheek. His touch sent a tremor through her body and her face flushed.

His eyes glinted as he observed her reaction, then his voice became a low murmur as he asked, ‘Is something worrying you?’

She forced herself to meet his gaze. ‘Why do you ask?’

‘Because you’ve been silent for several long minutes and I’ve been watching the changing expressions on your face. They’ve made me wonder if you’re concerned for your safety in this house.’

She caught her breath. ‘You mean from you? No...it hadn’t even occurred to me.’

His dark brows drew together. ‘Does that mean you consider me to be a sexless wimp?’

She gave a faint smile, while allowing her eyes to rest upon his sensuous mouth and strong jaw. This man, a sexless wimp? Not in a thousand years would he qualify. Then she said, ‘No...I feel quite safe because I suspect you’ve no wish for me to rush screaming to Miss Coster. Besides, you need me here to take care of Robin.’

He spoke gruffly, ‘Well, there’s a lock to your bedroom door in case you begin to feel jittery about my intentions.’

Later, when she went to bed, she didn’t even bother to turn the key. There was no need, she assured herself. She held no attraction for him—nor did he hold any attraction for her. Well, maybe that wasn’t quite true, but she’d fight against it because she was finished with men and had no intention of looking at another for a long, long time. As for being caught on the rebound—huh! That would be the day! He must think she was a complete idiot.

A Most Determined Bachelor

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