Читать книгу Undercover With The Heiress - Nan Dixon - Страница 12
ОглавлениеCOURTNEY’S FLASHING BLUE eyes haunted Kaden as he headed up the Carleton House stairs to his room. She was a beautiful woman, but she knew it. Her moves were choreographed down to each flip of her hair. Was there anything interesting behind her stunning jewel-like eyes?
Kaden tugged off his shirt and threw it into the closet, then patted his full stomach. He couldn’t remember eating a better meal. No wonder his granddad raved about Abby’s cooking and hospitality. The Fitzgeralds were great. They’d invited him, a stranger, to a family dinner.
The sisters and their partners had all visited his granddad. Every day someone brought him food, flowers or company.
How did Courtney fit in? It was obvious she and Gray were related, but she had that uppity Boston accent he’d heard only when training at Quantico.
He slid open his phone and called Roger, updating him on his conversation with Nathan.
“So Forester hasn’t seen Bole since she left her kid two months ago?” Roger asked. “That’s hard to believe.”
“I believe it. The woman let her daughter come to a gun battle.”
“But two months without seeing her kid.” Roger rattled the ice in his glass, probably bourbon at this time of night.
“We never thought she was a devoted mother.” Kaden pulled a water bottle from the fridge in his suite.
“What if you stayed near the B and B? Heather has to come back sometime. If you’re there, you could grab her.”
“I’m here for my granddad.”
“I thought he was doing well,” Roger said.
“He is, but broken hips are dangerous.”
“I’ve met your grandfather. He doesn’t act like a seventy-five-year-old.”
“He stills needs to heal.” Kaden opened the French doors and stood on the balcony, staring down at the courtyard. The scent of flowers and growing plants filled the humid night. If he could smell the ocean, he’d be home.
“You have plenty of vacation available, but both you and Heather’s kid are staying at the B and B.” Roger exhaled. “Maybe you can do both.”
“What about Margaret?” Kaden asked.
“This is our case. My ex doesn’t need to know you’re there until we make an arrest.”
Kaden took a deep breath. It was their case. He wanted to keep Issy safe. Not by being her bodyguard, but by locking up her mother. “You know I don’t...work well with kids.”
Silence filled the line. “Losing the Malcolm twins wasn’t your fault. It was a kidnapping.”
Kaden closed his eyes, but it didn’t stop the bloody crime scene photos of the little boys from filling his head. If he’d made the money drop sooner, linked the gardener faster, maybe the twins would still be alive. “I don’t want to be responsible for a child’s life.”
“Then think about this assignment as finding the mother. It’s Bole we want.”
Bole. Did his need to get her off the street outweigh his fear that children got hurt under his watch?
“This keeps you on the team,” Roger said.
He gripped the railing. “Is that a threat?”
“I need all the man power I can muster to clear drugs off the street.” Roger didn’t expand on his threat.
Kaden punched the pillar. He was not getting booted from the task force. No way.
“I’ll talk to my grandfather.”
* * *
COURTNEY TOOK ANOTHER SIP, but her prosecco had gone flat. “Mother, you have to get Father to relent.”
“Courtney, he just discovered your car was repaired before you left for Savannah.”
“It’s those stupid gates.” She headed deeper into the garden. “Can’t you suggest he have them moved farther apart?”
“No one else has trouble with the gates.” Her mother’s voice was more stern than normal.
Courtney scuffed her toes along the stone walk. “That doesn’t mean they’re not a problem. But this time I swerved for an animal.”
“Courtney.” There was a scolding tone in her mother’s voice.
“It’s the truth. An animal jumped out and I swerved.”
“Of course.” Her mother sighed. “I think you should stick with your plan and work for your brother. Your father isn’t budging.”
“Tell Daddy I’m sorry about the car. I’ll watch for animals and be more careful turning the corner.” But she wasn’t going to commit to working for her brother. By escaping to Savannah, she was buying herself time. That was it. “I’ll call tomorrow. Please work on Daddy.”
“It’s best if I let the issue rest. Besides, he’s traveling for the next few days.”
