Читать книгу Max Freedom Long Teaching HUNA to the Children- How Everything was made - - Monika Petry - Страница 4



The best stories of all are those which tell all about how WE were made, and also the animals, birds, insects and even flowers. It is also fun to hear how such things as clouds and rainbows came to be.

In the Beginning, ever so many years ago, there was no world. There were no animals or people, not even stars in the sky. But all through the places where the stars and world and sun and moon were to be put, there was God.

Now God is so large that no one can imagine anyone or anything that big, and so, in telling the story of CREATION (which is how things were made), the men of old had to think of God as a very wise and strong MAN, and they called Him, “The Father”, and said that he lived in the heavens.

The odd thing about God is that he is invisible. That means that no one can see Him. He has no body like ours, but is made of the STUFF that is used to make THOUGHTS. We can call it “thought stuff” or “self stuff” because even people know that they are themSELVES, without having to stop to think that they have bodies. (You and I and all the creatures were given a bit of think stuff so we can know that we are alive and are God’s Children.)

If you have trouble thinking of things which can’t be seen, you might like to play a little game like Jack and Jill did long ago. (You may know their story, but there was a part of it that was secret and did not get into the books. Now you can know the secret part.)

Jack and Jill were playing and Jill had her crayons and a sheet of paper on a board so she could draw pictures. Jack was trying to tell her the Secret. He used the thought stuff in his head to make a fine big thought, than said to Jill, “I’ve made a thought. See if you can see or feel or hear or taste what it is.”

“There isn’t anything that I can see,” said Jill after a minute of trying. She felt in the air around Jack’s head and listened and smelled. But, of course, she could sense nothing. Jack’s thought – just like God and His thoughts – was as if nothing had been made. But something very real had been made. Thoughts are very real. Jill said, “I’ll give up. I think this is all pretend.”

“No it isn’t,” said Jack. “A nice lady at the library told how to understand such things as God and THOUGHTS. It’s easy, and I will show you. First you have to make a thought, just like I did, and then you have to find a word to match it. That is how everything was made to start with. The lady told us that in a very old book some wise man had written, ‘In the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ I don’t think God was really the Word. He just must have thought a thought and then found the right word to match it before He spoke the Word. Anyway, we all can think a thought and find a word for it. The word that will make you able to hear my thought is BLUE. I made a thought of blue. Take your crayons and mark a blue patch on you paper, then you can also see my thought. But the blue spot will be harder to feel, and can hardly be smelled or tasted at all.”

Jill made a blue spot with her crayons. She studied it and then asked, “If you think of God and say the word ‘God’ for Him, can I draw Him in a picture?”

“I asked the story lady that same thing,” said Jack. “She said that ever so long ago the Egyptians who built the pyramids we see in our geography books had tried to make a picture of God so they could put it into their tombs. But finally they had to pretend. They said that a shadow was the nearest thing they could think of that was like God. And because the sun made a shadow with its light, they said that the SUN should stand for God in all their pictures, and that for God’s invisible body they would picture a shadow. They said that God had given men shadow bodies just like his, and the shadows of Kings were so royal that there was always a servant standing around just to see that no one ever stepped on the king’s shadow and he tried not to step on it himself, so when he walked in the sunshine, another servant carried an umbrella to cover him so he would not make a shadow to get stepped on.”

“Does it hurt one’s shadow to get stepped on?” asked Jill.

“I don’t know,” said Jack thoughtfully. “It just might. But more sacred even than the king’s shadow was the sun itself. They believed that it stood as the real Thought and Word of God – even that it WAS God – which the story lady said was a mistake. But, mistake or not, they used to think of God and then say the word, SUN or the word LIGHT, and that was how He got that name. And they called God’s great power SUNLIGHT.”

Jill picked up her scissors and her paper. “If thoughts are real, I am going to make us into a king and a queen.” She snipped out two crowns from her paper and put one on her own head and the other on Jack’s. “There you are, Mr. King” she laughed. “See to it that you don’t step on your royal shadow and spoil it. But come, we’d better go up the hill to the spring and get Mother that pail of water.”

They took their pail and climbed the hill. As the sun was in front of them and threw their shadows behind as the went, they had no trouble in not stepping on them. But when they had filled their pail and started down the hill with their shadows in front of them, they tripped in trying not to step on them, and Jack fell down and broke his crown, and Jill, who had also tripped, came tumbling after.

Jack shivered as he picked up Jill. Spring water is very cold. “I don’t know,” said Jack, “whether my shadow body – my real one, not just my shadow – can get wet, but my regular body sure can. We’d better get another pail of water and hurry home and get into dry clothing.”

So, now that you know what really happened that time to Jack and Jill, let’s go back to the story of how everything was MADE. But first it must be explained that because God and His shadow body and Sunlight Power are hard to imagine without the shadows or the sun, we will do like an ancient neighbor people of the Egyptians did. They made everything simple and called God THE FATHER. And, (here is a very special secret for you) because even God cannot be a father without there being a mother, we will call her, in our stories, THE MOTHER. She is also too large to imagine and has a shadowy body one can’t see, and is very powerful. She is very beautiful and very kind and she loves everything, especially baby creatures. Try to remember that our story is not all true. Most stories are part PRETEND, and so ours will have to be.

