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Dear Reader,

Thank you very much for reading my latest book! This is a very special one as it is set in my home town. Some changes have been made to suit the story, but the essence of the area is still true.

Readers and friends from here have been asking to have our little home town as a setting for one of my stories and so I finally did it. Some of the characters are named after childhood friends, and my mother even has a character named after her. The town I grew up in is in rural western Pennsylvania, where there are more cows than people, no sidewalks, and it’s miles from the nearest store. As a child, much of my time was spent in the woods, at the lake or catching fireflies on long summer evenings. During the winters I spent many an hour reading books, which fostered my love of a good story and the desire to write my own.

I have many fond memories of growing up in this community, and I wanted to share them with my readers. If you are so moved, drop me an email at mollyevansromance@gmail.com and let me know what you’re up to, what you might like to see in a future story or tell me a story of your own. After all, all good books start with a good story.


Molly Evans

A Mummy For His Baby

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