Читать книгу His Baby - Muriel Jensen - Страница 2

“If it’s an Abbott, it’s mine.”


Cordie had a horrible feeling that she understood what Killian meant, but she had to be sure. “You said you didn’t want to reconcile.”

“That’s right,” he told her.

She folded her arms so he wouldn’t see her hands tremble. “You’ll keep me until the birth, then take the baby away from me?”

“We’ll work out a deal.”

Without thinking twice, she struck him hard on the shoulder. “You don’t deal over a baby.” To herself she added, This isn’t part of the plan. You’re supposed to invite me back into your life! “I’m not giving up my claim to the baby,” Killian said unequivocally.

“It’s mine!”

“It’s ours. And trying to pretend I don’t figure in his life isn’t going to work.”

She was suddenly aware that her plot had a serious pitfall. Killian was going to fight her for the baby. And he had an army of lawyers. “You’re hateful,” she said in a heartfelt whisper.

He gave her a brief nod, as though it was of no consequence. “I gathered you felt that way when you slept with Brian.”

His Baby

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