“A few days? But I want to come home.” What was she supposed to do in the meantime? “He’s not coming to Savannah, is he?”
“He’s heading to Toronto and then Montreal.”
“Good.” She didn’t want Father and Gray comparing notes. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Think about the direction of your life. Think about what makes you happy,” Mother said, before saying goodbye.
Happy? The direction of her life? Ever since Father had practically ignored her getting on the high-school honor roll, her life had been circular. She’d worked so hard to make straight As. Dear old Dad had dismissed her accomplishments. Even when she’d set out to prove she was as smart as her brother, he’d scoffed at her dean’s list accomplishment and then crowed about Gray’s summa cum laude.
She tugged on her curls. The only praise he’d ever given her had been for her looks. Right after college she’d tried modeling, but the agency had suggested she lose ten pounds. Not going to happen.
She sank onto a bench. Laughter floated from a Fitzgerald House balcony. The fountain splashed. A cricket chirped near Carleton House and something scurried through the bushes.
Shouldn’t these sounds be soothing? Instead, they highlighted how alone she was. Mother wanted her to find direction? She didn’t want to think that deeply. She just wanted to go home.
What made her happy? Coloring with the kids had made her happy. Chatting with Josh at dinner had made her happy. Did that mean she wanted to be a mother?
She shook her head. At twenty-six she was too young to think about having children. And the idea of marriage... She rolled her shoulders, but couldn’t get rid of the itch at the base of her neck.
There wasn’t a man she’d dated longer than a month or two. No one held her attention. Most groveled too much, or were more interested in getting close to her father or Gray. Some only wanted her as arm candy.
She tapped her nail against the bench. But not Kaden Farrell. He’d barely glanced at her all through dinner. That never happened.
Kaden’s dimple had only appeared when he’d talked about fishing and his grandfather. She shuddered at the thought of slimy fish making someone happy.
Mother wanted her to find her direction? If she had to hide in Savannah, she would get Mr. Kaden Farrell to look in her direction and ask her out. That shouldn’t be so hard.
* * *
KADEN HANDED HIS granddad a towel.
“Thanks.” Granddad wiped his upper lip. “Wouldn’t want the ladies to see me sweat from my physical therapy.”
“You already have a fan club?”
“There are some lovely ladies here.” His grandfather settled into the wheelchair. “But I told you, you don’t have to spend all day with me. Head back to Atlanta. I don’t want to pull you away from your work.”
“I want to be here.” Kaden had so much to live up to. Granddad always put other people’s needs first. He pushed the wheelchair into the sunroom. “Want something to drink?”
“Water, please. My therapist might be lovely, but she’s a dictator.”
Kaden laughed and headed to the coffeepot. He poured a mug for himself and then a glass of water.
“Thanks.” His grandfather took a long drink. “What’s on your mind?”
“How do you do that?” Kaden asked.
Granddad pointed between Kaden’s eyebrows. “Whenever you want to discuss something, or something’s weighing on you, you get this crease between your eyebrows. I wouldn’t suggest you ever try gambling. It’s a big tell.”
“I’ll remember not to play poker with you.” He pulled up a chair so they sat facing each other.
“What’s bothering you?”
“You know Issy from the B and B?” Kaden asked.
“Sweet thing. Nathan’s daughter. Little girl doesn’t say much. Mother just up and dropped her off.” Nigel shook his head. “Never told Nathan about her.”
“She’s...connected with one of my cases.”
“No. The mother.”
Understanding broke across his granddad’s face. “The mother’s in the drug world?”
Kaden nodded. “We’re pretty sure Issy witnessed a murder right before the mother dropped her off with Forester.”
“Poor kid.” Granddad closed his eyes. “Thank goodness Nathan has her now.”
Kaden took a deep breath. “My boss thinks the mother will come back for Issy.”
“You can’t let that happen. You know what her life must have been like.” Granddad’s fingers squeezed around his wrist. “Will the Bureau protect her?”
“They asked me to do that.”
“Perfect.” Granddad clapped his hands. “That’s better than watching my PT.”
“I’m supporting you.”
