Читать книгу Advice That Sticks - Moira Somers - Страница 2


Praise for Advice That Sticks

Finally, someone is willing to tackle the complex issue of client compliance and how change occurs in the area of personal and business finance. Written by an expert in the field of financial psychology, the book delivers humility, humor and wisdom. It guides the reader in learning how to close the gap between good intentions and actions.

Courtney Pullen, M.A.

Author, Intentional Wealth

This is a great book! A worn and dog-eared copy belongs on the bookshelf of every financial advisor who views financial planning as a calling and a profession.

Rick Kahler, MSFP, CFP®

Author, Conscious Finance

Consumers know they need to do things differently with respect to their money, but are often dismayed or baffled by their own self-sabotaging habits. Financial professionals have not always known how to be helpful in creating lasting behaviour change. They’ve relied too much on the provision of information and the occasional stern lecture. This book will change all that. It is superbly written, and well-positioned to help a lot of people.

Kelley Keehn

Finance author & consumer advocate

Dr. Moira Somers has given professional advisors an inspired gift in Advice That Sticks. She shares dozens of adherence-boosting strategies, including outstanding recommended questions to ask clients. I love Somers’ delightfully dry humor, which sparkles throughout! This book’s insightful, disciplined, evidence-based process will enhance advisors’ effectiveness as advice-givers.

Kathleen Rehl, Ph.D., CFP®, CeFT®

Author, Moving Forward on Your Own

With this book, every financial professional has access to deeply practical advice on how to listen, observe and respond while helping clients make their best life and money decisions. This is the book that connects financial planners and wealth advisors with the human experience of decision-making, commitments and adaptation to change.

Susan Bradley, CFP®

Founder, Sudden Money Institute

Financial professionals need to understand their clients’ values, attitudes and beliefs about money, emotions, biases and social influences, and then connect with their clients with in a way that motivates and facilitates the right outcomes. This book highlights the importance of these skills along with Moira’s helpful insights and guidance for providing advice that sticks.

Joan Yudelson, CFP®

VP, Professional Practice,

Financial Planning Standards Council

Advice That Sticks

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