Читать книгу Legends of the Madonna as Represented in the Fine Arts - Mrs. (Anna) Jameson - Страница 5



THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ENTHRONED. Virgo Deipara. The Virgin in her Maternal Character. Origin of the Group of the Mother and Child. Nestorian Controversy.

The Enthroned Virgin in the old Mosaics. In early Italian Art The

Virgin standing as Regina Coeli.

La Madre Pia enthroned. Mater Sapientiæ with the Book.

The Virgin and Child enthroned with attendant Figures; with Angels; with Prophets; with Apostles.

With Saints: John the Baptist; St. Anna; St. Joachim; St. Joseph.

With Martyrs and Patron Saints.

Various Examples of Arrangement. With the Fathers of the Church; with St. Jerome and St. Catherine; with the Marriage of St. Catherine. The Virgin and Child between St. Catherine and St. Barbara; with Mary Magdalene; with St. Lucia.

The Virgin and Child between St. George and St. Nicholas; with St.

Christopher; with St. Leonard. The Virgin of Charity.

The Madonnas of Florence; of Siena; of Venice and Lombardy. How


The Virgin attended by the Monastic Saints. Examples from various


Votive Madonnas. For Mercies accorded; for Victory; for Deliverance

from Pestilence; against Flood and Fire.

Family Votive Madonnas, Examples. The Madonna of the Bentivoglio

Family. The Madonna of the Sforza Family. The Madonna of the Moyer

Family, The Madonna di Foligno. German Votive Madonna at Rouen.

Madonna of Réné, Duke of Anjou; of the Pesaro Family at Venice.

Half-length Enthroned Madonnas; first introduced by the Venetians.

Various Examples.

The MATER AMABILIS, Early Greek Examples. The infinite Variety given

to this Subject.

Virgin and Child with St. John. He takes the Cross

The MADRE PIA; the Virgin adores her Son.

Pastoral Madonnas of the Venetian School.

Conclusion of the Devotional Subjects.

Legends of the Madonna as Represented in the Fine Arts

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