“And I appreciate that, but you can’t watch me 24/7.” Granddad snapped his fingers. “You know what you could do?”
Kaden frowned. “What?”
“Take over my B and B duties. You’ve got the skills. You could help the sisters and stay close to Issy.”
Take over Granddad’s work? “But I’m here for you.”
“Haven’t you been telling me I’m right where I belong? You’re twiddling your thumbs when you could be working to make sure that little girl is safe.” Nigel slapped the arm of the wheelchair. “Put that mother away and get those drugs off the street.”
Kaden swallowed. “You’re the only family I have left.”
“I know and I’m so sorry.” Granddad caught his hand and held on. “I should have worked harder to find you and your brother. I will always regret that. I was so mad at your mother for being weak.”
Kaden was still mad at his parents for being drug addicts. After his grandfather had taken him in, they’d both died of overdoses.
“You have a chance to make sure this little girl doesn’t go through what you went through.” Granddad’s slate-blue eyes were filled with regret. “You can make a difference. Make up for my screwup.”
“You didn’t screw up. My parents did.” And so had he. He hadn’t kept his brother safe. Could he keep Issy safe or would he make the same mistake? “I’d have to work undercover.”
“I’ve never told anyone what you do—just like you asked.”
“The secrecy policy is for the safety of our families. I would never forgive myself if someone hurt you because of me.” Kaden rubbed the back of his neck. “The Fitzgeralds think I followed in your footsteps for work.”
“That’s what they assumed.” Kaden squeezed his grandfather’s hand. “Saving people is what I meant.”
“It’s important that you do this.” Smiling, Granddad touched his heart.
Love warmed his soul. “I love you, too.”
“If you have the possibility of getting one more drug ring out of commission,” Granddad said, “that’s more important than pushing my wheelchair around this rehab center.”
“I’ll...think about it.” But with Granddad’s support, Kaden already knew the answer. He was going to keep his eye on Isabella Forester.
* * *
“YOU WANT TO pick up Nigel’s duties while he’s healing?” Abby pushed the plate of cookies and bars closer to him and topped off his coffee.
“It was my grandfather’s suggestion.” Kaden picked up a tiny filled cookie. “He’s worried about the B and B.”
“Nigel is so thoughtful.”
“I think so.”
“Okay.” Abby tapped the table. “You could move into the apartment next to Cheryl and Nathan.”
“Where’s that?”
She pointed across the courtyard. “The second story of the carriage house.”
“But I thought a restaurant was going in there?” He took a bite and raspberries, cream and sugar filled his mouth. He moaned and took another cookie.
“The restaurant takes up about half of the building.” She pushed her ponytail off her shoulder. “If it really takes off, we’ll expand to the remainder of the first floor. But right now there’s an empty apartment.”
“That would be great.”
“There are two bedrooms, but no washer and dryer.” Abby grinned. “And one bedroom has this incredible princess-and-castle mural. You should like that.”
“Right.” He couldn’t help smiling. Abby was the kind of woman who made a man relax. Unlike her sister-in-law, Courtney. “Let me show you the apartment.” Abby pulled a key from a rack.
He followed her across the courtyard and past a set of stairs. “When does the restaurant open?”
“Nathan has promised I’ll be able to have a guest week right after Labor Day.” She unlocked a side door. “I’ll open the week after that.”
They headed up wooden steps that creaked and moaned. “Good security.”
“What?” She frowned.
“Creaking stairs. Hard to sneak up on anyone.”
She laughed, but he wasn’t kidding.
Abby unlocked the door and flipped on the light. “There’s furniture, too.”
The apartment was clean and included a reasonable-size living room and a small kitchen, including a table. The first bedroom was indeed fit for a princess. The mural was a work of art. A castle filled one corner of the wall. Princesses in bright gowns danced on a hill with bunnies and ponies.
“You can sleep in here.” Her eyes twinkled.
Kaden just shook his head. “Let’s see the other room.”
The bed in there was large.
“This should work. Thank you.”
Abby handed him a key. “I should let Nathan know I won’t need his crew to fill in at the B and B.”
“I can do that.” It gave Kaden a chance to tell Nathan his real purpose.
