Читать книгу Emerald Fire - Monica McCabe - Страница 6

Author’s Foreword


Modern day piracy is a very real danger for those on the high-seas. From power boats to luxury yachts to commercial fleets, vessels are stolen, crew ransomed, and companies extorted for excessive amounts of cash. Worldwide losses are estimated at over $16 Billion annually. And it’s not just the African coasts. South China Seas, Indonesia, South and Central America, and the Caribbean are all hotbeds. Despite this harsh reality, piracy is very difficult to combat. International waters offer no safeguards. Anti-piracy measures are being enacted on a global scale, but it's complicated and costly to prosecute. Maritime companies are encouraged to take Self-Protective Measures and are beginning to hire private security personnel for their ships. While all this makes excellent material for movies and fiction novels, the threat to global commerce is substantial and far-reaching. Marine insurance rates have soared and the use of Recovery Specialists is just one method to help control sky-rocketing cost of claims. It's a lucrative and dangerous line of work, but is utilized for everything from luxury yachts, to cars, to fine art and exceptional jewels. A skilled bounty hunter is a valuable asset and worth their weight in gold.

Emerald Fire

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