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Shannon fastened her helmet, settled her butt against the smooth leather seat, and wondered once again how the hell she’d let herself get talked into traveling three thousand miles on a motorcycle. She glanced over her shoulder just as Bay threw his leg over the saddle of his bike, one identical to Jake’s.

Dressed similarly to Jake in full black leathers with a full-face black helmet, Bay looked just as tall, lean, and dangerous as her bonded mate…Both of them were sexy as hell. Jake started his bike just as Bay turned the key in his. The low rumble sent a shiver of arousal through Shannon’s pussy and she wrapped her arms around Jake’s waist.

He gave Bay a thumbs up and pulled slowly out of their driveway. The early morning air was crisp and cool, the sky already fading from pink to blue, and the road beckoned. Shannon shifted on the seat of the big bike and held on tight as they picked up speed and headed out.

Eight hours and almost four hundred miles later, Shannon was more than ready to call it a day. They pulled into a nice motel in a forested region, but for the life of her she couldn’t even say what state they were in. All that mattered was a hot shower and a bed with clean sheets. She wasn’t even sure she’d be able to eat.

Her pussy no longer felt the vibrations. The poor thing was numb. Bay took care of getting them a room with two king-sized beds. Shannon claimed one for herself. “I am sleeping alone. Tonight, and quite possibly every night hereafter. I can’t believe you two talked me into this.” She flopped backward on the mattress and covered her eyes with the back of her hand.

Chuckling quietly, Jake and Bay went in search of dinner. Shannon waited until they left and then headed for the shower. It even hurt to walk.

An hour later, she pushed herself away from the table littered with Chinese take-out cartons. “I’m exhausted. Bedtime for me. My butt will never be the same and my crotch has been vibrated beyond repair.”

“Would a massage help?” Bay sat back in his chair with his feet on the edge of the bed and stretched. He wore nothing but jeans, the zipper only partially raised, the taut muscles of his belly glistening in the low light. “I’m sore, but I imagine your muscles are really tight.” He locked his fingers behind his head and stretched again.

“Good idea,” Jake said, before she’d even had a chance to reply. Somehow, within seconds, Shannon was naked and spread out on her tummy on the bed she’d claimed with a man kneeling on either side of her.

Jake squirted lotion into his hand and passed the bottle to Bay. She heard squishy sounds as the men warmed it between their hands and then groaned aloud as two sets of fingers spread out across her back and buttocks.

There were no words. None. Shannon couldn’t have described the unbelievable bliss of strong hands working her stiff and oh-so-sore muscles if she’d tried.

She closed her eyes and moaned occasionally, just so they’d know she was awake. It seemed to work. Jake hummed as he rubbed; his big hands, so familiar with her body, finding every tight muscle, every aching bone. Baylor concentrated more on her buttocks, massaging and kneading each cheek and bringing life back to the muscles along the backs of her upper thighs.

It was purely accidental, wasn’t it, when his fingers slipped between her pussy lips, when his thumb found her clit?

The guys talked softly about the day’s journey. It was obvious they’d loved every minute. Meaningless words and phrases passed above her head, and she could tell by the strength of their massage that both men got off on the power of their bikes, the big engines, and the pure joy of the ride.

She got off on their joy, but the massage wasn’t bad either. At some point, the men both lost their clothes. She wasn’t sure when it happened but noticed the occasional thump of a hard erection against her thigh, the damp slide of a smooth crown, slick with moisture, along her back.

The massage grew more languorous, the touch more erotic. Her breasts received their fair share of attention, as did the cleft of her butt and the soft lips between her thighs. She wasn’t sure if the slippery cream Bay used to rub her tired muscles came from a tube of lotion or the slick fluids between her legs. Maybe he swept it from the end of his cock…it didn’t matter, so long as his hands worked their magic.