Abby headed back to Fitzgerald House and Kaden went down to the restaurant and found Nathan.
“Any place we can talk in private?” Kaden asked.
“Sure.” Frowning, Nathan led him to a room behind the bar. “What’s up? Is there news on Heather?”
“No, but since I’m here, my superior wants me to keep an eye on Issy. We think Bole will come back for her daughter.”
Nathan paced the long narrow room. “I won’t let her near Issy.”
“Understood. But if the only access to Isabella is here, I want to be around to catch Bole.” And put the evil woman away. “That’s why I’m taking over my grandfather’s duties at the B and B.”
“Good, good. I want her safe.” Nathan tugged off his cap and ran a hand through his hair. “Issy’s just coming out of her shell. I don’t want that bitch anywhere near her. What do you need from me?”
“Her schedule.” Kaden nodded. “I’d like to talk to the person in charge of her day care and any other place she goes each day.”
“Of course.” Nathan’s voice cracked.
“I’ll be undercover. No one can know I’m with the FBI.”
Nathan winced. “I can’t keep this from Cheryl.”
Kaden tapped his fingers against his thigh. “Will she keep this secret?”
“She can. She will,” Nathan vowed.
“Fine. I should spend more time with Issy.” He didn’t let Nathan see the shiver that ran down his back. “Maybe tonight?”
“Let’s have dinner again,” Nathan suggested. “That way she’ll know you’re a good guy.”
“Okay.” This better not be a mistake. He didn’t want Issy hurt. Not on his watch.
* * *
“Almost ready.” She rubbed lotion on her pink skin. She’d sat in the garden reading, not noticing the time. Apparently, she’d stayed past her sunscreen expiration. She cringed at the idea of getting wrinkles or dry flaky sun-toughened skin. Mother would have scolded her soundly.
She’d gotten about half of her clothes unpacked, including the sundress she wore today, and then started reading and that was that. The book was wicked good.
Don’t use that expression. It is not how we talk.
Well, she wasn’t wicked smart like Gray.
She dressed and headed down the hall. Time to face her brother.
Gray waited in the entry, wearing a slate-blue polo shirt and shorts with enough pockets in them to go wilderness hiking. He stood with his legs spread, his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.
She blurted out, “You look like Father.”
“Thank you.” He raised one black eyebrow over his blue eyes, eyes that were the same color as the ones she saw in the mirror every day. It wasn’t fair. She couldn’t achieve her brother’s lush eyelashes without careful layers of mascara.
As they moved through the courtyard, Gray waved at two couples sitting at a small table.
“Do you know them?”
“They’re guests.”
But customer service was Abby’s job. She frowned, then blurted out, “You’re...different here.”
“What do you mean?”
She pushed out a breath. “When you and Gwen were dating, she always complained you never made time to do the things she wanted to do.”
“Gwen didn’t acknowledge I worked for a living.” He snorted. “I couldn’t be at her beck and call for parties and outings.”
It still irritated Courtney that he’d thrown over her best friend for a gold-digging Fitzgerald sister. She and Gwen had grown up together. They were best—
Courtney blinked. She hadn’t spoken to Gwen since leaving Boston. Shouldn’t her best friend have checked in? Told her how devastated she was without her?
What were her friends doing? She hadn’t checked social media, not wanting to know life continued while she hid in Georgia.
She and Gray stepped into Fitzgerald House. The kitchen bustled and the smells were amazing. It reminded Courtney of her favorite Mexican restaurant over in Back Bay. Salad plates lined every surface and Cheryl, Abby and someone she didn’t recognize worked side by side.
“Hey, handsome,” Abby called out.
“How’s the event going?” Gray asked.
“They loved the appetizers. Salad course is going up now.” Abby tipped her head and Gray bent and dropped a kiss on her lips.
“We’ll head into the library.” Gray brushed hair off Abby’s cheek. “We could eat someplace else.”
“Give me a half hour or so.” Abby nodded at Cheryl. “Nathan and the kids are coming. And Kaden will be here, too.”
