Читать книгу Not White Enough, Not Black Enough - Mohamed Adhikari - Страница 10



AAC All African Convention
ANB Afrikaanse Nasionale Bond
ANC African National Congress
APO African Political Organization
BLAC Black Literature, Art and Culture
CAC Coloured Advisory Council
CAD Coloured Affairs Department
CATA Cape African Teachers’ Association
CPC Coloured People’s Congress
CPNU Coloured People’s National Union
CPSA Communist Party of South Africa
CRC Coloured Representative Council
FIOSA Fourth International Organization of South Africa
ICU Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union
NEUF Non-European United Front
NEUM Non-European Unity Movement
NLL National Liberation League
SACPO South African Coloured People’s Organization
SAIC South African Indian Congress
TARC Train Apartheid Resistance Committee
TLSA Teachers’ League of South Africa
UCCA Union Council of Coloured Affairs
UDF United Democratic Front
UMSA Unity Movement of South Africa
Not White Enough, Not Black Enough

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