They took her together, finally. Jake lay on his back and pulled Shannon over on top of him. Her skin tingled with arousal, but her muscles were so relaxed she merely lay there, draped across his hard body while he used his fingers to open her slit. He stroked her for less than a minute, sliding easily in her slick juices before slipping his big cock into her greedy sex. Thrusting hard and deep, he found just the right sweet spot to bring her off before he fully entered her.

She sighed through the sweet vibrations of her climax, barely aware of Bay kneeling behind her. His fingers stroked the taut little pucker of her ass, pressing and rubbing until he could press his cock against her and slip through her tight sphincter without effort. He kept on pushing and slid smoothly along her channel.

When his soft tangle of pubic hair brushed her cheeks, she came again, another small ripple of pleasure. Shannon sighed as Bay slowly withdrew, then just as slowly filled her. Jake held perfectly still, his cock clenched deep inside her sheath. Shannon knew he felt Bay’s cock each time their packmate thrust, felt the thick intrusion of the other man’s erection sliding past his own.

She was stuffed full with Bay’s erection gliding in and out of her backside and Jake’s sizeable cock filling her pussy. She loved this sensation, her body sandwiched between two lovers, men who loved one another almost as deeply as they loved her. Her entire body was so relaxed she felt like overheated Jello, a mere blob of sensation for two men to fuck.

But they did more than that. So much more. Shannon nuzzled the thick hair on Jake’s chest and figured it was worth sitting on a motorcycle for all those long hours if this was the way they planned to treat her at the end of the day.

Bay quickened his pace just as Jake arched his hips and drove deep inside her sex. His big hands grasped both her breasts, kneading and rubbing while flicking at her nipples with his thumbs. Jake’s touch sent a zing of current from her breasts to her clit. Bay’s short, sharp breaths against her spine told her how close he was to coming; the tight grasp of his fingers around her hips dragged her back against him with each deep thrust.

Sensation built upon sensation; arousal stole the breath from her lungs and any coherent thoughts from her mind. Shannon opened to Bay and Jake and found a level of arousal even higher than her own, a dark swirl of carnal desire filled with flickering pinpoints of light.

Light and love. Desire and need, a sense of unity not to be denied. Bay let out a strangled cry. His groin pressed against her ass as he filled her. Jake groaned, lifted his hips, and his cock met Bay’s deep inside Shannon. She tumbled with them, free-falling through waves of sensation. Her inner muscles rippled the length of two erections, hot jets of ejaculate from both men tipping her into even another climax. Crying out, Shannon arched her body in what could only be described as a river of current: live, electric current tying them into a single pulsing, gasping, shuddering organism.

They lay there for long moments. The three of them were locked together, Bay’s arms holding them all close, their hearts pounding, lungs heaving. Finally, after a long recovery, Bay slipped free of Shannon’s body first and went for a quick shower. She drifted, still sprawled across Jake’s chest with his fingers tracing lazy trails along her spine, and Shannon thought she could stay this way forever.

When Jake finally slipped his penis free of her sex and dragged her into the shower for a quick rinse, Shannon practically fell asleep in his arms. He dried her like a child, toweled as much water out of her hair as he could, and then carried Shannon to the bed. Her last conscious thought for the night was how wonderful it was to press her nose into Bay’s smooth back while Jake snuggled close against hers. She didn’t even mind the fact both men shared her chosen bed.

Anton Cheval set the phone back in its cradle and stretched his long fingers together to form a steeple. He rested his chin on his forefingers and stared out the window, though it was obvious he knew Keisha had entered the room. “I’ve sent Oliver on ahead,” he said. “He’ll arrange our rooms—I’ve got the California Suite at the Mark Hopkins for the four of us for the next two weeks, so we should at least be comfortable during our visit.”

Keisha laughed out loud at what had to be a classic Anton understatement. “You’ll be quite comfortable. You and Stefan. I’m almost nine months pregnant and Xandi’s not far behind. Comfortable is no longer part of our vocabulary.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed the top of his head. “Thank you, my love. What’s that cost? It’s got to be around thirty thousand a week.”