Kaden. The handyman’s hot grandson. Courtney straightened her shoulders. Time to get her flirt on.
“Come on, brat.” Gray moved to the swinging door. “We need to talk about why you’re really here in Savannah.”
Uh-oh. She didn’t let the irritation in Gray’s voice alter her small smile.
In the library she stalled, perusing the offerings. Peeking at Gray’s stony expression, all she wanted was a drink and a place to hide. Preferably in Boston.
She put an enchilada on her plate and added a stuffed pepper, chips and salsa. When she spotted a pitcher of margaritas, she poured a glass. Hard alcohol might get her through Gray’s inquisition.
“Front parlor.” He didn’t wait for her response, just led the way, carrying his own plate, and took an armchair. She sat on the edge of a small sofa, across the coffee table from him.
“This smells so good.” She took a chip and ran it through the salsa. “Num. Your wife is so talented.”
“Don’t suck up. I know your tricks.” His gaze was glacial. “When were you going to ask me about a job?”
Never. She sampled her drink and let the sweet taste slide down. Darn it, Abby even made great mixed drinks. “A job?”
He leaned across the table. “I talked to Father.”
“Oh.” She needed to regroup. “Mother’s working on him. He’ll relent.”
“I don’t think so.” He sipped his drink. “Father wanted to know how you were working out.”
“Just fine. It was a long drive, but I’m recovering.” She looked at her brother over the rim of the glass.
“He wanted to know how you were settling into my new office.” He pointed at her with a stuffed jalapeño. “Stop playing stupid. You know what I’m talking about.”
She shoved her plate out of the way and stood. She paced to the doorway and back. Maybe she’d taken the wrong tack. Maybe Gray could help her out of this mess. “He was mad because of some shoes. Shoes.”
“Five thousand dollars’ worth of shoes.”
She waved her hand. “You have to pay for quality.”
“And you ran into the gate again.”
She slipped back into her seat. “It was because of an animal this time.”
“Right.” Exasperation wrinkled his face. “You have to do something with your life.”
“With my fabulous literature degree?” She rolled her eyes.
“You chose your major,” he snapped.
“But I didn’t choose my school.”
“Sure you did.” He frowned. “You chose Mother’s alma mater.”
“I wanted Yale.” She bit her lip.
“With our history there—” his black eyebrows formed a straight line “—you didn’t get in?”
“I was accepted.” Of course her brother would think that she hadn’t had the grades, that she hadn’t been smart enough. “I test very well.”
Gray rattled his drink. “I don’t understand.”
“Father wouldn’t allow me to go to Yale because I wasn’t a serious student.” She stared at her food, not wanting to see the pity on Gray’s face.
“I didn’t know. I would have argued for you. Helped you.” Gray tipped up her chin with his finger, forcing her to stare into sympathy-filled eyes. “But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t have had a different degree program.”
Arguing with Father for months on end had sucked the motivation right out of her.
“So, you’re working for me.” He tapped her nose.
It was something he’d done when she was young, when she’d been upset. He’d been good at cheering her up. She tried to smile. “I could lay low until Mother convinces Father that this is ridiculous.”
“You work for me, or you leave.” He forked a piece of enchilada into his mouth. “Since I haven’t finished the build-out on my office space, we’ll work out of the house. You start tomorrow.”
He would make her leave? “Can’t you tell Father I work for you, but I don’t actually do anything?”
“No.” Pity filled his face again. “We start at seven thirty. That means you’re up, moving and have eaten your breakfast.”
“Lovely.” She had to keep this from happening.
He pointed at her plate. “Are you going to eat that?”
Her appetite was gone. “It’s all yours.”
She headed into the library and refilled her margarita glass. Lord let her catch a horrible disease by tomorrow.
* * *
KADEN STEPPED INTO the Fitzgerald House kitchen and sniffed. Then sniffed again. His mouth watered at the scent of peppers, limes, tomatoes and onions.
Nathan waved from the table. “You got my message.”
“Hey, Kaden.” Abby set a dish on the table. “Grab a chair.”
He took a seat across from Issy, hoping she would get comfortable with him.
