Читать книгу Georgia Sweethearts - Missy Tippens - Страница 8


To my agent Natasha Kern—

For your unfailing encouragement.

To my readers—

For letters and emails that touch my heart.

To God—

For the lessons

You teach me through the journey of each book.


Thanks to author Shirley Jump for her online writing classes and for invaluable feedback on my homework assignments—which became this story!

Special thanks to Gail White

for generously sharing her time and talent

by starting the Yarners group at my church. And to Marla Weaver and Penny for patiently teaching this hopeless knitter how to attempt to make a scarf. Maybe someday I’ll finish it.

Thank you to my amazing editors Emily Rodmell and Elizabeth Mazer for your guidance

and for making the book better.

I’m blessed to be able to work with you.

A big thank-you to all the other wonderful folks

at Love Inspired Books, especially those who

do the behind-the-scenes work.

Please know that I appreciate you!

Georgia Sweethearts

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