Anton chuckled as she rubbed her belly against his back. “Yep. And worth every penny. I hope you realize our daughter just kicked me in the back.”

“You deserve it, for being such a poop about taking me on this trip.” She slipped around to his side, slid her once slim figure down onto Anton’s lap, and draped her arms over his shoulders. “Stop obsessing, okay? I will be fine. Xandi will be fine, and the babies will come on time. Relax. We’ll have fun. There is no way I’m going to miss Luc and Tia’s wedding.”

Anton wrapped his fingers around the back of her head, tangled them in the thick, wavy mass of her hair, and pulled her face toward his. He kissed her, slow and deep, his tongue brushing the full curve of her lower lip, raking over her teeth, and then tangling with her tongue.

He fucked her mouth slowly, sucking at her lips, his tongue taking her on a smooth, sensual journey that had Keisha mewling deep in her throat, squirming against his growing erection, and kissing him back until both of them strained against the clothing keeping them apart.

“Are you sure?” Anton’s palm smoothed over her gauzy maternity top, following the curve of her belly. “I’m so big,” he said, and she knew it wasn’t bragging or male ego talking but merely a description of the body she loved. “I’m afraid I’ll hurt you or the baby.”

Keisha pulled back far enough to see all of his face, his beloved features creased with worry, the telltale flush to his high cheekbones that told her exactly how aroused he was. How much he wanted her. “So long as we’re careful, big guy…”

His expression never changed, but he lifted Keisha and carried her across the room to their bed where he stretched her out on the ivory coverlet. She felt like a beached whale. Her belly had grown so big her own body felt alien. Her breasts were ponderous, barely supported in the serviceable bra she’d had to start wearing. How Anton could find this body sexy, Keisha would never understand.

He undressed her slowly, kissing each bit of skin as he bared it. When he slipped her panties down her legs—thank goodness they at least still looked trim—he trailed his fingers lightly along her thigh to her ankle. Then he dragged his fingertips the length of her leg, leaving shivers in his path. He caressed the curve of her belly where she’d once had a tiny waist, tracing the dark line that ran from her navel to her mound. His feather-light touch left her entire body tingling.

The last thing he removed was her plain white cotton bra. Her breasts spilled out like huge, brown melons, the areolas wide and flat, her nipples stretched taut. Keisha wanted to cover them, but Anton leaned close and suckled the nipple of first her right breast, then her left. When he pulled away, his lips were shining; her nipples were hard and wet and her sex clenched in needy longing.

Feeling unaccountably shy, Keisha looked up at his face. The love in Anton’s eyes was almost her undoing. No matter how she felt about herself, she knew Anton looked at her with eyes of love. Worshipped her body now, even in this gravid state.

He rubbed his thumb over her nipple and the shock went straight to her clit. “No, sweetheart,” he said. “Even more, if that’s possible.”

“That’s not fair.” She reached up and touched his chest, feeling his heart thundering beneath the crisp white shirt he wore. “You’re snooping in my head.”

“Of course I am. I love you. Don’t ever think I would find you unattractive. Far from it…you’re lovelier now than ever.” Anton brushed her hair away from her eyes, then stood back and stared at her for so long Keisha almost used her hands to cover herself. Almost.

Then he removed his clothing, item by item, folding each piece neatly and placing it on the dresser. When he turned back to her he was fully aroused, his cock flushed a dark red, rising up out of its nest of black hair in a long, powerful, gravity-defying arc to his belly. He stood there and stared at her as if memorizing her, and his eyes glittered with emotion. There are no words…

His thoughts, obviously not meant to be shared, slipped unexpectedly into her mind. Such a slip was unusual for a man of Anton’s power. With his words flowed the feelings he’d been trying to control—his need, his fear for her, his unquenchable love. Keisha held up a hand in invitation. Anton sighed, wrapped her fingers in his, and lay carefully on the bed beside her. He spread his other hand over her belly, his long fingers looking almost ghostly against her dark skin.