Gray and his sister came in through the swinging door. Damn, Courtney was gorgeous. His system absorbed the hit of her beauty like Kevlar absorbed the energy of a bullet.
Courtney’s gaze slipped over to him. She looked shell-shocked. Then her smile emerged like a mask. Odd. She hadn’t smiled much last night.
Gray sat next to Kaden and slapped him on the back. “Good to see you again.”
“Kaden’s taking on Nigel’s duties while he’s recuperating,” Abby called over. “He’ll stay in the carriage house apartment.”
Cheryl pulled out pans of enchiladas from the oven and nodded to Kaden. “It will be nice to have you nearby.”
Courtney’s pretty mouth dropped open. “Don’t you have a job?”
“I’m...between assignments.”
Her lips pursed, making an almost perfect pink circle. She touched a line forming above her eyebrows and it disappeared. “You’re a handyman?”
She made it sound like it was worse than selling drugs on the street.
“I learned from the best,” he said. “My granddad.”
Gray glared at his sister. “Abby will feel better knowing you’re handling Nigel’s work.”
Kaden turned away from Courtney’s derision and back to Issy. “I saw the beautiful mural in your old bedroom. Did you paint it?”
She giggled. “Daddy did.”
Josh stuck his thumb to his chest. “I helped.”
“It’s wonderful.” And pink. Very pink.
“Daddy’s painting a mural in our new house,” she whispered.
“Your daddy’s very talented,” Kaden said.
She tipped her head against her father’s chest. “I love Daddy.”
How could Heather have ever put this little girl in jeopardy?
“Eat,” Abby insisted. “Your next course is almost up.”
They dug in. Kaden asked Issy about school, but Josh answered for her.
Courtney caught his eye from across the table and winked at him. Winked? What was going on? Then she put her hand on Josh’s arm and asked, “How did you learn to draw so well?”
Courtney and Josh tucked their heads together, leaving Kaden free to talk to Issy. He envied Courtney’s ease with the kids.
“So when do you go to kindergarten?” he asked Issy.
“Not ’til I’m...” She held up her hand, fingers spread out.
Her father rubbed the girl’s back.
“Five?” Kaden asked, to keep the conversation going.
She nodded and ate more of the mouthwatering food Abby and Cheryl kept bringing to the table.
What else could he ask a kid? “Josh says you’re getting a puppy when you move.”
Issy nodded. “Like Carly.”
He shook his head. “Who’s Carly?”
Nathan explained, “My brother’s dog.”
“Love Carly,” Issy whispered. The kid never spoke very loud.
“That should be nice.”
“We won’t get a dog that big, right, short stuff?” her father said.
The girl tipped her head at her father and batted her eyes. “Maybe.”
Everyone at the table broke out laughing. Even Courtney. He frowned. She hadn’t laughed the previous night. She’d worn a stunned expression on her beautiful face. Now it was more...sultry. He’d never described a woman that way.
With a head full of ebony curls and brilliant blue eyes, Kaden imagined Courtney had flaunted her own childhood cuteness. She’d probably wrapped adults around her finger back then and men now.
Gray and Nathan talked about the restaurant construction. Courtney chatted away with Josh.
Kaden was stumped. How did you talk to a kid? What else could they talk about?
“Josh, no drawing at the table.” Cheryl brought something fragrant to the table. “Pollo verde.”
“What’s going on?” he asked Abby.
“There’s an engagement party in the ballroom.”
“That’s why we’re eating here,” Nathan added. “Abby and Cheryl always make enough to feed the crew so we benefit.”
“And Mrs. Gonzalez gave me some of her family recipes.” Abby wiggled her eyebrows. “The pollo verde is hers.”
Gonzalez? His body went on alert. Gonzalez family members were lieutenants in the Salvez cartel. The father, Jose, had worked his way up to underboss. Was it possible cartel members were in the Fitzgerald House ballroom celebrating?
He touched the gun under his shirt. He couldn’t overlook the possibility that Hector Salvez might be upstairs with Heather Bole. His heart pounded.
Kaden slid away from the table. “Excuse me.”
