Читать книгу Frozen - Morgan Q O'Reilly - Страница 10


Chapter 6

Gunnar watched, holding back his laughter as her mouth gaped open and closed like a goldfish. No sound came out initially as she worked her mouth. Eventually she worked up to indignant splutters.

“You— I— Outrageous… Intolerable— How dare you!” She finally got the words out as a shout. “Release me!” she ordered in a truly imperious tone. Too bad she’d forgotten one little thing.

“I dare?” He regarded her with his best arched brow. “You’ve kept us apart for the last ten years. We should have at least five children by now. There is so much lost time to make up for, my princess. And we start tonight. Here. Now.” He leaned over her and punctuated each declaration with a kiss. Moder Freya, but she tasted good.

And felt good too. Her breasts were every bit as full as he’d glimpsed this morning and her nipples poked against the thin silk covering her. Resting on his elbows over her, he couldn’t see her whole body like he wanted to. The question, now, was: did he remove her clothing the civilized way, or the more fun way?

“Do you have more of these long underwear items in your luggage?”

“Why?” she snapped her question back at him.

“That’s not the response I’m looking for. Yes, or no?”

“Yes,” she muttered.

“Good answer. Definitely the preferred one.”

Alarm made her eyes sparkle, even through the ridiculous lenses. “Why?” she asked again.

“Because,” he pushed back until he knelt between her legs, “I’m still trying to decide how to get these off of you.”

He trailed his fingers down her body, brushing over her breasts, watching her nipples grow even harder. Her stomach quivered as he smoothed his hand over it.


“A little.”

No, she couldn’t very well deny it.

He reached for the waistband of her leggings. She folded her legs up and pressed her feet against his chest. A moment before she put power into her legs to push him away, he grabbed her ankles and spread her legs apart.

“Still feisty, eh?” He chuckled in the face of her groan.

“I told you, I won’t make love to you,” she protested through clenched teeth.

“Oh, but you will, and you’ll beg me for it,” he promised her.

“Gunnar, this doesn’t make sense! I’ll make a lousy queen. I can’t do this,” she wailed.

“You can, and you will. The gods don’t choose the unable.”

A strong gust of wind hit the side of the van their transport was cocooned in.

“See? Odin agrees with me,” he told her. “Well, I guess we’ll have to do this the hard way.”

Brown-tinted eyes flew open wide as he reached behind him. Before she could squeal, a lined cuff encased one ankle. It wasn’t much of a struggle before he had her other ankle bound, the ankle cuffs just like the ones holding her wrists. She was securely spread on the bed before him like a five-point star.

Spluttering protests began to come from her again and he leaned over to kiss her deeply. Damn but she tasted, and kissed, wonderful. He felt each kiss right down to his throbbing shaft. Rubbing against the silk covering her sweet body only made him ache more. Maybe he would take her fast this first time. But first, he needed to know…

She wiggled against him when he touched her. Wet, she’d soaked the silk between her legs with her sweet-scented potion. The bucking of her hips became more pronounced as he lingered, stroking her, feeling every contour though the thin fabric. Without much effort he found the point where the seams came together. He was able to work a finger through, breaking the threads holding the pieces together.

Tongue sparring with tongue, he worked his finger through the seam, ripping the material when the thread held tight. Frustrated at the slow progress, he pushed back up to his knees, grabbed the edges and pulled. Her squeal of dismay nearly drowned out the sound of the ripping fabric.

Unable to keep from looking he had to know… ah, she was nearly as dark there as the rest of her body.

“Sun in the nude often?” he asked.

“Every chance I get.”

Smooth. He reached out a tentative finger to touch her hairless folds. “Is this natural?”

“Waxed. Yesterday.” She gasped as his fingers danced over her soft skin.

“I’ve heard of the technique. I think I like it.” He bent and kissed where his fingers touched, his tongue lightly teasing and tasting. “Mmmm, I think I like it very much.” Moaning and writhing indicated she agreed with him.

Still the big question… “Dare I ask? Are you…?”

“My maidenhead is intact,” she whimpered as his finger slid into her. “Go gently. Only my physician has ever touched me there.”

Heeding her plea, he worked his finger in slowly. “Tight. You are so very tight… ah, there it is. So you are a maiden still.” But how innocent?