She tried to imagine this child of theirs, born of two races, and wondered if she would be dark like her mother, fair like her father, or a beautiful blend of the them both, like Tia.

“She’ll be perfect.”

Keisha almost laughed. There were no secrets with this man. Anton leaned close and kissed her stomach, just below her protruding belly button. She moaned, surprised by the intensity of sensation from a simple kiss. The sound slipped effortlessly from her throat. He traced the curve from hip to groin, his touch gentle yet unaccountably arousing. When he finally dipped his fingers between the swollen folds of her pussy, Keisha cried out and arched into his touch. Damn! She was so sensitive there, all wet and swollen with a combination of pregnancy and desire.

It felt so good when Anton trailed his long fingers across all her sensitive folds and furrows. When he circled her clit with the tip of one finger, Keisha suddenly climaxed in a warm gush of fluids and a low groan. Gasping for air, she wrapped her fingers around his wrist. “Enough,” she said, laughing. “I’m so sensitive right now.”

Anton lifted his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean of her juices. His cock bobbed against her hip but he made no move to enter her. She knew he wouldn’t, especially after she’d grabbed his fingers away from her clit.

Direct touching was a bit much, but there was no way she was going to stop now, not with her body vibrating with ripples of pleasure. Moving awkwardly, Keisha managed to push Anton to his back. “This way I control how deep and what angle, so quit worrying, okay?”

“If you say so.” He didn’t sound at all certain, but he wrapped his hands around her hips and helped Keisha find a comfortable position.

She straddled him, rising up on her knees and guiding his erection carefully toward her center. They’d not made love like this for ages, not since she’d gotten so big. As much as she liked oral sex, they’d had to be extra careful even with that…and besides, Keisha needed the feeling of him deep inside, the sense of connection that came only when they made love the old-fashioned way.

She’d not shifted for what felt like forever, either. Even though her doctor thought it would be okay, none of them knew for sure if there might be any danger to her growing baby. She wasn’t about to risk her baby’s health. Instinctively, all the female Chanku knew, in theory, how to keep the fetus safe when they shifted. Still, after about her sixth month, when she began feeling as awkward on four legs as two, it hadn’t seemed worth the risk.

As Keisha tilted her hips to the slick length of Anton’s cock slipping over the mouth of her womb, she realized just how very much she’d missed this connection. Even more, how much she missed the powerful sexual union they shared as wolves.

Her nether lips kissed the thick mat of hair at the root of his penis and she sighed, settling her hips on his upper thighs, tightening her inner muscles around his length and breadth.

Anton sighed as well. She heard him swallow, and she opened her eyes and saw tears at the corners of his. Keisha reached down and swept the moisture away with her thumbs. “No fear, okay? Make love to me. I’ll tell you if it’s too much. Right now I need you. I need to feel you rocking my world. You make me feel like a woman instead of Moby Keisha.”

“Moby Keisha? Is that how you see yourself?” He finally smiled, clasped her hips even tighter in his long fingers, and helped her as she lifted herself slowly off his cock then just as carefully slid back down his hard length. He groaned, but there was laughter in his voice when he whispered, “You’re the prettiest whale I ever made love to.”

“Gee, thanks.” She flicked her nails over his nipples and dragged a choppy “Ah” from his lips. Then she curled her fingers in the dark hair covering his chest and continued her slow rise and fall along his silky cock.

She wondered what she felt like to him, how it was to have his cock squeezed into a space made much tighter by their growing child. As she let herself wonder, suddenly she knew. Anton opened his thoughts, brought her into his with a facility that never ceased to amaze her. Brilliant, mentally more powerful than any other Chanku, Anton shared the sensations as he experienced them in a link of scintillating clarity.

Not only was she hotter, tighter, and wetter than usual, her inner muscles seemed to ripple with a new purpose. She clasped him in slick, wet silk, binding him inside her, holding him so that he struggled not to tip over the edge.

