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Chapter 3: A Circus Tent

I followed a long, dark path. My heels were deep in the mud, my fishnet stockings and my leather mini-skirt offered no protection from the freezing cold wind. I walked for who knows how long. I was smoking my third cigarette and hugging myself and my soft pink fur coat when the muddy path turned into a long red carpet. A large circus tent appeared in front of me. It was a wide tent covered in black and pink stripes. On top of it, five colorful flags with pictures of what looked like naked people. It was dark so I couldn't see it clearly, but the one thing I noticed was that on the yellow flag, the character had no face or genitals like the other ones.

I came closer to the entrance. There was a bell hanging there. I rang it gently and waited for a minute, then I bent down and tried to open the zipper to the tent which was stuck. I rang the bell again with great force and screamed “hello…”, “Elle...?” I took out my phone from my pocket. I wanted to check the time but instead stared at my locked screen picture. It was the sunset at Spree River with Elle's ass in the picture. It was 23:50, I had 10 more minutes. With my back against the big tent “door,” I was trying to light my Marlboro Gold cig as the wind slapped my face. It was cold and I started losing my patience.

At exactly midnight, circus music started playing. Colorful, dazzling lights shone everywhere and the door opened. I almost fell inside and took a step to balance myself. As I turned around I saw lights, smoke and a woman dressed as a sexy cleaning lady holding a feather duster approaching me. She started cleaning my cleavage and then bent down and licked my muddy heels. “There is no need,” I said. “There is indeed” a man answered as he emerged out of the smoke and colorful lights. His steps were loud as he came closer and closer to me. He was the ringmaster: tall & skinny, shirtless with a 6 pack, a black cape and a big black hat hiding his long ginger hair. There was something strange about his eyes. He was wearing short leather tights that emphasized his huge bulge. It was hard not to stare or drool at this sight.

He was standing in front of me as the cleaning lady took off my pink fur coat. He kissed my neck, a very wet but sexy kiss and whispered in my ear “Welcome to Cirque Sexuel my beautiful black queen.” He kissed me on the mouth, sucking my bleeding lip and grabbing my crotch.

“Are you ready?” he asked while stroking my hair and pulling me into the smoke. We entered the central ring and climbed on a big stage. The bright spotlight blinded us, and around the ring I could hear a big crowd cheering. Suddenly I was lifted up into the air, flying with naked men and women, who were holding me while swinging on a trapeze, below me a fire show and girls wearing see-through tutus dancing with hula-hoops. I was screaming and laughing at the same time. They put me down and started kissing me all over my body.

Suddenly it was dark. I was alone on the stage. The spotlight was shining on me and the voice of the ringmaster resonated. He spoke slowly. “My beauty, now it's your show, you choose where you start. Around us there are five rings each in a different color that reflect your emotions.” I started walking towards the yellow ring, where the spotlight shone the brightest. He continued: “You came here for a reason my beautiful black queen, you are the chosen one. You will go through all the rings to complete your personal journey and to complete our live show.” His voice got louder and clearer. I looked around and went towards the purple ring, which felt like less of a safe option, maybe just because it is my least favorite color. “You have to finish going through all the rings before 04:21 am, because if not…” As I entered the ring, the cheering crowd drowned out the ringmaster’s words as if it was never heard before.

Cirque Sexuel

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