Читать книгу Marriage In Six Easy Lessons - Mollie Molay - Страница 2

How could any twenty-first-century man believe this stuff?


As April continued to read the manuscript, making notations in the margin, she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

“So, you’re working on ‘The Mating Game’ article,” a familiar voice broke in.

She looked up at Thomas Eldridge, the magazine’s publisher and editor in chief. To her chagrin, he wasn’t alone.

“Sorry,” she said. “I’m afraid I was busy reading this unbelievable submission. To tell you the truth, I was trying not to laugh.”

“Laugh?” Tom said with a warning frown. “Well, if you think you can contain yourself, I’d like to introduce you to Lucas Sullivan—the author of this piece.”

Before she could apologize, Tom went on. “Sullivan here is a noted sociologist. The article you have is one I asked him to write.”

April turned to smile at Lucas Sullivan. At first glance he looked like the stereotypical absentminded professor—a thatch of unruly brown hair, clothes a little rumpled, smelling ever so slightly of musty old books.

But on second glance…Under that staid exterior was one very sexy male.

Marriage In Six Easy Lessons

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