She wanted to tip. Hell, she wanted to fly, wanted that lightness of being only Anton could give her. Faster, deeper, Keisha rode him almost to orgasm, sliding up and down his smooth shaft as sensation built upon sensation, as even Anton’s eyes took on that glazed, pre-orgasmic glow.

He turned loose of her hips, slipped a thumb beneath her swollen belly and found her clit. The bud was slippery with her juices, more receptive now to his touch. He stroked her, matching the sweep of his thumb to her quickening pace, but it was the flat of his hand, his palm pressed against her belly while he stroked her, that brought a strangled cry to Keisha’s lips, a surge of electricity from deep inside her body, and the sweet, all-consuming rush of orgasm.

Anton came with her, though she sensed his struggle for control all the way through to the last spasm of his cock. There was no lunging thrust at the end, no endless penetration.

Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close against his chest. Kissed her sweat-tangled hair and nuzzled the soft swell of her ponderous breasts. Moments later, once their breathing slowed, he nuzzled her ear. “I hate to change the subject, my love, but the plane leaves at ten in the morning.” He leaned over and licked the sharp point of her nipple. “I hope you and Xandi know what you’re doing.”

Keisha kissed him long and hard. When she came up for air, Anton looked a bit shell-shocked. Good. It was nice to know she hadn’t lost her touch. “If you can make me come like that without setting off any contractions, a little flight to San Francisco will be a snap.”

“If you say so,” he answered, but there was no smile behind his words.

Tala rested, stretched out half-asleep in the back seat of the rented SUV. She always felt so keyed up during a job, but now she knew she could finally relax. All was as it should be—they’d rescued the child and both her men were safe. AJ was at his usual place behind the wheel with Mik riding shotgun.

It was still hard, sometimes, to realize how her life had changed since she’d first stowed away in the back of their car so many months ago, since she’d first learned of her Chanku heritage and the amazing abilities her genetics made possible. From streetwalker to private detective was one hell of a leap.

Tala still wasn’t sure exactly who Pack Dynamics answered to, whether they were a government agency or merely took jobs no one else could handle. She only knew to follow orders, get her assignment done safely, and high-tail it back to San Francisco for another job.

She absolutely loved every minute.

Of course, she hadn’t minded her life as a whore all that much, though her pimp had been a jerk. At least she’d had steady work doing what she loved. Thank goodness Mik and AJ understood her over-the-top libido.

They had the same problem…if you could call it a problem. Tala hoped they’d find a place soon to stop for the night. Damn, but she was so horny after a job, and there was something special about sex in a motel room with these two.

It always reminded her of their very first time.

Watching AJ and Mik make love to each other, joining them for the most amazing sexual experience of her life, linking with two men in a mental communion unlike anything she’d ever imagined…damn. Tala’s pussy clenched and suddenly creamed with the memory. Mik turned and glanced over the seat in her direction. She watched him surreptitiously through the thick fall of hair covering her eyes. His nostrils flared. He raised an eyebrow, grinned broadly, then nudged AJ. “Time to find a motel for the night. I think someone’s getting impatient.”

“Works for me. Let’s look for something rural, though. I need to stretch my legs.” AJ nodded in Tala’s direction. “Then I think we both need to stretch something else.”

She pretended to sleep. Obviously the guys knew she was awake. And aroused. They scented her arousal the moment her juices quickened. Damned wolves…damned, wonderful creatures. Tala’s fingers stole beneath the elastic band on her shorts and slipped between her legs. No reason to suffer while AJ hunted for a room. At least this would help the time pass more quickly.

Within an hour they’d found a motel deep in the woods, unloaded the car, and slipped out into the darkness, headed for a deep stretch of forest bordering the small motel. “It’s like walking into another world, isn’t it?” Tala felt a need to whisper as she followed Mik’s silent footsteps deeper into the woods. Trees towered overhead and night sounds created their own song.

It is another world. It’s our world. AJ slipped out of his clothing and stuffed everything into a small sack he’d carried with him. He pushed it under a thick tangle of brambles and waited: a naked, dark-haired god of the night.