Stepping next to Abby, he whispered, “Nigel said one of my jobs will be to set up for events. Do you mind if I peek into the ballroom?”
Her reddish-blond eyebrows snapped together. “Sure.”
“Third floor?”
She nodded.
“Let me take you up,” Cheryl volunteered. “I can see how things are going.”
Cheryl led him to a back stairway. As they neared the third floor, she asked, “Does this have to do with Issy?”
What could he reveal? “Gonzalez is a name associated with the case. It’s a long shot, but it’s possible Salvez, Bole’s partner, is here.”
Cheryl swallowed. “Do you think Heather is here?”
“Only one way to find out.”
In the service hallway, trays of stainless steel covers and dirty dishes were neatly stacked on carts. The muffled clinking of silverware and the hum of voices came through the door. “How many guests?”
“The estimate was one hundred.” She swung open the door.
“Will I be able to see most of them from here?”
“About half. We can stop here and then go around to the ballroom doors.”
Stepping inside, he scanned the ballroom, looking for any of the faces he’d memorized from the Mexican cartels operating in Georgia. He didn’t recognize anyone. And no sign of Bole, either.
“Let’s check from the entrance,” he said.
The main doors were open. And at least one man looked familiar.
There were two tables of adults near the back, with two older men at each table. No one noticed as he zoomed in with his phone camera.
“That’s all I needed.”
Now he had to wait to see the actual photos. And he wasn’t good at waiting.
* * *
COURTNEY SWIRLED HER GLASS, but her margarita was gone. The glass clinked as she set it on the courtyard table.
Look what her life had come to. She couldn’t remember ever drinking alone. All because of dear old Dad. Gray insisted she be ready to work at seven thirty—in the morning. Back home she wouldn’t get up until nine or later.
She missed her friends, missed Boston and missed a home where she didn’t have to think about getting up at dawn. “Damn it! Why is my life so screwed up?”
Footsteps echoed along the path. They stopped on the other side of the hedge and a hand reached through. A deep voice asked, “Everything all right?”
The handyman.
“Just...getting away from the lovebirds.” She jerked her head up to Gray and Abby’s window.
Kaden came around the plants and scanned the area. “Were you talking...to yourself?”
Here was someone to take her mind off her troubles. The soft lighting in Bess’s garden set a seductive mood. It barely lit her quarry, the hot Mr. Kaden Farrell.
She shook her hair so it cascaded over one shoulder. She excelled at wrapping men around her finger. “My life is in a bit of an upheaval right now.”
His eyebrows lowered. “That’s hard to imagine.”
She moved closer, swinging her hips. “I’m bored. I don’t suppose you know of any nightclubs or someplace we could have some fun?”
She set her hand on his chest. His muscles bunched under her fingers. She smoothed her hand up to his shoulder. Nice.
“I don’t have fun.” He caught her hand and pushed it away.
She stumbled into his body and looked up into his icy blue eyes.
His gaze flicked down to her lips and stayed there.
Her stomach fluttered. The hum of attraction was so much nicer than wallowing about having to work for Gray. She licked her upper lip. His nostrils flared. She stood on her toes so he wouldn’t have to bend too low to kiss her.
He stepped back. “Stop.”
Kaden was rejecting her? A handyman? She wanted to curl into a ball and hide. Instead, she whispered, “Stop?”
“I’m not here to entertain you.” He set a heavy hand on her shoulder, keeping her from moving closer.
“But we could... You’re a long way from Atlanta. Don’t you want...” Me? She never stumbled and stammered.
“It’s late and I need to...rest.”
He was making excuses? This couldn’t be happening. A handyman!
“No one ignores me,” she whispered. Louder, she snapped, “Just...just...stay out of my way.”
He pointed at her. “You’ve got it.”
A man had never looked at her with that kind of...animosity. The bushes rustled as he stomped away.
She slumped against the nearby palm tree. Why was her life out of control? She’d been ready to kiss him, and he’d shut her down.
The jerk! No man did that. Not to her. Somehow, she would figure out how to bring Mr. Kaden Farrell to heel.
And then she would treat him like the dog he was.