Читать книгу For the Beauty of the Earth - N. Thomas Johnson-Medland - Страница 6
ОглавлениеWe want to thank all of the guest poets—young and old—who joined in this process and shared their work. Many have never published before, but wanted to be included in a book about the beauty of the earth and an ardent love that longs to care for her.
Your presence in this publication gives us the on-going hope that the CHILD-HEART in everyone can reach out and do what it is that it does best—PLAY. For in the childlike heart and sense of play, fairness ends up triumphing over bullies. It may take time, but it winds up triumphing because the nature of the heart is able to find the most base, common denominator; and, it seeks to nurture life in that.
And so, by implication, we recognize that whenever people gather and collect in groups and communities and seek only to esteem the value of their one group over another’s, then we have not yet found the place of the heart. These poets have struggled to find the common ground that nurtures life. Bless them and their vision.
Our hope is our common effort here brings people to their heart on the issue of the earth; before it is too late. For, the heart is also capable of mourning.