Читать книгу Soli Deo Gloria - M.T. Augustine - Страница 7

ROMA The sounds of Bach’s Sanctus from the Mass in B-Minor is running through my mind….


He came across a phrase several years ago which had the immediately recognizable ring of truth about it, that is: Hildegard of Bingham’s “A Feather On the Breath of God”. He rather liked thinking in this light as it seemed to be in full alignment with The True Nature of Reality. What after all was the human race; so impressed with itself when viewing and operating through, as Eckhard calls it, the little Egoic Mind rather than the Conscious of the awareness of Being in the Now. Individually, the truth is that we simply are not on the scene for very long. The May Fly span is appropriate to think of here; the life span of individual men and women is not much longer depending on the point of view; as Einstein told us, in the Universe we are able to know, it is all relative. Time as we know it is one of the great illusions of mankind; and from God’s perspective, i.e., infinity, the length of our physical lives is equivalent to the May fly.

Being in Rome reminded me of certain fascinating historical items. For instance, the fact that The Holy See, gave Ireland to the English King; an action which bypassed and rather ignored the positions and needs of the Irish. This was done in 1155 by Adrian IV (Nicholas Breakspear) the only Englishman to have ever been Pope, in the papal document Laudabiliter. At least Galileo eventually received an apology. Then of course there is the somewhat sensitive matter of the Inquisition. I rather doubt that any of these matters were God’s work; perhaps it was just the brain of man off on various little egoic-mind set rampages.

Actually, given all the above I am still in deep sympathy with the Holy See; I understand the principal message to be delivered, and the present Pope Francis would seem to be the one to keep people on mission. Of course, being raised Roman Catholic, I must acknowledge that the Church brought wonderful music and beauty and elegance into the life of a child who had up until the age of six had lived and been taught only fear; perhaps, more on that later.

The Church is perhaps a Work-In-Progress; a part of God’s creation which is not by any means completed; it is an on-going creation; constantly evolving, hopefully in the future in full alignment with the wishes of All-Power, i.e., AllMighty God.

Soli Deo Gloria

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