Читать книгу Her Unlikely Family - Missy Tippens - Страница 6
ОглавлениеThank you to Ted Kohn, Joni Kost, Kerry
Lipscomb and Beth McLear for research
I owe so much to my critique group, Belinda
Peterson, Maureen Hardegree and Meg Moseley,
for hours of work on this manuscript.
I’m grateful to Georgia Romance Writers—
especially Anna DeStefano for lessons in
persistence and Sandra Chastain for first
recognizing my stories as inspirational romance.
Thanks to The Seekers for encouragement and
laughter. And to FHL, W.O.R.D. and the F.A.I.T.H.
bloggers for prayer and support.
Special thanks to Emily Rodmell and
Krista Stroever for making my dream
of publishing come true.