Читать книгу Not White Enough, Not Black Enough - Mohamed Adhikari - Страница 10
AAC | All African Convention |
ANB | Afrikaanse Nasionale Bond |
ANC | African National Congress |
APO | African Political Organization |
BLAC | Black Literature, Art and Culture |
CAC | Coloured Advisory Council |
CAD | Coloured Affairs Department |
CATA | Cape African Teachers’ Association |
CPC | Coloured People’s Congress |
CPNU | Coloured People’s National Union |
CPSA | Communist Party of South Africa |
CRC | Coloured Representative Council |
FIOSA | Fourth International Organization of South Africa |
ICU | Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union |
NEUF | Non-European United Front |
NEUM | Non-European Unity Movement |
NLL | National Liberation League |
SACPO | South African Coloured People’s Organization |
SAIC | South African Indian Congress |
TARC | Train Apartheid Resistance Committee |
TLSA | Teachers’ League of South Africa |
UCCA | Union Council of Coloured Affairs |
UDF | United Democratic Front |
UMSA | Unity Movement of South Africa |