Читать книгу The Wife – Part Three: In Sickness and In Health - ML Roberts - Страница 8

Chapter 1 Present Day …


So many lies. I can’t seem to escape them. Can’t seem to stop living them. There is so much I can’t let go of.


I can’t let go of him. I need him. We’ve been sleeping together for ten months now, mine and Michael’s anniversary party was just the start of it. For ten months he’s been giving me everything my husband can’t or won’t give me. Liam keeps me from falling over the precipice I threaten to tumble over so frequently these days.

I’m spying on my husband because I think he’s sleeping with another woman, and yet, I’m sleeping with his best friend. I’m almost certain my husband is having an affair, yet I’m having one of my own. But he drove me to it. He practically pushed me into Liam’s bed with his lack of concern, his unwillingness to be the support I needed at a time when my world was falling apart. It still is falling apart. He’s no different to my father, with his lies. His deceit. But I’m not my mother. I won’t lie down and take his shit, I’m fighting. Liam’s nothing more than the support I need as I try to put my life back together. That’s all I can allow him to be. My support.

The first time I met Liam Kennedy, a year or so before I met Michael, I wasn’t in a good place. My father had tainted the way I saw men, making me wary of contemplating anything other than friendship. That was probably why I was drawn to Liam. He wasn’t looking for anything serious either, he just wanted someone to hang out with. Someone to sleep with, without the complications of a full-on relationship. That suited me just fine. Sex without the mess, without the threat of any heartache.

We’d met at the local pub, at a party to celebrate the pub football team’s win in some tournament or other, I don’t remember what, exactly. I don’t even remember how I’d ended up at that party, but I remember the first time I saw Liam. He’d been standing by the side of the bar, close to the doors that led from the pub to the beer garden out back. He’d had a pint in one hand, the other gesticulating wildly around his head as he regaled some story to his group of friends. And it must’ve been a funny story because I also remember the laughter, so loud it had almost drowned out the music.

I remember the night I met Liam. My first night with Liam.

The night it all started.

The night that meant he was now linked to us, our lives; everything that would happen, he was going to be a part of it, because of that night.

I quickly pull myself back from that memory; back to the here and now. It’s the present I need to concentrate on, not the past.

‘I should be going.’ I sit up, hugging my knees to my chest as he comes out of the bathroom. ‘Michael’s probably home by now.’

But he won’t wonder where I’ve been. He won’t ask what I’ve been doing. That would mean starting a conversation, something my husband is apparently terrified to do these days.

‘Will he care? If you’re not there?’

Liam sits down, runs his fingertips lightly up and down my calf, sending shivers racing up my spine. Liam gives me everything Michael won’t. Everything my husband refuses to share with me, it feels like Liam allows me to have it all. I can close my eyes and lose myself in him, let the sex engulf me. I need the release, because the darkness always returns.

I take his hand, watch as his fingers curl around mine. He wants me to stay. ‘I’m not sure what Michael cares about anymore.’

‘So, stay a little longer.’.

I let go of his hand, climb off the bed and reach for my clothes. I get dressed, keeping my back to him, and it’s only when I look outside, when I realize that dark and unwelcome world I now inhabit is drawing me back towards it, that I know I’m not ready to face it just yet.

I turn around, lean back against the window sill, and look down at my hand. The cuts from the broken wine glass are still clearly visible, but they’re healing now.

‘I wish things had been different, Ellie.’

I look up, frowning slightly. I’m not sure what he means by that. ‘Different …?’

‘Back then.’

‘Back then it was nothing more than meaningless sex, Liam.’

‘And now? What is it now?’

I don’t know. Yes. I do. I know. ‘It’s still meaningless sex.’

He gets up, walks over to me. Tall, toned and muscular in ways Michael isn’t, Liam has stronger arms, a harder body. He does things to me Michael would never do, and I’d never given that a second thought before. But now I crave the sometimes twisted sex we have. That passion. That red-hot need to feel another body invade mine. I don’t want to be loved, I just want to be touched. Taken. Made to feel like a woman again instead of an empty shell.

He stops in front of me, naked and beautiful and I don’t know why he’s still alone. He’s handsome, intelligent, funny and kind. Why did Keeley leave him? What made them drift so far apart? There seemed to be no reason for their marriage to end in the way that it did. Maybe they just fell out of love, it happens.

He slides a hand onto my neck, pushes my head backwards, his lips brushing the base of my throat and I groan quietly. He’s making me want to stay, and I need to go. I can’t stay here, in this bubble, forever.

‘When can I see you again?’ he murmurs, his mouth touching mine. I close my eyes, let his words vibrate against my lips, feel his breath fall into me.

‘I don’t know,’ I whisper. But I need it to be soon. I can’t wait too long, I don’t like giving the darkness time to take over completely. As long as I can take a step back every now and again, I can cope. Maybe I’m becoming too dependent on this man, I don’t know. I don’t care. All I know is that when he’s inside me I forget all the pain. I feel part of something again, part of someone.

I place a hand on his chest, my fingers splaying out over his skin. I feel his heart beating against my palm and I look up at him. I touch his jaw line, his neat, dark-blonde beard, his mouth. I run my thumb over his lower lip, tilt my head to one side as he grabs my wrist. He pulls my hand away from his face, and I fall backwards against the window sill as he kisses me, sliding his hand between my legs. He’s keeping me from going anywhere.

I pretend to resist, but he knows that’s a game. I don’t want him to stop, I want him to continue to take away the pain until I don’t need him anymore. But we can’t keep doing this forever, he knows that; I made it clear from the start. And we both know the rules.

‘I have to go.’

I pull his hand from between my legs and head for the door. I do have to go. I need to check where Michael’s been today. What he’s been doing. Who he’s been talking to. I’ve spent enough time here, I’ve had my fix, I’m okay now.


I stop in the doorway, turn back around to look at him. His eyes lock on mine, but neither of us says anything. We don’t need to.

If I want my husband back, we can’t do this, forever …

The Wife – Part Three: In Sickness and In Health

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