Fascinated by her smooth skin, he stroked her, watching the moisture seep from her. He used one finger to fondle her sacred passage, a thumb on the tiny bud of flesh nestled coyly at the apex of her thighs.

“So slick and wet, my love.”

Her moan made him smile. Easing his thumb off her clit, he watched as she tried to follow, thrusting her hips toward him.

“Ah, so she knows what she likes. What else does she like?”

“What do you mean?”

“I know the boundaries of my purity, but what of yours? How has your body been used by others, my princess? Has the Lidarian lusting after you tasted your sweetness?”

“I… I don’t know what you mean. I don’t like your implication.”

“There are other ways to fuck, Princess.”

“I didn’t give you leave to use crude language with me!”

He couldn’t help the laugh. “Nory, my pet, you’ve completely missed the point here. You may be a princess to the people, The Crown Princess, but to me, you are my wife. My mate. That makes me your husband. Your Master.”

He watched her eyes fly open wide. “Yes, that’s right, Noreen. The Nordian marriage ceremony still requires you to swear obedience to me. Man and wife. In our household, I own you. Body and soul, my love.”

The shaking of her body as the words sunk in was nearly laughable until he remembered the king’s words. She didn’t know any better and was merely responding to how she’d been raised. Since she was her father’s precious treasure, everyone had catered to her from the moment she’d been conceived. Even during her travels, she’d had others to look out for her and do her bidding. She’d probably never seen the seedier side of the planets she traveled to. This woman was an unbroken thoroughbred mare who needed the benevolent hand of a Master to tame her. The books the king had given him those many years ago came back to him. Lessons he’d learned and practiced with the palace maids. How would she feel about the small stable of slaves he kept at the country estate? Each one a curvaceous morsel devoted to his pleasure. Did it matter?

“Mate, that means equal in the marriage,” she spat back at him. “I’m no man’s toy.”

His grin made her shrink into the soft pillows under her, despite the fire of defiance in her eyes. The growl from low in her throat as she pulled against the fur-lined leather cuffs holding her was damn cute.

Grasping the fabric of her bottoms, he tugged on the two halves and separated the center seam completely from front to back, fully exposing her dazzling treasure, only the stretchy waistband holding the garment together around her middle.

“Very beautiful pussy, my wife. But I have to wonder how many other men have seen it? Touched it? How discriminating have you been? Obviously you saved your fitte for me, and I do thank you for that, but how about your rompe? Or your mouth?”

Struggling against her restraints caused her breasts to jiggle enticingly beneath her silk top. Ah yes, her very beautifully shaped breasts. He wanted to see those in the flesh. Were they brown too? So easy to push her top up and over those luscious mounds.

“Ah, so you do sun in the nude. I’m not sure I like this dark brown skin. We’ll see over time, won’t we?”

“Argh!” Her indignation could find no words and he smiled as he bent down to kiss first one tight nipple and then the other.

“Very nice. No artificial body shaping, just cosmetic surface changes. Good choice.” He drew one nipple into his mouth, his hand grasping the other breast and massaging.

His stomach resting against the sweet damp cleft between her legs, he took his time suckling and laving attention to her very sensitive nipples. Dusky pink, it was hard to tell by color the defining line between her soft skin and the puckered sweetness of her nipple. In the low light, he took his time looking at her from all angles. The symmetry of her was perfect. Each curve, swell and line of her body was as if it’d been drawn by a master artist.

Good idea. He’d commission a painting of her at the first opportunity. A nude for their bedroom. Possibly one for his office. No doubt an official portrait would be commissioned for their wedding as demanded by tradition.

“What are you thinking?” she asked him.

He used his tongue to draw a wet line up her body, stopping only to circle her breasts one by one before traveling up her long slender throat to her mouth. Her breath came in pants by the time he claimed her mouth, his aching cock nestled against the liquid heat weeping from her.

One hand twined in her hair, the other traveled down her body stroking, touching, pinching and tweaking as he moved downward, each inch bringing him closer to his desire. Better to get to it and claim her. There was plenty of time for talking and training after. They had a marriage to consummate at the moment.