Tala’s heart pounded as she did the same. Would she ever get used to this, to the mystery of turning herself from woman to wolf, from small-town girl to the alpha bitch for two incredibly sexy males?

Mik touched her shoulder. She craned her neck to look up at him, and caught her breath against the swell of desire coursing from his body to hers. Broad shouldered and bronze skinned, with black hair falling straight and thick to his waist, Mik carried himself like a chieftain of some ancient civilization, as powerful, as mesmerizing, as either human or wolf.


There was no need to answer his silent query. Tala merely shifted, making the change from woman to wolf in less than a heartbeat. She hit the ground running with the other two right behind her.

It was after two before they dragged back to the motel room, showered, and crawled into bed. Tala wrapped a towel around her long hair and quietly shut off the light in the bathroom so she wouldn’t wake the guys. Her silence wasn’t at all necessary.

She paused in the doorway and watched her two men on the big bed, memories of her first night with Mik and AJ flooding her mind. They’d rescued her without realizing it when she’d hidden in their car to escape her angry pimp. Badly beaten and traumatized from a gang rape, she’d wanted nothing more than a hiding place, a dark cave to hide in.

She’d found herself with AJ and Mik. Once they’d realized her predicament, they’d done everything possible to protect her, even before they’d known she was Chanku. But that very first night, waking up in her lonely bed next to Mik and AJ, she’d watched the two of them making love. It had been a revelation for her. Two men fucking each other right before her eyes wasn’t unusual, considering her occupation, but this had been so much more than that. They’d made love to one another, and their tenderness had dragged her in, had caught her in their silken net.

Just as it now caught her once again. AJ lay on his back, his ankles looped over Mik’s broad shoulders. Mik knelt between his thighs, pumping his big cock slowly in and out of AJ’s ass. Mik’s head was thrown back and his black hair swayed like a slow-motion metronome across his butt with each deep thrust. His eyes were closed, his mouth set in a tight grimace that only hinted at the level of his arousal.

AJ’s fingers had fisted in the blankets on either side of his hips. His cock curved up and over so that the tip rested against his belly. His balls cushioned the top of Mik’s sizeable erection on each penetrating thrust.

It was the lonely look of AJ’s cock, the plum-sized head weeping a single white tear at the end, that drew Tala into the room. She stood beside the bed, licked her lips as she imagined the familiar taste of him, and reached out one finger. With the tip, she caught the drop of fluid and brought it to her lips.

Suddenly, AJ’s hand tightened around her wrist. “Suck it. Please, Tala. I need your mouth on me.” His voice had roughened with passion. His quiet plea made her sex tighten and her nipples ache.

“This way.” He tugged her close and pulled her over him so that her sex rode astride his face, her hungry cunt just above his mouth, his cock within reach of her tongue.

She licked him, swirling her tongue around the tiny eye, and felt his groan against her labia. His fingers wrapped around the backs of her thighs as she lowered her mouth over his erection. Her tongue swept the sensitive ridge beneath the broad crown, her teeth scraped the smooth, satiny top. Once again he groaned, and the low rumble vibrated her folds and valleys.

Mik continued his same steady rhythm, driving all the way inside his lover, retreating, then pushing back, deep and slow. He moved like a man in a dream, totally focused on sensation, on his own pleasure, no matter how much he was pleasing AJ. Tala focused on the size and strength of AJ’s cock in her mouth, on the slide of satiny skin over smooth muscle. She hummed against her mouthful just as AJ hummed against her pussy, sharing their vibrations while Mik continued his slow and silent thrusts.

Caught in their passion, trapped by the lush beauty of their combined sensations, Tala opened to her men, guarding herself from the full thrust of their arousal, but loving them both, loving the way they focused on their own pleasure as much as each other’s. This single-minded drive for their ultimate sensation, the mind-shattering desire that coursed through each of them, doubled back upon itself when shared through their mutual link.

This was the drug that ruled her life, this loving, fucking, heart-pounding sweep of desire, shared among three, experienced as one.

