Читать книгу Had Eve Come First and Jonah Been a Woman - Nancy Werking Poling - Страница 5



During part of the 1980s and 1990s, I was blessed to be associated with the women of Downtown United Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York. Under the leadership of pastors Rose Mitchell and Gail Ricciuti, we met regularly for a Sunday evening gathering called Women, Word, and Song. I continue to value the way each woman in that group touched my life and inspired me to open my mind to new and meaningful images of God.

My thanks, too, to longtime friends Jeannine Steiner and Verna Todd for doing what good friends do: affirming my gifts and encouraging me to write from the heart.

I am grateful for advice from two scholars: Dr. Phyllis Bird, who advised me on how I might feminize male names, and Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether, who read the manuscript in an early stage. However, any inaccuracies of biblical times or characters are entirely my responsibility.

Fortunately, my husband, Jim, hasn’t kept a tally of the times I’ve interrupted his own writing to think out loud about mine. His theological training and feminist perspective, not to mention his patience, have been a tremendous resource.

Had Eve Come First and Jonah Been a Woman

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