His hand skimmed the smooth skin of her flat stomach. Not hard, just softly, beautifully feminine. Used to seeking soft curls, his fingers were surprised to slide so easily into her slick heat, brushing over her hard little clitty. She liked that. Stopping to tease and learn the feel of her, he envisioned a small ring through the hood and felt his body surge in reaction. Yes, a small, private sign of his ownership of her body. When they reached home, he’d see to it immediately. An easy way to subtly remind her of her vow to him. He’d take care of it the night of their state wedding.

Moaning against his mouth, her whimpers indicated her rising desire. She was hot. Nearly hot enough to take with the least amount of discomfort to her. Renewing the ardor of his campaign, he sucked in her lower lip as his fingers slid down to the soft flesh between her legs. One finger slipped in easily and he explored the barrier within.

Firmly anchored on one side, small bridges of flesh adhered it to the other side, leaving a hole barely large enough for his finger to slide through. She bucked against him, the tone of her whimpers changing.

“I’m sorry, älskling. I can’t spare you the pain,” he murmured against her lips. “I can make it quick.” He eased back and stroked the tender skin of her opening until she moaned with need again. Moisture coated his fingers as he positioned himself at her entrance.

Heaven, the smooth slick heat of her was better than he’d ever dreamed. Slowly he pressed in, savoring the tightness of her around him, the pleasing feeling of her flesh embracing his.

“Sweet Freya, you feel so good, Nory.”

“Gunnar,” she moaned.

“I want you, Nory, do you want me?”

“Yes,” her reply was barely more than a whisper against his lips.

“You’re mine, Nory. Mine for all time.”

“You’re mine, too, Gunnar.”

“Yes.” This was meant to be. “As I claim you, I acknowledge your claim on me.” Poised for the perfect thrust, he rose up on his arms and stared into her eyes. “Do you agree?”

“Yes!” Brown eyes glittered back at him, her gaze locked with his.

With her cry, he put his power into thrusting forward, one fast surge to breach her maidenhead. Was it the rush of blood that made his ears ring or was it Thor’s Hammer? He couldn’t tell if the transport rocked or if it was just his soul. He threw back his head to let an ancient warrior’s cry rip from his throat.

Filling her completely, he felt the soft entrance to her womb as the root of his shaft nestled between her nether lips. A more perfect fit he’d never imagined. From base to tip, she held him securely, pulsing around him as he kissed the tears from her cheeks.

“Don’t move yet,” he soothed her.

“It hurts!”

“I know. Give it a moment. The pain doesn’t last long. Slowly now, can you work your muscles?”

“I… I...”

The squeeze of her around him nearly ripped away his control. Burying his head in her neck, soft hair caressing his face, he groaned. “Yes, just like that, älskling.”

Her tears eased as she gripped him again. A wave of her moisture enveloped him as she shivered.

“Ah,” she breathed, a new urgency claiming her voice.

“Does it still hurt?” He needed to move. Would die if he didn’t move.

“I don’t think… so,” she moaned with his gentle movement.

A tiny pull back, then a tiny thrust in. “Freya’s sweet fitte, Nory. This is heaven.”

“Gunnar,” she moaned. “Release me.”

“I can’t, not this time, Nory. I’ll take care of you, love, I promise.” He leaned over her and claimed her mouth as his body claimed hers. Words left him as instinct took over, the natural pulse of life driving him on as much as her body rising up to meet him. Even bound to the bed, she met his rhythm and he took every care to go slowly. It was a good idea until she started bucking against him, urging him on.

Wanting to watch her face, he pushed up on his arms. Had her legs been free, he had no doubt they would have been wrapped around him. No help for it now, he wasn’t about to stop long enough to release her.

Gaze locked with hers, he watched her face as their passion built. She stared back at him, never flinching, a small grimace of need on her face. Glorious, with a look of intense desire in her eyes, she was beautiful, the blazing color of her hair burning like their mutual need. What would her face look like as she took flight? The tiny mews from her throat grew breathy and he longed to take her over. Using super human power he rested on one arm and reached down between their bodies to rub her button. A flush started between her breasts and began to bleed across her skin. With a cry, she threw her head back and thrust her hips up against him. She clenched down hard as her body spasmed, and he lost control.

With a shout, lightning burst from the base of his spine and, in hot spurts, he cemented his claim by filling her with what felt like every last drop of his soul.


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