Читать книгу The Scandal and Carter O'Neill - Molly O'Keefe - Страница 3


Dear Reader,

I can’t believe The Scandal and Carter O’Neill is the last of The Notorious O’Neills miniseries. The writing and publication of these three books has stretched over such a singular part of my life. When I came up with the idea I was pregnant with my daughter. While I wrote the first book she was an infant napping next to me on the bed and when this book comes out she’ll be two and my son will be in kindergarten! What?! Where has the time gone?

This series, which was already so much fun and special to write, has also been very personal. Thank you for picking up this book and for those of you who have written me—it means the world.

I hope you like Carter and Zoe’s story. I had such a good time finding exactly the right kind of woman to torture Carter…I mean, make him fall in love. She needed to be zany, courageous, driven and then, come to find out, she had to be pregnant, too!

I have never been one of those writers who believed the characters dictated the stories. They were my creations and I was the boss. But Carter and Zoe would not do what I wanted (remarkably similar to my children). So, once I simply followed my characters’ lead, some really interesting things began to happen, and Carter and Zoe have been two of my favorite characters to date. To say nothing of Vanessa…

I hope you enjoy the last of The Notorious O’Neills. Please drop me a line at Molly@molly-okeefe.com. I love to hear from readers!

Happy reading!

Molly O’Keefe

The Scandal and Carter O'Neill

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