Well, once upon a time the wise Father and lovely Mother decided that they would do a little creating. But before they could make animals and birds and men, there had to be a place to put them. And so, while they were at it, they made all the space that could ever be needed. It reached as far as one can reach with a thought, and that is very far, indeed. Into this vast space they placed the stars as they made them, and our sun and moon and world. Our world was an extra fine one and was made with greatest care, for on it would be place men and women after it had cooled off and everything was ready. The world was made round like a ball, as almost everything is to start with. It spun like a top and circled rather slowly around the sun in a circle so big that it took a year just to go around it. With the earth for company had been created several other worlds or planets, some farther away from the sun and some closer, some larger than the earth and some smaller. They all had one moon, like we have, or three or four. Some of the planets were too close to the sun, however, and got too hot. Others were too far away and were too cold. Only our earth was just right.

As soon as the earth had cooled off, The Father and The Mother came to look it over and decide what to do next. It was too dry for plants, so they made RAIN out of little round drops of water, and the rain fell and fell and fell. There is something odd about rain drops. They are round, like most good things when they are created, but they mix together and make water. And in water we cannot see where one rain drop ends and the next begins. They all get pressed down flat on the sides so they fit together to make water and the seams can not be seen even with a magnifying glass. But, if the air is cold when the rain drops fall, they freeze, and then we can see them as hail, and notice how they stay round until they get warm and turn to water.

Pretty soon there was enough water, but it covered all the world and did not leave dry land. To fix this trouble, parts of the earth were pushed up into mountains and plains, and all the water ran into the low places to make lakes and oceans. As the water made little streams in the hills and started to run downward toward the low places, the streams were very happy – and still are to this day. They sang melodious little songs as they splashed over stones or made little waterfalls. And the rain drops like doing this so much that when they are in the ocean, they climb up the ladders made by the rays of the warm sun, and make clouds in which they sail back, pushed by the wind, to high spots over the land where they can fall once more and join to make brooks and sing their way to the sea.

Father said to Mother, “I’ve finished drawing plans for most of creation. We’ll have to start with the very little things and grow them in the warm water of the ocean near the shore.”

“I’ll be ready to help you any time,” replied Mother. “Have you decided what to use to make the creatures out of when we begin?”

“I’ve planned about a hundred different kinds of earth stuff to use,” explained Father. “And most of the things can be mixed together to make still more kinds of matter. We’ll have some which are gasses, some fluids like water, and many which are soft or hard or in between.” He held out his hand and showed several kinds of stuff called ‘elements’. “Want to help me make shadowy bodies for a few little creatures? We can then fill them with matter and put a little of our think stuff and self stuff into them as well as some life force, and that ought to get things started.”

Mother reached out a lovely hand and took Father’s big kind hand. They joined to make the needed thought pictures of the little creatures. That done, they made shadowy bodies to dress up the picture bodies, and folded in the bits of their own self stuff so the creatures would have first grade intelligence and know they were themselves. To each the Mother fastened an invisible little shadowy thread which she fastened to her apron strings so she could keep track of all and help them to know just how to live. (It is called ‘Instinct’ when the Mother tells creatures how to do things, such as how to eat and grow. She tells them through the tiny shadowy threads.)

When Father’s hand got too full, the Mother said, “Let’s go into the house and I’ll find a bowl of the right size to use.” So they went into their house and put the little things they were creating into a bowl. But they were too dry, and when stirred, did not mix well.

“We need some nice pure water,” said Father. They went outside and looked up into the sky. A small cloud was floating there and Father called, “Little Cloud! We need you. Come over here and see if you can rain a little in this bowl.”

The Little Cloud was so proud and excited to be asked to help that it almost burst itself hurrying to rain. It is very hard for clouds to rain until things are just right. But it squeezed and squirmed and tried until it began to turn black in the face. “Easy,” cautioned Mother, and it tried one more time, its very hardest, to squeeze out some rain drops, but accidentally let go a fork of lightning and a clap of thunder. “Careful!” warned Mother. “You almost burned the mixture.” The little cloud burst into tears, and as it was crying rain drops, and the bowl was soon half filled, and all was well.

Father watched while Mother stirred gently. Soon he said, “I think that is about enough, and that little touch of lightning may be just the thing needed to get the life force working.”

“You’re right!” exclaimed Mother. “See! Little balls are forming and growing skins around themselves. Balls are always a good sign.” They watched and Mother stirred ever so gently.

Soon the little balls, which looked like jelly, began to wiggle and squirm with life. “Listen,” commanded Father, “you little fellows grow as fast as you can and multiply so that we can have plenty of one celled creatures.”

Mother wiped her hands and hung up her apron of stars. “What do you plan to do with them when there are enough?”

“Oh,” answered Father, “have them join to make larger creatures with many cells. l bet some cells will take over the work of being eyes for the creature, and some of being the stomach, and some mouths. You will have to instruct them through the shadowy stuff threads fastened from them to your apron strings.”

“I’ll be glad to instruct them,” said Mother. “I’ve wanted a family for some time, and these will be cunning children. When the time comes I will see that their instinct teaches them how to grow teeth and ears and hair. Then later, I will see that they learn things like building nests. It will be most entertaining.”

As they took the bowl to go to pour the mixture into the warm ocean, they were surprised to find a whole group of clouds gathered above their house. They had heard of the wonderful honor bestowed on Little Cloud by being allowed to help with creating things. They all were just waiting and almost bursting themselves to be ready to rain at a moment’s notice. The air filled with flashes of lightning and loud rolls of thunder. But Father and Mother did not mind. They only smiled and covered the bowl to show that they had enough rain in it already. They walked across the beach and emptied the bowl here and there among the rocks on the shore. Once in the water the little creatures lost no time getting to work. Some became plants and some creatures. All they needed was time to show what they could do.

Max Freedom Long Teaching HUNA to the Children- How Everything was made -

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