Only seconds into the link, Tala pulled away and softened the blow of AJ’s arousal. Too much at once, it threatened to tip her over the edge. Instead, she slipped into Mik’s mind and almost screamed with the slow, dark agony he endured, the pleasure and pain of holding his lust in check. He wanted to come, wanted to bury himself hard and fast in his lover, but the sharp edge of stimulation he skated over was more powerful than the finish.

How long, how long, how long can I hold on? Hold on. Oh, shit. Hold on.

Mik’s fervent prayer made Tala smile around AJ’s cock, but the tongue that speared deep inside her sex, the need she felt in Mik—neither had the power of AJ’s growing excitement.

Slowly, as if peeling back a blanket to peer beneath the covers, she opened herself to AJ, slipped in beside him, in essence became him. Her own flavors struck her first, the tangy taste of woman on his tongue, the softness of her plump lips, the brush of pubic hair grown softer with each shift.

She let herself think of the changes for just a moment, the physical manifestations of her growth from human to Chanku. With each shift her hair grew softer. Even the coarse pubic thatch between her legs had softened and lost its wiry feel. Little things, like the way she perceived light and color, her now acute hearing and sharper eyesight. So much easier to accept than the easy shift from human to wolf.

Steeling herself to maintain control, Tala focused on AJ. She studied the way her lips felt on his cock; the smooth glide over the engorged length, the way her teeth scraped the ridge around the crown, and how the big vein along the underside felt against her tongue. She sensed how much he loved it when she dipped her tongue into the tiny slit at the end, so she did exactly that. She held the crown in her teeth, licking the pre-cum from the end as if she savored a fiery popsicle, licking and sucking, twirling her tongue around him. When she sucked the tiny eye and teased him with her mouth, she felt every lick and nip as if it were her own cock, her own pending orgasm.

But Mik…ah, what Mik could do to him…for him. AJ’s oldest love, his first love, Mik thrust his huge cock deep inside, filling AJ, bringing both pleasure and pain in equal measure. Tala felt Mik’s struggle to make it last, this lush and carnal act he craved as strongly as AJ. She felt the rush of sensation as both men balanced precariously on a dangerous cliff of their own creation.

Suddenly, her thoughts were swept up, connecting even more deeply, connecting on a visceral, cellular level. Body trembling, Tala glanced up, her lips still surrounding the tip of AJ’s erection. She caught Mik staring at her, a look of intense concentration masking his sharply defined features. Then he cocked one dark-winged brow, arched his hips and drove even deeper into his partner.

Tala felt it all the way to her heart. She cried out, swept up in the intensity of sensation, the overwhelming emotions as Mik raced AJ toward the precipice.

AJ stabbed her pussy with his tongue, and Tala almost laughed with the joy of it all, the inclusion within their bond, a solemn covenant that linked the three of them as tightly as one. Racing with them both, giving over to the combined power of three bodies reaching climax as one, she flung herself over the edge and tumbled, free-falling into the whirling maelstrom of pure sensation.

Her vaginal muscles pulsed with her climax, and she sucked down on AJ’s cock, as if anchoring herself with his body. The salty, almost bitter taste of his ejaculate filled her mouth and she struggled to swallow it all while her body writhed in the solid grip of his strong hands.

Mik’s thrusts sped up and he arched his back and cried out, a long, low howl of release before slumping weakly against the backs of AJ’s raised thighs. All of them pulsed with the rhythm of orgasm, lungs gasping, bodies trembling.

Tala slipped out of the link as both Mik and AJ stroked her shivering body with their large hands. She imagined the picture they must make as they lay there, two large men and one small woman tangled hopelessly together. Their bodies were still connected and all three were still sweaty and panting as if they’d just raced a mile. Mik stroked lazy circles over her breast; AJ patted her buttocks.

Their minds were gloriously blank, their thoughts at rest, content. She laughed with the pure joy of the moment, overwhelmed by a most amazing love shared, times three.

Sexy Beast III

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