Читать книгу Creating Effective IEPs - Nancy Burton - Страница 6
Brief Contents
Оглавление2 1. Individualized Education Plans and the Law: IFSP, IEP, ITP, and SOPLitigation and Legislation—The Justification of Special EducationServing a PurposeIndividualized Plans Required by IDEA 2004The Individual Family Service Plan and Its ComponentsThe Individualized Education Plan and Its ComponentsThe Individualized Transition Plan and Its ComponentsSummary of Performance
3 2. Stages of IEP Development: Prereferral, Referral, Assessment, and EligibilityPrereferral InterventionActivity 2.1: Intervention PlanningReferral for EvaluationMultidisciplinary Evaluation Team and EvaluationEligibilityActivity 2.2: Explaining the Process to Parents
4 3. The IEP Team MeetingParticipants in the IEP MeetingWriting the IEPPresent Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional PerformanceActivity 3.1: Writing PLAAFPsAnnual GoalsActivity 3.2: Measurable Annual GoalsActivity 3.3: Writing Annual Goals From PLAAFPsStipulation of Special Education and Supplementary Aids and Related ServicesStipulation of Least Restrictive Environment and Placement OptionsStipulation of Participation in State and Districtwide AssessmentsStipulation of Location, Frequency, and Duration of ServicesTransition PlanningAge of MajorityMeasurement of Progress
5 4. The Individualized Transition Plan (ITP)Individualized Transition Plan DefinedPreparing the Individualized Transition PlanTransition IEP MeetingActivity 4.1: Preparing Appropriate Measurable Postsecondary Goals That Address EducationActivity 4.2: Preparing Appropriate Measurable Postsecondary Goals That Address EmploymentActivity 4.3: Resource Guide for Transition Services
6 5. Implementing the IEPEffective Collaboration Between General and Special Education TeachersCollaborative Teaching (Co-Teaching)Collaborative Teaching Planning ToolCo-Teaching Lesson Plan TemplateCo-Teaching Lesson Plan Template—Addressing IEP GoalsInstructional Design to Address IEP Goals and ObjectivesDifferentiated Instruction in Inclusive EnvironmentsKey Elements of Differentiated InstructionDifferentiating Instruction Lesson Plan TemplateActivity 5.1: Differentiating InstructionUniversal Design for Learning and the Inclusive EnvironmentPrinciples of Universal DesignElements of Universal Design for LearningActivity 5.2: Universal Design for Learning Lesson PlanningProgress ReportingAnnual ReviewTriennial ReviewActivity 5.3: The IEP Process—An Interactive ExperienceThe Journey’s End—A New Beginning
7 APPENDIX A: Federal Regulations—Title 34: 300.300-300.328
8 APPENDIX B: State Special Education Websites
9 APPENDIX C: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
10 APPENDIX D: CEC Code of Ethics
11 APPENDIX E: Supplemental MaterialsActivity 2.1: Intervention Planning MatrixActivity 3.1: Writing PLAAFPsActivity 3.3: Writing Annual Goals From PLAAFPsActivity 4.1: Preparing Appropriate Measurable Postsecondary Goals That Address EducationActivity 4.2: Preparing Appropriate Measurable Postsecondary Goals That Address EmploymentActivity 5.1: Differentiating InstructionActivity 5.2: Universal Design for Learning Lesson Planning